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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. mksioux


    First, major college athletic programs in ANY market try to make as much money as they can...that concept is not unique to UND or Grand Forks. Second, REA can only make as much money as people are willing to spend. If the GF economy is as terrible as you say it is, then REA wouldn't have been able to make the kind of money it was able to make BEFORE they even offered the webcast. Third, REA is trying to make money "in other forms" because there is a market for it. Period. Once again...NOBODY is forcing you to buy the webcast games. If you think the premium package is too expensive THAN DON'T BUY IT. If you can't get over the fact that they're not offering a road game package, think of it this way: You'll likely be able to watch the @Minnesota and @Wisconsin series on tv. That leaves about 10 road games. There's your road package for $90.
  2. I remember going there as a kid. I remember Brent Bobyck was my group leader one year. And I think I got in a fight with some kid from South Dakota that year...was that you PCM? Sounds like it's still a great camp...probably even better. I can't wait to send my kids there someday. But I 'spose I have to have kids first.
  3. mksioux


    Thanks for the info Chris. I just checked out the sample press conference and the video quality ismuch better. ...and I stand humbly corrected on the road games comment. With that new package, it looks like I may not be leaving my computer room this fall/winter.
  4. mksioux


    I don't see that happening because it would require REA or WDAZ to send a production crew on the road...which is expensive. What ever happened to UND's talks with Victory Sports to carry away games? I've heard both Mankato and St Cloud have inked deals with Victory. Come on...there's a way bigger following for Sioux hockey in the Minn-Dak viewing area.
  5. mksioux


    Maybe someone with more knowledge of webcasting can opine about this. I'm not familiar with the technical aspect of it, but it just seems to me that the technology exists to produce a better picture. The quality of ESPN motion is tons better. Perhaps the picture quality is limited by the technical capabilities of WDAZ or whoever is producing the game? If so, I wouldn't expect an improvement next year. It would be nice to buy the premium package for the same price as the basic package...but to do so requires a purchase by Septemeber 15 (before I would get a chance to see the quality in one of the free games). I guess beggers can't be choosers...it's another option for those of us held captive in the Twin Cities during hockey season.
  6. I agree that there is a fundamental difference between Redskins and Sioux. However, I don't like the idea that the Sioux's federal trademark could be at the mercy of a 3-Judge panel in D.C., who have the authority to decide whether the nickname/logo is offensive. That just seems rediculous to me. I'm surprised an activist group hasn't already tried to extend this ruling beyond the Redskins by bringing a complaint against other teams. I'm sure it's just a matter of time. ***I'm assuming the Sioux have a federal trademark for their nickname and logo...not all companies/organizations choose the federal protection route (but most do). Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
  7. In 1999, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office revoked the federal trademark of the Washington Redskins. The decision would not take effect until the team could appeal. I don't know all the details of where the team appealed to initially, but I noticed that this week that the team went before a U.S. District Court Judge to seek to overturn the decision. This appears to be the newest battleground for the leftist activists to eliminate American Indian nicknames and logos. The idea is that without federal trademark protection, teams could lose massive amounts of money and would be forced into changing their nicknames. The three-judge panel in the patent and trademark office relied on a 1946 federal trademark law that says trademarks cannot be protected if they are "disparaging, scandalous, contemptuous or disreputable." Thus, the fate of Indian nicknames could hinge on bureaucrats and Judges deciding whether the nickname is "disparaging, scandalous, contemptuous or disreputable" to Indian culture. Considering the left's infiltration into these institutions, that does not bode well. Of course, if the Redskins indeed lose their federal trademark protection, they can still rely on state law to protect their trademark, but it will likely open a slew of litigation in every state. I suppose this is the reason the Redskins have introduced their alternate jersies and helmets...to hedge against the possibility that this legal issue is not resolved in their favor. The implications to the Sioux nickname and logo are slight at this point. The panel focused sharply on the "offensiveness" of the term Redskins and its linguistic history. But I thought it was relevant to put in this forum because we all know that the leftist activists will use any victory they achieve to try to advance their agenda. I always thought the battlefield for determining whether these nicknames were offensive would be fought in the public marketplace of ideas...where it ought to be fought. Instead, it appears as though it will also be fought with trademark litigation...with Judges as the final arbiter. I'm beginning to believe that people can be ruled just as easily, effectively, and arbitrarily by a select few in the judiciary as they can under a King.
  8. Yes...the facts are the facts and UND has played musical goalies more than most programs. However, I didn't appreciate the way the writer tried to tie Karl Goehring into his agenda. He should have simply said that Karl was an aberration. To make Karl fit into his agenda, the writer focuses on one game out of 4 great years that Karl was clearly the #1 goalie. Yes, he got injured a couple times and Andy Kollar was good in relief...but once Karl won the starting role his freshman year, he was ALWAYS "the man" until he graduated. Heck, even when Karl was hurt for the regionals and Andy played well, Blais came back to Karl for the Frozen Four. I don't think anyone can claim with a straight face that Karl's tenure at UND was anything but a great success.
  9. Just wondering if anyone else has read this article on insidecollegehockey.com. Any comments?
  10. mksioux


