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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Can Jonathan participate at the Blackhawks tryout camp and maintain his NC$$ amateur status?
  2. At the old Ralph, there was no alcohol served. There was a three or more year waiting list for season tickets before the move to the new Ralph.
  3. He cut it last Thursday for charity>pediatric cancer research.
  4. Yes I was. Thanks. At least this wasn't as big a goof as when I asked 'Whats a wild pick?' Geeze.
  5. Way to go Jonathan!!! All those hours of practice, practice, practice have paid off. Your an asset to our Fighting Sioux hockey team and you will be an assest to the Blackhawks organization. We'd love to have you back for another year but ya gotta do what's best for you. I'll be following your career in the sports pages!!!
  6. NHL Central Scouting correctly picked four of the top five in order of pick. The only one they got wrong was picking Brassard to go forth. I didn't see Backstrom listed anywhere?!
  7. Announers are saying with the trade between the Wild and Kings means they're ready to start paying money for players which should make the Wild fans happy. They traded O'Sullivan with the pick.
  8. It's my understanding that only the top rated picks go to Vancouver. A lot of guys watch tv to see if and where they're picked.
  9. I can see it between 1 and 30 but 1 and 2? A lot of bucks between the first 5/10? Eh, what do I know, I'm only a college hockey fan.
  10. Another question, other than being able to say "I'm #1, 2,3, etc" what advantage is there to being drafted 1, 2, 3, etc?
  11. How long do you think it will take before the recruits let us know if they're going pro right away or will go back to school or where ever they come from for another year or more?
  12. I found OLN. Very grainy but viewable.
  13. Funny boy! Thanks for the link.
  14. Both pictures remind me of David Koresh! *shudder*
  15. When I read dmksioux's suggestion, I wasn't thinking of the name and logo issue. I also could give a rat's arse how doing something like this would appear to the name change crowd or anyone else for that matter. There are very good reasons that UND chose to name it's athletes 'Fighting Sioux' and we should share those reasons with fans/visitors.
  16. What a great idea!! I would like to see a room or adjacent building set up as a museum for Sioux Indian history. It would not stand out if it were interspersed with Sioux hockey memorabilia. Having a designated area would be more special. If it could be part of the arena, fans could visit it before games, between periods, or during the tours of the building. It could also be used as a classroom for public education. The Ralph could hire a curator that knows Sioux history and could conduct the tours, give classes to children and or adults, and could care for the artifacts. It would be awesome if a Sioux Indian with these qualifications could be the curator.
  17. I actually thought about bidding on a chance to be with Commy when he cut his hair for charity but didn't learn of it until the day before it was going to happen. Not enough notice to get air fare, time off work etc.
  18. FANTASTIC!!! Please do make a thread of the parade pictutes. Those that want can go into it and those that don't won't. Thank you!!
  19. Thanks for the memory!!! It was a fantastic game!! We always sat in Row four, Section B, behing the goalie, the best seats in the house as far as I was concerned. Where can I get a copy of that game? I'd love to watch it this summer.
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