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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. Andy Schneider on crutches.
  2. 3-2 Denver 11:45 left in the second
  3. GOAL Porter on a nice pass from Hale. 5-0 Sioux
  4. The power play produced one really good scoring chance...too bad it was for Yale. 0-26 on the season.
  5. Another power play for the Sioux. Maybe this will be the one.
  6. Power play #1 for the Sioux. It would be nice to get that power play monkey off their back tonight.
  7. No surprise...Jake Brandt starting in goal.
  8. David Lundbohm and James Massen out too.
  9. Andy Schneider out tonight.
  10. Hmmmm....a child's bicycle you say.....I better get the installer. J/K...I could probably handle that. I'm leaning toward getting it...now I just need to clear it with my wife.
  11. Very true. And even if the quality improves on dataflix, (like someone else said), I still have to sit down at my desk and watch it in my office. I'd like to be able to invite people over to watch it with me from the comfort of my living room.
  12. This thread peaked my curiosity a while back. I would very much like to watch Sioux hockey games at home in my living room, but I'm extremely technologically challenged. My worry is that I'd spend the money and have the equipment delivered, but then I wouldn't have a clue on how to install it or operate it. I see that the website you linked has a list of installers and one happens to be in the town I live in...so maybe that's an option. DamStrait, did you get the system that you linked earlier in the thread? You'll have to let me know how this works out for you and give me your opinion on whether someone like me should take the risk of ordering one. I think the price sounds reasonable considering that a season pass for dataflix is about $150.
  13. Thanks to all who post updates. I'm hosting a Halloween party and can't listen to the game, but would like to check in from time to time to see how the team is doing.
  14. Oops...realized the North Forks reference was the story from the main page link, not PCM's link. Whew!
  15. At least the linked article used to say North Forks....unless I'm going crazy.
  16. ...and the writer seems to think UND is located in North Forks, N.D. Not the best journalism.
  17. mksioux

    PA & Dubay

    Dubay is the radio version of Happy. PA knows nothing about hockey...but at least he admits it. They're awfully tough to listen to when it comes to college hockey.
  18. mksioux

    Streaming Audio

    41-25 final At least the 4th quarter defensive callapse will give the coaches something to use this week in practice. I too hope it was reserves in there, it was hard to tell listening to the MSUM broadcast.
  19. mksioux

    Streaming Audio

    41-13 Sioux 7:04 to go
  20. mksioux

    Streaming Audio

    I can't get it either.
  21. I don't think what happened deserves a suspension. I'm a law and order type of guy, but this is such an incredibly insignificant indiscretion that I don't think it warrants a suspension. I'm not aware of other coaches suspending players for merely being in a bar underage or for underage drinking. I'm not sure why Blais needs to set a precedent in this case. The only caveat to my position is if Blais knew what was going on and specifically told his players to stay away from there. Then they should be suspended for disregarding their coach's order, but not for the actual indiscretion. People on this board are coming down harder on the boys than the posters over at POI. I think we all need to lighten up a little. On a related note, in many Minnesota cities, they are de-criminalizing "crimes" like this and are turning them into administrative citations (like speeding tickets) to make more administrative money for the City rather than having "fines" go to the the State coffers. Hopefully this trend continues.
  22. Taylor Chorney commits to Sioux
  23. There's really nothing constructive in speculating, but my 2 cents is that even if the MCL is fine, there's no way Zach will be playing this weekend, especially considering a bye week comes after the BC series. The tendency is to be overly-cautious in situations like this.
  24. He's still probably a classless jerk (i.e. the Dean Blais situation last year), but I must admit that it's fun to listen to a game he's calling.
  25. UN friggin BELIEVABLE. I HAVE to see that play. SIOUX WIN 25-24
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