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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. I agree that underage drinking at Blarney's would not be an offense that the NC$$ is likely to jump on. BUT that was only one of the numerous NC$$ violations occurring at the same time, same place, by the same athletes. Looking at them all at once rather than one at a time equals a big friggin' deal (if an investigation proves they happened) and UMTC should be given some sort of sanctions by the NC$$. I agree what happened at Blarney's is minor when compared to other schools NC$$'s violations. But, they were violations! I'm not asking for their banners to be stripped off their ceiling or for Goldy to face the firing squad but if there is suppose to be equality (yeah, I know, big joke) among the member schools the NC$$ better come up with something.
  2. Sioux-cia

    Sad News

    Wow, what a wonderful eulogy! I hope he's up there smiling and nodding at all the great things people remember and are saying about him.
  3. If anyone else wants to join us in the suite, there's still room at the inn.
  4. If you boys don't start playing nice, somebody's going to get a time out!!
  5. We just keep on getting better and better!!!
  6. Congratulations!! You're right it's nice to see our North Dakota offspring do well!
  7. Puleeese!!!! Keep your 'mine is bigger than yours' in the Reclassification to DI thread!!!
  8. While Googling the Blarney's incident came across the UMTC info. I'm prouder than ever of out student athletes!!! University of North Dakota UMTC http://www1.umn.edu/urelate/kiosk/1.00text/oped.html I don't know how many athletes there are at UMTC.
  9. Don't feed the pigeons, they'll keep coming back and leave a mess everywhere they've been.
  10. PCM, looks like your the one that knows me best!!!
  11. As long as you don't marry a goy, you should be ok.
  12. Reading some of these posts reminds me of a bunch of punch lines, "... three inches across the head" "....touches the bottom of the urinal" "....hang low" "...hit the barn" So how do we determine the winner? Ruler or yard stick? Sure glad I don't have that extra stuff to worry about.
  13. Our student athletes,including the band, cannot wear our name and logo in any post season NC$$ sponsered events>>Regionals, Frozen Four, etc.
  14. Sister Eventia must not know how to do a People Search on her PC. Oh wait, she probably doesn't know what a computer is. ...but she's persistent. Watch your back!!!
  15. Com'on sagard let's be realistic here. I agree with siouxguyinstpaul. Taking an underage prospect to a Gopher booster owned bar, not stopping him from drinking and/or accepting free alcohol and/or not paying a cover charge would be a violation of NC$$ recruiting rules. Student athletes accepting free admission (cover charge not free to non-student athletes) is a violation of NC$$ rules. Underage student athletes drinking alcohol is a violation of NC$$ rules. Student athletes giving a Gopher booster free or selling him hockey tickets is a violation of NC$$ rules. I don't know if all of the above is true. That's for a UMTC and NC$$ investigation to determine. But if even one is true, it's a violation of NC$$ rules. If it's just a matter of not paying a cover charge, the student can go and pay it now. The NC$$ will likely only give UMTC a slap on the wrist. If all the above are true, it's very likely there are more violations tied to those listed, the NC$$ should impose more severe punishment. It's not for me to say what but if they find all the charges are true and do nothing what message does that send to other schools/students. I did a brief Google search on NC$$ violations and found a school that self reported because student athletes accepted breakfast coupons from the motel management where they were staying-the students paid the bill later, a prospective student's meal was paid-he paid it later, a student got more than the recommended transportation allowance-he paid it back. Ignorance of the facts does not obsolve the school of culpibility.
  16. As a BHL, if I were on the jury it would come down to 1) some ones feelings getting hurt, 2) constitutional law (freedom of speech), 3) federal law (anti-trust). If you know any ACLU cases, you won't find any dealing with hurt feeling but there are a $h!t load of constitutional and federal law cases. Those right wingers are constantly trying to take away our constitutional rights and someone has to take them on! (OK, right wing, concealed gun carrying, capitalistic, religious zealot, homosexual hating, war mongerers, don't get your panites in a bunch, I'm only kidding!! )
  17. I can't answer your questions which are very relevant to the issue at hand. This is exactly why a win in a court of law will carry more weight than tribal approval. I AM NOT saying that we shouldn't have tribal approval. It would be great if we did. But given the fact that tribal leaders, as do their opinions, change near as often as the wind, we cannot rely on tribal approval to keep our name and logo. A court of law telling the NC$$ to get the f@## out of the PC busines will be much more valuable.
  18. Owwww! Bad mental image, bad mental image.....
  19. Thanks for my first laugh of the day!!! I love starting my day this way.
  20. I think that the NC$$ is going to do something about this. If UMTC were smart, they would self report. I understand the NC$$ likes it when schools report their own violations. Here's a lil' something for ya, MM. http://espn.go.com/ncaa/news/2001/0701/1220987.html
  21. Sister Evencia is gonna get you!!! But I like it!
  22. Just got my 'alum' email from Kup. I'm very proud of the following,
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