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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Announcers and crowd put me in mind of the HC/MN game. 'Canes score
  2. There's a reason, very likely a very good reason that NDSU doesn't provide those programs and doesn't make a stink about UND providing them. Your previous post about duplication of services isn't correct. Wanting UND out of Fargo is not something that NDSU has requested/demanded/complained about. Before asking that UND get out of Fargo, I would first look at need, availability of the services from NDSU and asking NDSU if they want to provide those services.
  3. OK, back to you, why don't you?
  4. Is Commodore ever not on the ice!!
  5. Exactly, why couldn't you? If NDSU wanted to provide both, why don't they? I think it's because they don't want to. Those courses/programs are pretty specialized and I don't believe the number of students wanting them would support two programs in the entire state.
  6. Dirty, where do you work? I thought redwing77 said you were a shift supervisor at Burger King?
  7. Why do you assume that NDSU wants to provide those services? If they did, don't you think the NDSU President would already have raised a stink about it? Don't you think that perhaps both Universities recognize that the most qualified persons are providing the services? NDSU isn't providing those courses/programs in the 'daytime' why should they get money to provide it in the evenings/weekends?
  8. Geeszy peeszy!!! Oooh Weee, those 'Canes are worthy!!!!
  9. I thought Superman was gay? I can fake being gay in order to travel with a baseball team!! They might want to 'convert' me!
  10. So if he jumped in and slapped it out it's ok but not cover it with his body
  11. I want to be a bat girl!!!! (Just not for the Twins!)
  12. Ok, let's just look at your post. Why do you object to UND having a 'permanent presence in Fargo otherwise'. Is NDSU offering the educators in the Fargo area the same courses/programs that UND is offering them in Fargo? What do you suggest those educators who need/want these courses/programs do? Commute? ND already has some ot the the lowest paid educators in the country, do you suggest they also be the least educated because you don't want UND offering them continued education that is NOT being offered by NDSU? Why would anyone who wants an education protest any institution providing courses/programs in their community? If NDSU wants to offer courses/programs that are not available at UND in the GF area, NO ONE except someone without a concept of the importance and worth of education is going to protest!
  13. Yes they do! Made to order, bought and paid for!! For real!!
  14. MY credibility!! Such as Why focus on the ASS portion of my post and not the portion dealing with the programs/courses offered by UND in Fargo and the persons in Fargo who want them. The absurdity of the quotes from you and fellow Bison is too apparent to dispute!
  15. MY comment in response to the quotes listed below is right on. If you don't want the classes that UND is offering in Fargo, don't ASSume that others don't want and actually need them. NDSU is not offering the same courses or programs. If you read my entire response instead of the last sentence, you would know there is no duplication of programs/classes being offered by UND in the Fargo area. As a person with a post graduate degree who needs continuing education to keep my license, I would take classes from UMTC if they offered classes in GF that I need that are not offered by UND. My career is more important than a rivalry and so are the careers of the persons taking the classes UND provides in Fargo. In my opinion, UND offering those classes in Fargo has NOTHING to do with the Potts/Chapman battle.
  16. Sorry forgot who I was talking to>> So, which of the programs that are currently available from UND in Fargo (not online) are available at NDSU: Graduate Courses Leading to Endorsement in Teaching English Languare Learners Doctoral Degree in Educational Leadership Master of education Degree in Special Education Have you polled the educators in Fargo who are taking these courses and asked them if they want Kupchella to get the hell out of Fargo? Do any of you bison know if NDSU even wants to provide these classes to the Fargo educators who want and in many cases need them? Do any of you know that the persons taking these classes can only take them as offered because of their 'daytime' teaching jobs. I believe you are wrong to think that if NDSU offered evening/weekend classes that are not available at UND there would be an uproar. NDSU is NOT offering the courses so there is NO duplication of courses/programs. The fact that these classes are available in Fargo has NOTHING to do with this thread. I stand by my statement, 'Once again, SURPRISE, the mealy mouthed step sister to the south has managed to turn a thread that had nothing to do with UND or Kupchella into a hate fest for UND, et el.' Don't like my posts, NanoBison, put me on ignore!
  17. Once again, SURPRISE, the mealy mouthed step sister to the south has managed to turn a thread that had nothing to do with UND or Kupchella into a hate fest for UND, et el. *Heavy sigh*
  18. Succinct and to the point!
  19. I wish they had written UND Fighting Sioux rugger. A 25 yr old bat boy?
  20. Nope, the saying goes "...the pot calling the kettle black."
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