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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. This is total crap. I skipped a party that my wife wanted me to go to so I could watch this preview. Now I'm half in the dog-house for nothing.
  2. If they don't fix this fast, they better offer another free trial or nobody's going to buy the thing.
  3. Me neither. I wonder if we need to close out of the window and open up a new one???
  4. I'm keeping the window open and just pressing play once in a while. I hope that it works one of these times.
  5. I thought I would at least get a Sioux logo or something....all I'm getting is a black screen. Anyone else?
  6. Crap. I can't get a picture. I've been able to watch all the previews but can't get the game tonight...this sucks.
  7. I'll be around. There's usually a game thread on uscho as well...but I've pretty much given up on uscho so I'll stay here. Why not watch on dataflix phoenix? It's free tonight.
  8. Update - a federal judge overturned the ruling of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Commission. While it's a good decision, I still don't like the idea of a federal judge deciding what is offensive and what isn't for patents and trademarks. Given how liberal the legal profession is coming, this Judge's decision is soon to be overturned in due time.
  9. Denver was the wcha pre-season pick last season...CC ultimately won. There goes that rebuttal.
  10. I've heard that Michigan can't schedule non-conference teams with Indian nicknames except in tournaments.
  11. A similar article: CBA: Understanding the Issues
  12. mksioux

    Nov 7/8

    You can try your luck here: http://theralph.com/ticketexchange/
  13. My understanding is that the WCHA (not the NCAA) is making the change for league games. I've heard this rumor numerous times from numerous sources, but I've yet to see an official release/story. I personally don't like the idea. Maybe someone should start a poll.
  14. I believe Karl G started out the 00-01 season as a captain, but gave it up midway through the year so he could concentrate solely on goaltending.
  15. I think you make some valid points in your last post. Actually, I like a lot of the points made on this thread about other candidates. I think McMahon would make a good captain and I like the idea of getting Bo involved in the leadership for the very reasons skateshattrick articulated. I'm sure Schneider would be great too. You can't go wrong with any of them (which is a good problem to have). But I disagree with those who think Ryan Hale should not be captain. While there are other worthy candidates, I still think Ryan should wear the C. IMO, demoting Ryan would be making quite a negative statement about him and could unnecessarily divide a locker room and do damage to team unity. Obviously the team thought very highly of Ryan to vote him captain last year. Unless something egregious has happened since then (which I'm aware of nothing), I think a team will tend to stick with their captain for his senior year. Of course since we're not in the locker room, we don't know what's really going on. But nonetheless, I would be shocked if somebody other than Ryan Hale is named captain. btw- I also see Prpich wearing the C or A at some point during his tenure at UND. I really like the way he plays the game. He doesn't have the skills of a Parise, but he has a great work ethic on the ice and is a joy to watch.
  16. It would probably be okay to discuss Howard Dean in the Sioux name forum as long as it's in the context of how a possible Dean Administration might affect the Sioux name (in the Department of Justice, Dept. of Education, etc.). When it delves into his stance on guns, same-sex unions, etc. it becomes entirely off-topic. I don't fault anyone for straying off topic because I'm guilty of it myself. It's hard not to sometimes. When threads go astray, I'm okay with them being locked.
  17. I don't base my Parise "A" on his point production on the ice. I base it largely upon the stories I heard about him taking it upon himself to better himself by skating at the Ralph during off-times and having the natural leadership ability to have almost the entire team follow suit. It seemed to set a positive tone for the team.
  18. I don't have any inside info, but here are my predictions: C - Ryan Hale A - David Lundbohm A - Zach Parise #24 - Brady Murray #18 - Drew Stafford #4 - Matt Smaby #21 - Robbie Bina #16 - Chris Porter #17 - Erik Fabian #26 - Foyt (if he makes the team) #1 - Jordan Parise #31 - Nate Ziegelmann
  19. Heisenberg has him committed to Nebraska-Omaha.
  20. And Heisenberg misspelled Foyt's name. I'm not sure where Heisenberg gets his information, but it's possible that he (like us) simply saw the Bozeman release and then added Foyt's name to his list.
  21. I believe what CRC is referring to is that Foyt has been added to Heisenberg's '03 list.
  22. Students are a unique and valuable part of the Sioux hockey experience IMO. They should get special treatment (cheaper tickets, choice seating, etc.). Most current Sioux hockey fans fell in love with the team while they were students. For the sake of the continuity of tradition and the well-being of the program, students are an integral part of the equation. Students do have some legitimate complaints about this system. I think students have a right to complain and this is a good forum in which to do it. I've never said that students should shut up about the issue. I just wish they'd keep the issue in perspective (thanks WPoS) and refrain from the REA-bashing. While most student posters do keep the issue in perspective while complaining, I get a little bent out of shape when I think someone has taken it too far. REA and the AD are not perfect, but it's not like their first mission in life is to screw over the students.
  23. I'm not just talking about the homosexual issue. Catering for votes or not...I was watching C-SPAN this weekend and he showed up at a rally in D.C. by (what seemed to me to be) a revolutionary-type African American activist group. You know...the type where someone gets up and rants about how the Bush administration is the real terrorists, compare Bush to Hitler, and claim that Connie Rice, Colin Powell, and Clarence Thomas are all Uncle Toms blah blah blah. The only candidates that appeared on the stage were Dean, Sharpton, and Mosley-Braun. That says quite a bit about where the guy stands and what type of groups will have his ear if he becomes President.
  24. If the name ever changes it will be from outside forces, such as the NCAA or the Department of Justice. The nickname is pretty safe on a local/state level, but it is far from safe on the national level. Imagine a Department of Justice under a Dean administration.
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