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Everything posted by Greyeagle

  1. Wheeler apparently committed to MN earlier today.
  2. Why would the Edmonton paper have an "org" address? Fishy....
  3. Breck as in bucco $$$$$$ tuition.
  4. Tell me about it Sic....I thought MN/Vanek was safe from the NHL as the swords had no chance in hell at a playoff spot. Well color me ignorant. My son the Blues fan checks the paper every day for a playoff update and pointed this out to me today - thank God they traded Ballard or I think he'd be gone in a heartbeat - and asked if I thought Vanek would sign if they made it. Cripes.
  5. With Buffalo sneaking up on a playoff spot (shocking!) methinks Vankek's on their roster if they make it - assuming he can still be on the playoff roster. The could certainly use some scoring punch.
  6. Yes, I'm aware of the "obsession" on POI. j/k
  7. Thanks guys. MafiaMan is 100% correct, no sympathies needed, it's a hockey game - and two dam good ones to boot. UMDdogz - Go get 'em man and enjoy the ride!
  8. Tough way for a great season to end. You'll probably get some troll here.....don't forget some of us have manners, and a game to play.
  9. Glad I'm not a CCHA fan this weekend. Actually, this is true every weekend.
  10. dagies - The Maroon Loon used to be the best of the best of the best, back in the day when the Loon was a rouge, unauthorized mascot. You've probably seen most of Goldy's stuff (sledding, signs, etc), most all bits started by the original Maroon Loon. Since it's been brought into the official fold at UMD the Loon is not nearly as entertaining.
  11. Time for a new map. Mariucci Arena is # 4 / Xcel Energy Center is #6
  12. Koalska's dad (and brothers too) is the greatest. I've been able to speak with him several times. Through a family connection Bernie was able to get Matt to get my son a mini-hockey stick signed by the entire 2002 Gopher team and for that Matt will always have special place for me.
  13. They you shouldn't have any problems. I hate dinks - and it sounds like you met some classic dinks. I just don't get the whole "act like a puke bit" some people have to exhibit. On Friday my tickets (I bought them from a buddy of dagies, sect. 204) were behind a large group of Sioux fans with two Gopher fans between them (the smart ones of the group . These guys were great to yack back and forth with and we had a good 'ole time. I also ran into some Sioux fans at O'Gara's Saturday night and kidded with them some.....but also wished them luck before I left.
  14. Mafia Man - You and me, next year, the X for one game at the final five. Whaddaya say?
  15. Greyeagle


    "Second rate" programs are not in the running for a top four NCAA bid the last weekend before NCAA play nor do "second rate" programs call Duluth home. Second rate programs call (insert ECAC college town here) home.
  16. Almost the same article that appeared in this morning's Star-Tribune, written by Judd Zulgad who covers sports media.
  17. And we're the arrogant ones? But you're right, the big game is looming. I hope MN is there.
  18. He's just selective. Good to meet you Friday, dagies.
  19. DS - MN player (Talackson) in the crease.
  20. I thought you guys would enjoy this article.
  21. Hauser Weber Briggs We thrive with mediocre goaltending.
  22. Ask me if I was thinking "here we go again" when UMD got two early goals. The correct answer should be a resounding "YES!" I admit I never thought we could come back 2-0 and 3-1, it just hasn't been this year's makeup so far this year. Glad to see though.
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