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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. Don't even try to compare attendance with NDSU. 5000 to 12000
  2. Maybe but the team we were playing didn't help either.
  3. We'll have a sell out and by the way 12,000 for the Thanksgiving weekend was the best in the FCS last year in the first round.
  4. It hasn't hurt our games. UNI and Youngtown were sellouts and both on TV.
  5. My only complaint with the field is Ill State didn't get in. They are one team I wouldn't like to play again. They beat USD 28-3 and only allowing them 108 total yards. There D is really good and quick. Other than that I think JMU is going to be a challange, with the qb back and nothing to lose they could be hard to beat.
  6. If he was a true 3 star there'd be a ton of schools after him. Right in UNI and SIU backyard and no interest?
  7. Hard to believe that no one had the stones to get this stopped!
  8. Reason is he is a high end recruit. Look at who he has offers from! MAC schools, UNI, NDSU - He was never interested in UND. He's also has a 3.9 GPA. Sometimes a recruit doesn't consider some schools we've had some of those.
  9. FB at NDSU pays ALL the bills. Too bad they don't make all the schools account for their sports the same way.
  10. First of all I doubt very much fb at UND makes money. Figure it out with the attendance you have and $75 season tickets to seat where you want. In accounting you can take from some accounts and plug others.
  11. In reading the last 3 pages of posts it looks like to me you're trying to convince yourselves you know (Athletic Dept) what you are talking about. UND is a hockey school period. The other sports are looked on as only ancillary to hockey. If they win fine if not - Hey we have hockey! I know alot of UND fans and they're all hockey fans that have the idea that the other sports should be "competitive". But in the long run as long as the hockey team is winning that's all that matters. Look at the fight over the Sioux name as a example of that. The majority of hockey fans would still throw the "other" sports under the bus to keep the name if it was up to them.
  12. WOW Darell - The GWC was created by Mr. Douple and Gene Taylor as a transitional conference for independants and transitioning DII schools in 2004 - our first year of the transition. Is the NCC 2.0 suppose to be some kind of smack? You do know that the NCC was the best DII conference in the country when it was running don't you? And believe me Darell you know nothing that I would ever need to share with anyone.
  13. Darell why don't you just go back to all the smack NDSU recreived from you guys during our transition years? You guys were saying alot of the same stuff. 8 years ago the BSC was the ONLY option. NDSU is very happy where they are right now with multiple bus trips for travel instead of flying to every contest. You guys are happy with the BSC, great be happy. So why all the pages of posts about "how NDSU wishes it was in the BSC" and "how the BSC is so much better" which we all know is bs. Seems like you're trying to convince yourselves of something. If Montana and MSU decided to leave in a couple of years you'd be wishing them well I'm sure. As far as winning I think ALL our sports teams have done very well to date and I won't bother to list all the big wins, but to just say that NDSU was the only FCS school to have all our fall sports last year in NCAA tournments.
  14. BB is where they get there big donations and high priced seats.
  15. SIU is a BB school just like you guys are a hockey school - Do you actually believe that hockey doesn't pay all the bills at UND?
  16. Why would UND have anything to do with it? We don't play you any time soon. I think you guys have delusions of grandeur - that everything revolves around UND football and everyone is worried about you. If you were 4-0 then you might have a point but not being playoff eligible it's no big deal in the playoff scope of things. I think dropping 6 spots during the bye week was the source of contention.
  17. If they weren't mixed up last week why did UND drop out of the polls with a win? Confused last week - not confused this week. See? And really who cares - the only poll that matters is the last one of the season.
  18. I thought you were describing UND hockey fan. Really hate? I think jealousy is a better word.. Especially when the whole state and even gf is talking about the Bison-Gopher game and NO ONE is paying attention to spud bowl.
  19. First good one in about 7 years. I doubt he'll be very impressed by Black Hills.
  20. Sometime's the star's align - good pickup.
  21. Really - I went to 5 sites and 4 had N/A and one had it even.
  22. Actually Bohl is really high on Wentz. 6-5 - runs better than the other 2 and is very smart both in the classroom and on the field. Would be hard for Molberg to crack. The two qb poor teams at this time are UND and SDSU. Makes sense for him to choose either one of the two if he wants to play. As we have found out with high school qb's that are stars they are not guaranteed to be college stars.
  23. Love how you guys all say MN is so bad when we are going to play them. Are they any worse than Idaho or Fresno? Last year they won their last two games against Iowa and ILL and opened this year and played USC to almost a draw. Their last game they beat last years MAC champion. They had a bad game against NMSU but hell who doesn't have bad games once in awhile. We'll see what happens, we could be pee down our leg and get taken to the wood shed.
  24. I wish they would stop doing the coach's poll as most don't really give a sh$t about it, ie Cal-Poly' s and SDSU position. SDSU is not a very good team right now.
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