    There is no such thing as "ultimate jurisdiction." The Feds may have had jurisdiction had there been enough evidence to charge Brandon with a FEDERAL offense. There may very well have been enough evidence to do so, but the Feds chose not to pursue it for whatever reason.
  11. mksioux


    On a related note - any fan from an opposing team who calles Bochenski a "convicted felon" is technically inaccurate. His plea deal was such that he would enter a diversion program for 2 years...and upon successful completion, the case would be dismissed and the felony conviction would be wiped from his record. He has succesfully completed his diversion program and the case has been dismissed. I know that this is lawyer-speak but it is factual. ...and NO I'm not related to Brandon nor do I know him. This is all public information.
  12. mksioux


    PCM...you beat me to the retort. And yes you are correct...the less serious forgery crimes are often prosecuted at the state level. ...and NO there is NOT a federal court in Anoka County.
  13. mksioux


    When was a member of the Sioux charged with a FEDERAL offense? I remember BB being charged in STATE court, but I don't remember anyone getting charged in FEDERAL court. I could be wrong I guess.
  14. It's a syllable thing. Because both "Brave" and "Sioux" are one-syllable words, "Sioux" sounds better than "Gophers" or "Bison" at the end of the anthem.
  15. The only reason R. Hale played defence at all last year was because the Sioux only had 7 defencemen on their roster and D. Hale was injured for a good part of the year. Right now, there are only 7 defencemen coming for sure (Schneider, Fuher, Jones, Greene, Marvin, Smaby, and Bina). Dahlen is a possibility (I haven't heard whether he's trying out or not) and Radke is doubtful in my opinion (the Herald story was probably wrong). Hopefully one of the two come because I think 8 is the ideal number of defencemen for a roster.
  16. Actually, there aren't that many defencemen on the roster for this season. Without Radke, there are about 7 or 8 defencemen on the roster this season, depending on if Dahlen comes (and that includes Marvin as a defenceman). I think 8 is the ideal number and a lot of teams have 9 on their roster. I wouldn't mind seing Radke come this season, especially if Dahlen doesn't come (or if he comes and doesn't make the team). We saw last year that 7 defencemen on the roster is just not enough. If nobody leaves early, there will actually be more competition for Radke if he waits until '04 to come. That's because there are no senior defencemen on the team this season and Luke Beaverson is scheduled to come to UND in '04 (and possibly Jay Rosehill). Either way there's going to be a lot fo defencemen on the roster in '04-'05. btw redwing - there's no chance of Radke red-shirting if he comes this fall. That wouldn't make any sense. If he's not going to play for UND, he'll play in the AJHL this season. The only red-shirting I ever hear about in college hockey these days is a medical red-shirt.
  17. Ummm, given the god-like status of those guys in Grand Forks in 1987, the last sentence of the above paragraph could be taken two ways.
  18. Ummm, I believe I "broke" this news in the "former players" thread. But this link has a little more info in it. Does anyone know why Ian left UND after his sophomore season? I see he went to play in the ECHL, but why? He wasn't a serious NHL prospect was he? I've always been a little curious about this.
