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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. According to the athletic department, single-game tickets go on sale Sept 2 at 10:00 a.m. This link says that tickets are sold through ticketmaster as well as through the UND ticket office. However, I can't find anything for Sioux football on ticketmaster.com Does anyone know if you can buy Sioux football tickets on ticketmaster.com?
  2. For some strange and unknown reason, I think standing does have something to do with atmosphere. It doesn't necessarily have to, but it usually does. In theory, a fan can be just as loud sitting down...but there's something about standing up that makes a fan want to shout. But for the sake of the upcoming season, I truly hope Diggler is right. But to respond to Coteau, every single season ticket/suite holder I know loves the atmosphere the students bring to the game...especially the "colorful" chants and the beer song. Many wish the students would be even louder and more obnoxious than they have been the past two seasons. The only thing I hear them complain about is when the students block their view of the game by standing. But as I've stated many times, it is my opinion that the solution is not to ban standing...the solution is to place the students in a section in the lower bowl where standing will have a minimal effect on other's view. For me (and I suspect many other former students), part of the fun of going to a Sioux hockey game is to watch the students do stupid things that I used to do too. I don't like the idea of placing straight jackets on the students... as it will stifle atmosphere IMO. In sum: Let the students be students.
  3. It's true that it's not the same...but I'm not sure how else to do it efficiently. You'd just have to make sure you get there before anyone else...even if that means camping out for a couple days. I admit it would be a major inconvenience. That plan probably won't happen either because I highly doubt UND officials will want to encourage long lines and camping out. They'll probably just put the tickets on ticketmaster. That's all I've been saying. FedOrov...I guess you need to take MinnesotaNorthStar to the wood shed too. Then we're both singing to the choir. That might be a good idea, but I highly doubt UND officials will spend the man-hours necessary to implement that plan. The bottom line is that it's fair game to criticize the AD for moving the section, but once he made the decision, the student senate did everything they could to make the situation even worse for the students. It just didn't make any sense.
  4. Federov, go back and read my post and tell me exactly how I was reacting negatively toward students. I AGREE that students who are die-hards and willing to wait in the cold for games should get better seats. I was one of them not too long ago. I've waited in line, passed the bottle around, gone into the old Ralph before warm-ups started, smuggled a bottle past security, STOOD, yelled, swore, etc. I've been there. They are some great memories from that time. That's why I thought it was stupid for the student senate to push for the assigned seating system just to maintain the center-ice seats. In my post, I reacted negatively toward the student senate, not the die-hard students who love Sioux hockey. On the other hand, I understand the frustrations of the season ticket holders not being able to see the game. That's why I think end/corner seating for the students under the old system (waiting in line) would be better for everyone. It's just my opinion. Now, because of the student senate, REA or the athletic department (whoever is in charge of student seating) is responsible for assigned seating. But how are they supposed to gauge how die-hard of a fan you are? I suppose one way is to have just one place where tickets are sold and then allow fans to get in line and camp out in order to get the best seats. I would be for that.
  5. If conservatives actually spoke their mind in college...not many would graduate. Many would get expelled for "hate speech"...which is nothing more than speech a liberal disagrees with. In addition to the partisan grading, a conservative also has to deal with ridicule by their peers. In the end, most conservatives simply adopt the "means to an end" attitude, write the papers the way the professors want, and keep their mouths shut. With all the celebration of "diversity" on college campuses, they are ignoring the most important aspect of diversity...the diversity of thought.
  6. Just because he didn't sign with another team doesn't mean there was no interest from other teams. Maybe has was simply holding out for something better. It's really tough to speculate on these types of things. There may be more information if there is an official release by UND.
  7. Nice post phoenix. Most regular people (who are generally center-right) are too caught up with their jobs, their family, their recreation (sports), etc. to care much about what's going on in the social/cultural wars. Once in a while the left will go too far and there will be a backlash, but as long as the left continues to take small steps and not rock the boat too much, they will continue to make advancements. It's sad but true. Activism is down the list of priorities for the majority of conservative people. It's right on top of the list for most liberals. That's the big difference. I think the key is for centrist and center-left Democrats to wake up and realize who is taking over their party. They need to take their party back or jump ship. I'd love to have a farmer/union/blue-dog Democrat go onto a college campus and take a few classes in political science, womens studies, peace studies, etc. and see how fast he turns into a Republican. After living in Minneapolis for a few years, I don't see anything in common between the Democrats here and the Democrats back home in North Dakota. Sometimes I wonder how a conservative state like North Dakota can even have a Democrat party. Perhaps the Republicans need to be a little more amenable on some economic issues to lure the blue dogs into the party. I used to care more about economic issues, but in the last couple years I've started caring much more about the culture wars. This is off-topic but...I've always thought that if it weren't for college athletics, most colleges and universities would not get the public support and public legitimacy they now receive because people would not put up with the liberal and subversive political climate permeated in every aspect of "higher learning." I know conservative leaning people that wouldn't normally give a penny to a liberal brainwashing institution like the UofM, but gladly give money to them because of their fondness of Gophers athletics. They even encourage their kids to go there. They admit they don't like the administrators or professors there, but they're loyal to it nonetheless. I'm not really blaming them because they don't want to give up on their passion for Gopher athletics. I'm sure it's the same for Wisconsin, Michigan, UCLA, etc. , etc. We should be thankful UND is not as liberal as a lot of institutions in this country and hasn't been completely taken over by the left yet. But the left is close to taking over UND too and students, alumni, the people of North Dakota, and the friends of UND need to be on guard and make sure it doesn't happen. To me, the Sioux nickname issue is a huge symbolic battle in that war.
