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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. WOW!!! Great hockey player, role model, leader, good looking and IRONMAN times three years in a row!!! Yep, he is definitely Captain material.
  2. I know that breaking records is important but I gotta think that going out with some dignity, maybe that's the wrong word, going out while you're still thought of as one of the best is more important. I totally agree with you there. Moss is an embarassment to all athletes. I don't care how good he is, he's a terrible human being, IMHO.
  3. I went with Jones,too. But for an entirely different reason. I remember my son calling Jones 'psycho' more than once last season.
  4. Do you know what the scariest thing about this incident is? The fact that this type of thing is happening more and more frequently! What is happening in our country?
  5. You're likely right but I keep remembering TJ as being a real team player (I'm not saying Jonathan wasn't). He was always in the mix of things and helping make things happen. I don't know, I just think we're damn lucky to have both these young men on 'our side'.
  6. That's correct. Schlorships, money, buildings, outreach, etc. are not the barometers with which to measure 'hostile or abusive' anything.
  7. TJ is more likely pass the puck for the sure goal than to make the play himself. I see him as having the highest number of assists the whole time we're lucky to have him here. That's why I see Jonathan as leading the team in goals.
  8. The score = no offense and the # of sacks = no defense.
  9. Unfortunately, it's not hard to sneak anything in past the guards. The number of people going in an out at the same time during breaks in the game makes it really easy. One of the people I saw drinking out of a glass bottle of beer was sitting in the row in front of me. It was a woman with a 2 or 3 year old on her lap.
  10. Banned from here, otherwise NOTHING! I was the victim but the University said they need to protect GK's confidentiality so won't tell me if they disciplined him for his computer hacking or not. I don't believe anything was done because he graduated and is now in grad school. I don't know in which department but it must be one where moral character and ethics are not of consequence.
  11. C. is the best choice, so far.
  12. We're in row M. I hope security took whoever it was out and charged him/her with disorderly conduct. Babies, the elderly, anyone can be severly injured by glass bottles. Does anyone know about the alcohol in the seats rule? I have no problem turning anyone in to security if it prevents even one episode like yours.
  13. If warriorIQ8 really was in GF today, which I doubt very much, and had to leave due to plans in the cities he had to have paid for an extra night in his motel room that he wasn't planning on using. Aren't most check out times between 11 and 1 o'clock? Everything about this dude makes me think he's about 10 years old and is posing as a college student or adult. If that isn't the fact, he's really, really stupid and his parents erred when they didn't institutionalise him long ago.
  14. Our seats are in 207. Which row did this happen, I missed it. I did go to the ladies room at half time. Did security take him/her out? I sure hope so. I saw more than one person drinking beer in bottles in their seats. I thought no one could take beer to their seats?
  16. It's always fun when we win!!! By the by, I didn't see more than 20 purple and white wearing fans in the stands. Did the winona IQ 8 and his 20 friends not collect enough cans to make the trip?
  17. UND 38 Winona 16 Off to tailgate!! I'm having a brat and lots of beer for you SiouxMD!!
  18. I believe that you can call the ticket office and tell them that you're giving your tickets to someone and they can pick up duplicate tickets at the ticket office. At least you can with hockey tickets. Should work the same for other sports. Worth checking into.
  19. That's the way it is for 'true' fans. I hate those so-called fans who only suppport their team when it wins. I know I have tunnel vision when it comes to Chicago athletics and fans but, IMHO, Chicago fans are the best! Damn, you only have to look at our teams , , and the waiting list for season tickets, , to know that. I love a good rivalry. Much to the embarassment of my relatives, I will cheer for the Pack before I will cheer for the Vikings. It's more fun given where I live now. If I were still in Chicago that would never happen. Since leaving Chicago, I am now cheering for both the Sox and the Cubs!! That almost got me kicked out of my sisters house! According to the relatives, cheering for the Cubs is tantamount to cheering for the devil. But, I just can't help myself!
  20. Bull$#it. Tuition is not a donation. This is what pays for their entry into sports events. Unfortunately, given the cost of maintaining an athletic department that will draw top athletes, costs a lot of money. If the students left 4,000 and more seats empty, makes sense to give those seats to folks who donate big bucks. I don't agree that the donors should have gotten the best seats.
  21. Makes sense to me to scale down BUT I can also see the other sides point of view. Closing some of the schools will inevitably result in the death of a community. I believe that is the main reason schools haven't closed to date. Tough decisions.
  22. I have to agree with you about Favre. When not playing the Bears, I cheered for him many a time (don't tell the relatives in Chicago, the mantra there is 'NEVER cheer for the Pack!!') I just hate seeing him in the present situation. He's too great a QB to go out like this. Retirement is the better option.
  23. Another player from the 'Dream Team' goes pro. http://goholycross.cstv.com/sports/m-hocke.../091106aaa.html
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