  19. To me, everything *reported* is irrelevant except for the Sioux-Gopher game possibly not being aired. But that doesn't matter too much either because I'd just go to Joe Senser's and watch the game off the Sioux satellite feed, like I do for all the other home games. So what if Blais said that about the goalies. Boring. Who cares what the Wild would have done with Parise, he didn't fall to the Wild. But even if he had, I doubt anything was set in stone as I'm sure the decision to leave depends on numerous factors, including his progression in college, his bulk, and the CBA. Seems to me any organization would take a year-by-year approach. There probably are some close to the Sioux program that would not worry too much about Blais leaving. Either Steve Johnson or Scott Sandelin would make an excellent replacement. Having said that, it's nice to have Blais staying another few years.
  20. I found this article on ajhl.ca MEDIA RELEASE No. 2 - July 8, 2003 08-Jul-2003 2003-2004 News Archive2002-2003 News Archive2001-2002 News Archive2000-2001 News Archive1999-2000 News Archive1998-1999 News ArchiveList All ArticlesAJHL official website Ian Kallay has submitted his resignation as general manager/coach of the Drayton Valley Thunder of the Alberta Junior Hockey League to accept a position as an assistant coach in the Western Collegiate Hockey Association. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ian Kallay has submitted his resignation as general manager/coach of the Drayton Valley Thunder of the Alberta Junior Hockey League to accept a position as an assistant coach in the Western Collegiate Hockey Association. Whitecourt, Alta., native Kallay, who played for the University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux in the WCHA, is leaving to join the Michigan Tech University Huskies. Kallay coached Drayton Valley to the AJHL championship in his first season as a head coach in 2001-02. He had a 79-39-10 regular-season record in two seasons in Drayton Valley and was an assistant coach with the AJHL Selects at the 2002 Viking Cup in Camrose. Twenty-four AJHL alumni have advanced to Michigan Tech, including five from the Fort McMurray Oil Barons and Fort Saskatchewan Traders who played in North American minor professional leagues in 2002-03. Brad Mueller, A. J. Aitken and Paul Cabana of Fort McMurray, Clint Way and Tab Lardner of Fort Saskatchewan are the AJHL/Michigan Tech alumni who played professionally last season. Way and Cabana played in the East Coast Hockey League. Lardner, Mueller and Aitken were in the Central Hockey League. Lardner totalled 21 goals and 49 points in 64 regular-season games with the Austin Ice Bats. Mueller and Aitken were with the CHL champion Memphis River Kings. Left winger Colin Murphy of Fort McMurray and centre Jon Pittis of the Calgary Canucks are AJHL alumni who played for Michigan Tech in 2002-03. Murphy led the Huskies with 20 goals and 40 points in 37 games as a sophomore. Pittis tied for fifth on the team with 17 assists and 25 points in 36 games as a junior. Kallay tied for 11th in scoring in the WCHA as a freshman in 1995-96. He was ninth in the conference as a sophomore in 1996-97, when North Dakota won the National Collegiate Athletic Association championship. Kallay had 39 goals and 84 points in 76 games in two seasons with North Dakota. He had 112 assists and 184 points in 195 games with Fort Saskatchewan from 1990-91 through 1993-94 and was a North Division all-star in 1994.
  21. I don't think UND's defence is poor. They're VERY good defensively. In the games I actually saw, the D-men were very good at holding the blue line and keeping shots to minimum and from the perimeter. However, when the defence gained control of the puck in the defensive end, there were stretches where UND just flat-out couldn't break out of the zone. And when they did, seldom was it done in a way that created an offensive rush. I'm not enough of an expert to know exactly what was wrong or if the defence were mostly to blame...it just seemed to me that a defenceman with great hands and vision was sorely missed. I don't know, maybe it was just the games I saw.
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