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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Congrats to the Bison on their win this week end. Beat the dirty Gophers in their house.
  2. I hope so. I was expecting a much better game yesterday against these two big rivals. I'm just glad the Bears made the necessary changes and were able to come up with the win!
  3. Bears 19 Vikings 16 I was at the game and really not impressed by either team. On the other hand, Urlacher is frickin' awesome. It's like he comes out of no where. One minute he's yards from the guy with the ball and then his body is seen literally flying across the field and BOOM, the other guy goes down!! A thing of beauty, I tell ya, a thing of beauty!!! http://www.startribune.com/510/story/697829.html If anyone has this picture, I would love to have it! PM please.
  4. rodriqass's attorney referred to him as a 'child of God'. NO, NO, NO, I do not believe that and never will. He is an animal, a devil and the manner he has lived his life proves that without a shadow of a doubt. He may have been born a 'child of God' but he chose to take the path to hell. He chose it, it was his decision, no one, nothing forced him to become the animal he is. I don't believe he is even human. I am happy that he has been sentenced to death. While the this trial is over, let us not forget it's not over for Dru's family and friends. They have to live every day without Dru. They'll remain in my prayers.
  5. Sioux-cia


    No biggie. I was primarily responding to your statement which I bolded.
  6. I'm glad to see he's signed!!! I think he's one of the best 'snipers' in hockey. I hope I get to see him play again.
  7. Hmmm, never have seen him on skates but.. OK
  8. He's already lived way too long
  9. Sioux-cia


    Hunt him down, put him on skates and have him participate in some checking drills, especially the 'what will draw a penalty' drills.
  10. Woooo, Whooooo!!!!! First goal, Dunan First penalty, Jones First freshman in scorebook, Genoway See ya at the tailgate!!!!!
  11. Sioux-cia


    AND I have pictures!!!
  12. Sioux-cia


    As a healthcare provider, I wish to add there is a LOT more that can be involved in an orbital eye injury including fracture: 1. double vision 2. blurred vision 3. cranial and /or optic nerve damage which can affect vision, eye movement. loss of facial sensation and loss of movement on the affected side of the face 4. sinking of the eye ball into the eye socket 5. infection which in extreme cases can cause meningitis (I knew a guy who was hit in the eye with a softball who ended up in ICU for two weeks due to his injury) 6. the eye contents can herniate into the maxillary sinus There's probably more but this is all I can come up with right now. I don't want anyone to make light of an eye injury. As I said before, an orbital eye injury can be life life threatening, albeit, in extreme cases.
  13. Why are ndsu fans concerned about UND's success in the move to D1? Are they really trying to save us from 'whatever'? There must be a lot of head spinning and pea soup spewing going on over in bisonville.
  14. Another Holy Cross player goes pro! Although he didn't play at the REA, he was a member of the Holy Cross 'dream team'. http://goholycross.cstv.com/sports/m-hocke.../092106aaa.html
  15. What the he!! is he talking about!! The institutions that stopped using Native American nicknames, symbols and mascots did not stop voluntarily. They did so because the NC$$ threatened them. The NC$$ said if they didn't stop they could not host post season athletic events. I don't consider that in anyway, shape or form to be a 'voluntary' action.
  16. Sioux-cia


    WHAT!! This is our goalie for goodness sake! They should find the punk, take him out back, teach him to NEVER mess with a FIGHTING SIOUX hockey player and then, throw his butt in jail for life!! OK, I'm only kidding. You're right of course.
  17. Sioux-cia


    OMG! If his orbital socket is fractured, this can be a potentially life threatening injury. I would file charges against the A$$Hole!
  18. Sioux-cia


    My kid works part time at a 'club' where Philippe worked as a bartender. I think Philippe works across the street from that club at another club now. I'm only posting this because we're not sure if he was hit because he works in a bar or because he's an athlete. My kid breaks up fights every night he works. I think it's sad that people can't go out to have a good time without having stupid drunks ruining it.
  19. Does this mean the attorney doesn't think the case will be 'overturned'?
  20. Sure they like playing indoors, so what?! Why won't we have a home play off game when we make the playoffs? Unless you're one of the lawyers for the NC$$ or UND, you can't know that. And since you haven't graduated from Jr. High yet, it's highly unlikely that you are an attorney.
  21. ...oh, and Schneider game worn, signed jerseys.
  22. There are many season ticket holders who only attend one game or none per season. I have four season tickets and more often than not have one empty seat. This past game there were several empty seats in the row above and below mine. The number reported does not reflect the actual attendance.
  23. Don't have a copy but ran across this when I was looking for something else. http://www.hdhockey.tv/details_10
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