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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. A might touchy aren't we? It will be interesting.
  2. I'm sure the lack of a proven qb had nothing to do with it.
  3. Not every school has the same needs. Once we get the final monies for the BSA the softball complex will be upgraded. We'll have all our facilities in one area and all new and impressive.
  4. The point is was UND counting on the 10 million for the IPA? If so it might be a long time to get it started. I guess Kelly over promised some fb recruits.
  5. It will be interesting how they distribute the tickets. I can easily see NDSU having as many fans there as USD if they let them.
  6. I wonder what Altru promised Kelly to talk him out of the 10 million Sanford money. Looks like Kelly's promise to fb recruits will be off the mark (another poster posted that). Altru having money problems?? Heard that Sanford is looking to up the ante to NDSU now. http://www.grandforksherald.com/event/article/id/234769/group/homepage/
  7. Are you sure they won't be glued to the TV watching the NDSU spring game? Just kidding - Haven't heard any think about the UND spring game- anything happening besides the game?
  8. Well if UND has a lot of fans out there with the mentiality of DaveK you're screwed!
  9. What no faith in your team?
  10. You're not very smart are you homer? I have never argued for keeping the name and in fact have been against the NCAA from the start. But I'm also not ready to obsolve UND of all blame like some of you posters like to do. It never should have gotten to point were "Carlson" could interfere and it should have been handled years ago. Wonder who dragged this thing out? UND fans! This whole thing has nothing to do with NDSU. It's self-infected for the most part. That's been my whole point since day one.
  11. Point is why would the SBoHE take this mess on if not asked to by UND officials? You know damn well they were asked to off load the name change as to minimize any damage to the university. Once it was out of UND hands they lost control and now we're at the point we're at.
  12. You guys are missing the point - it never should have gotten to the SBoHE, so the legislature couldn't interfere. Yes dick head Al got the ball rolling but he had a lot of support by UND grads along the way. Remember the hockey people were fighting this all the way and if they would have accepted the change I highly doubt Al would have gotten involved.
  13. Yeah keep sticking your head in the sand and blaming everyone else. What are you 14? Do you really think the SBoHE wanted this hot potato thrown at them? Think what you want but the "powers to be" at UND knew they had to change the name but didn't want any part in doing it and were all too willing to off load it.
  14. Exactly right. It was the insistence of UND supporters (Alumni Assoc.) that kicked this thing out of UND's control (scared of losing donations) out to the SBoHE. Once there it was fair game for the legislature to get involved and all the politics that go with it. You guys have no one to blame but yourselves.
  15. Why would you move down from a DI coordinator job to a DII coordinator? Something else going on?
  16. So when does the ax fall on UND Baseball?
  17. Thanks for using NDSU as your measuring stick for success - There is no way in hell that NDSU uses UND for any measure of success in anything. Big difference between the two schools.
  18. BS - Easy to pick on the summit league but what about MVFC? I've been to all but Youngstown and SIU. The first year at UNI we had over 3000 fans which annoyed the locals big time. We get a larger following for SDSU fb and bb is good too. We have a alumni tent at every away FB game. You must have your head in the sand if you don't know how well NDSU travels. Ask MN or Frisco, TX. Nothing more fun than to tailgate at a away game and then beat them up.
  19. The only people that are trying to "screw" UND athletics are the UND hockey people. This is all hockey related as there are lots of hockey only posters on this thread that are for keeping the name. NDSU has nothing to do with it and in fact are sick of the whole process. I'm thinking that there won't be a vote and the issue will die (hopefully). You need to direct your anger somewhere else.
  20. Calson's beef is with the SBoE and he's just using this (Fighting Sioux) as a means to take them down.
  21. Remember the NCAA has to sign off on that.
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