  8. Can of worms = open. Blame the student senate if you must blame someone. I've said all along end/corner seats without the assigned seating would be better for everyone involved, but the student senate insisted on center ice seats. REA (or whoever is in charge of student seating) is just trying to implement a stupid idea.
  9. Even if Foyt doesn't contribute immediately, I welcome the addition of an 8th defenceman. As the Sioux found out last year, just one injury (or illness) on a team with only 7 defencemen leaves the team with no breathing room on D. If one is not playing well or a 2nd gets injured, a forward is forced to move back (R. Hale last season) which is not a good situation in DI hockey. *I realize Foyt appears to be a natural forward, but it looks as though he has at least a year of junior A experience at defence. MontanaHockey, Since you seem to be in the know, what's the story behind Foyt's move from Tri-City to Bozeman mid-season? Was he traded? Did he leave on his own? Was he cut?
  10. It could be a walk-on type situation. But that doesn't mean he won't make the team. The Sioux are currently only carrying 7 defencemen for the upcoming season and could use an 8th on the roster IMO. Whether that's Dahlen or Foyt perhaps will depend on tryouts. (nobody seems to know whether Dahlen is even in the mix anymore) edit- on the other hand, the release by the Icedogs says "signee." Do walk-ons sign anything?
  11. It also appears that he wore the "A" at Tri-City for the '02-'03 season before he left. It looks like he was a defenceman-turned-forward for Tri-City (and then must have switched back to defence when he went to Bozeman). From the Icedogs team awards:
  12. his player profile It appears he played in the USHL (Tri-City) for a season and a half before switching to the AWHL mid-season last year.
  13. Don't tell that to the Northeastern Huskies. (Sorry ScottM...just joking).
  14. It's already started to happen. PETA wants South Carolina to drop its Gamecocks nickname.
  15. Tony Hrkac 84-85| 18-36-54 86-87| 46-70-116 Total| 64-106-170 Troy Murray 80-81| 33-45-78 81-82| 22-29-51 Total| 55-74-129 *statistics from hockeydb.com
  16. He played for Salmon Arm with Brady Murray last year. He committed to Bowling Green (where his brother was/is a goalie). I think he had about 50 some points in as many games as a defenceman.
  17. mksioux


    Then order the free football preview.
  18. fwiw - a comment from Shooter in the Pioneer Press:
  19. Go to Heisenberg's 04 website (same address, just change the 03 to 04)and you'll see Radke's name.
  20. NewGuy, Fair enough...although I don't think I mentioned anything about a gag order. And I believe you're the one who started the rumor that this is Brandt's second theft charge, correct? I believe you said that the first charge happened in the fall of '02, right? Can you tell us what state/county the first theft charge happened in so somebody can verify it? Can you tell us the disposition of the case? I have no idea whether it's true, but I think that if you're going to start a rumor, you should be able to back it up with specifics.
  21. I never doubted schmidtdoggydog when he said he truly believed the information he was given was truthful. I also think it takes some guts to come on and publicly admit he was wrong. I guess my "gripe" if you will, is the larger issue about posting information about criminal activity of a player if that information has not been publicly disclosed. It's a serious issue because I think many of us know some unflattering things about the players...especially students who interact with them at bars and parties. In terms of proper message board etiquette, what is the standard for disclosure rules? Obviously, if the poster is unsure about the veracity of the information, I think it's wrong to post it. But I'm more interested in cases where you know the information is truthful (i.e. you personally witnessed it or have a copy of the court file in front of you). If you're certain your information is true, is it proper etiquette to post it? Does it depend on the nature and severity of the crime? Does it depend on the player? Or is their no objective standard? This is a touchy issue, but I think it's an issue worth getting a consensus on. There's no need to make it personal because schmidtdoggydog is not the only person to have done it on this board and he's already apologized profusely for posting inaccurate information. I'm mostly interested in a "don't air dirty laundry in public...don't post it even if you know it's true" argument vs. a "it's fair game as long as it's truthful" argument. Remember, I'm speaking in terms of etiquette...not constitutional law.
  22. Everyone knows that players (over and under 21) go to the Edge after Saturday games. That's a non-issue to me. That's hardly enough to keep the PD's "hands full." It's also nothing to be "very concerned" about. If they're truly concerned, they could end it by talking to the Edge manager and having random walk-throughs. Saying stuff like the GFPD have their "hands full" with the UND hockey team is just adding more fuel to rumor fire. It's fine if people want to comment on the pending charge against Brandt or the past indiscretion of Bo. That is public information that is ripe for comment in a free society. But if people want to start rumors about criminal activity amongst a player that has not been publicized or is not of public record, I think (at a minimum) that person should reveal their true identity rather than hide behind a username. Also it would be nice to get the name of the person they wish to smear (rather than just "a player" or "some players"), the exact facts as they know them, and exactly how they obtained that information. Otherwise I think it's all bunch of bunk.
  23. I got my issue today (8/5).
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