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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. Foyt is a defenceman and we weren't missing any defencemen due to the world juniors.
  2. I'm not a trade expert and I'm not truly objective on this issue, and I really should educate myself better about the issue before I post, BUT...this really hits home (even though I live in MSP) and I feel the need to vent a little. I'm afraid this might send the RRV economy into a tailspin, which could lead to massive out-migration. This is scary stuff. Sugar beets have been the one constant for farmers in this area...usually far and away their best crop. Without sugar beets, how many of them will stick it out? And think of all the jobs at Crystal Sugar and all the support jobs (truck drivers, contractors, etc.). This could be absolutely devastating to the region, and specifically Grand Forks which is finally starting to recover from the flood. The RRV is a conservative area and staunchly pro-Bush. If Bush were a true conservative, he'd be more concerned about preserving farms and small towns, which would in turn preserve the conservative way of life. Small towns and rural areas are conservative. Urban areas are liberal. Maybe Bush will be happy when everyone from farms and small towns pack up and move to major metropolitan areas and become liberals. Have you ever heard anyone say "sugar is just too damn expensive"? I know I haven't. Isn't preserving a way of life -- a conservative way of life -- more important than saving a few cents on sugar? I just don't get it. All of a sudden, what Pat Buchanan has been preaching for years is starting to hit home. Sioux7, I used to feel the exact same way. But now I look at the bigger picture. Without the farmer and the rural way of life, the "average" business-man in Grand Forks will certainly suffer. If the region loses people, the "average" business man may have to close shop. Sooner or later, everyone moves to Minneapolis to live in one big cluster-f&ck.
  3. ...an argument worthy of a politician. sheesh... While the ticket base is surprisingly wide, the majority of "the people at the Ralph" who you thought were "great" are GF residents.
  4. Inconsistency beersong? Or maybe just a little backpeddling?
  5. I'm sure the UMD fans were completely innocent and blameless. Grand Forks is full of a$$holes and Duluth is full of saints, blah blah blah. I guarantee that nobody at the Ralph is going to take swings at someone solely because of their team affiliation. And while I don't know them personally, I do know that the penalty box guys are not shy and love to talk smack to opposing fans. When you do that, sooner or later someone is going to take exception to something you say and things are going to get out of hand. I'm sure the UND guy was not blameless, but you know what they say -- there are 3 sides to every story...
  6. mksioux


    6 whiskey on the rocks will bring out a little enthusiam. I can't wait until tomorrow. GO SIOUX. SCREW THE BULLDOGS.
  7. mksioux


  8. mksioux


    I won't be sober tomorow...I'll ne at Senser's in Bloomington for the National Champiomship game. !!!!!
  9. mksioux


    Blais is the best. Don't BOOO fans
  10. mksioux


    My wife made me go to a dinner party so I coudln't even watch on my new satellite. Glad I could partake in the 3rd period with you guys!!!
  11. mksioux


  12. mksioux


    I can't even take this anymore
  13. mksioux


    I'm drinking as much as humanly possible. GO SIOUX!!!!!
  14. Just to let you all know, Pete (Psb) installed a satellite system for me last Saturday. He was able to get the necessary hardware for me at a reasonable price. The hardware Pete found for me wasn't nearly as expensive as the one advertised on the siouxshop site, but I nonetheless found the quality of the UND v. UNA football game to be very good. The installation service was top-notch. I'm very much looking forward to Fighting Sioux hockey from the comfort of my living room.
  15. mksioux

    Gophers Lose

    I won't count the Gophers out until they are mathematically eliminated and lose in the Final 5. If they make the NCAA's that means they're probably on a nice run and could continue it into the playoffs. Plus, in the NCAA's you can't count anyone out...except for the CHA and Atlantic auto-bids.
  16. If I'm not mistaken, I believe that 'North Dakota U' song is the "official" school song, but throughout the years it has effectively been replaced by "Stand Up and Cheer." I could be wrong though.
  17. I can't stand the wwf, but I like fights in hockey. Go figure. ...And because they don't allow that crap you get little punks giving face washes, stick jabs, cheap shots, running the goalie, running off of the mouth, etc. with no fear of repercussions. Different strokes for different folks. No need to generalize about people who like a good hockey fight now and again. I grew up and saw a fair number of fights in college and pro hockey and I haven't been in a fistfight since I was 19. Go figure.
  18. mksioux

    Clueless fans?

    It's called 'Fargo' because at the beginning of the movie, the main character (played by William Macy) goes to Fargo, N.D. to meet his thugs and bring them a car. The kidnapping plan was put in place in Fargo. I'm from North Dakota and I loved the movie. Of course it's a stereotype, but would life be any fun without stereotypes?
  19. The Gophers will make the NCAA's. It's almost a certainty. And once there, I will not count them out until they actually lose...no matter what seed they get...no matter where they play. They started out the season playing like garbage, but teams with that much talent can get hot and become almost unbeatable.
  20. I was at the game Saturday and while the win was exciting, it felt empty. WSU deserves credit for their performance Saturday. They truly dominated UND in the second half. But it's a sad state of affairs for UND football that we're playing an NSIC team on even terms. 10, 20, 30, 40 years ago, UND would have dismantled WSU like a bad high school team. On Saturday, they gave us all that we could handle and then some. Like it or not, the Winona States of this world are now the future of DII football and UND either needs to get used to being an "equal" to these programs or we need to move on. I might be wrong, but I think Winona's success will make things even worse for DII football. Other NSIC schools (and inferior teams across the country) will see that their efforts to water-down DII are generally working and they will become even more emboldened to continue the watering-down process to become even more competitive with the UND's of the DII world.
  21. That's probably true, assuming Northern Alabama wins. UNA is undefeated, ranked higher than UND, and had about the same # of fans attend Round 1 of the playoffs (7,132). But if Carson -Newman wins, I think UND will host. But first things first, there's no chance at a home game if UND loses.
  22. I'm not surprised he didn't don a jersey with the Indian logo. He would have been castigated by the left.
  23. The issue has been discussed extensively on this board and, I believe, in alumni newsletters.
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