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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. So let me get this straight, the comment by Piper was "unacceptable" and warranted getting banned, yet the moderator decided to essentially reward the unacceptable post by pulling it out of obscurity and giving it its own thread? Wouldn't it have been more prudent to simply close the thread, issue warnings, and/or delete the posts? This is simply a TIRED argument. It's been hashed out over-and-over and serves absolutely no purpose anymore. Do we really want siouxsports.com to deteriorate into uscho.com, where you can't have a decent discussion about Sioux hockey without some Gopher fan bringing up Nazis?
  2. mksioux

    DI Decision

    You are correct. More PC run amok.
  3. I say the debate will last as long as it takes for UND to wake up and realize it's not a DII school anymore.
  4. This would be undesirable for UND. Illinois is the last remaining high-profile school effected by this policy. Once it is out of the picture, there will be almost no media coverage, no public outcry, and UND will be left fighting by itself. And obviously the North Dakota politicians in D.C. don't care about this issue, so the pending legislation would surely die as well. Unfrotunately, I think it's inevitable that Illinois and the NCAA will work something out.
  5. I'll be there. But I'll probably only run the 5k, assuming there's still room.
  6. If UND commences legal action, it could attempt to get a temporary restraining order to keep the policy from going into effect during the pendency of the litigation. However, in order to obtain a TRO, UND must (among other things) be able to convince a judge that it is likely to succeed on the merits. -- OR -- If UND would make the move to DI already, it would be on playoff probation for a few years and there would be time to sort all of this out. In that case, hockey would essentially be the only sport this policy would impact (at least for a few years).
  7. mksioux

    Canad Inns

    I'd be surprised if it's not named CanadInns. One of the goals of the hotel is to use its name recognition up in Canada to draw people down.
  8. Most of us hockey fans know that Sioux hockey will always be fully funded and have the necessary resources to be a top-flight program. So there's nothing to get mad about. You can now stop trying to drive the wedge.
  9. These results are simply amazing to me. I know it's only anecdotal, but based on every Sioux fan I've personally talked to about this issue, it's more like 90/10 in favor of moving up. I guess I must live in an echo chamber. Regardless of how these numbers are spinned in terms of conference affiliation, if these results truly reflect the general attitude of the UND fan base, then any DI momentum is gone and UND will wallow in DII for the foreseeable future. There is no way Kupchella, or any future president, makes the move with such dismal support from the season ticketholders and students. This is very discouraging.
  10. mksioux

    Northern Iowa?

    With no opportunity to host any playoff games (without court intervention), I think this is a great move.
  11. I doubt the Standing Rock tribal council will change its stance. The NCAA will focus on the official policy of the tribe, not a referendum. All this will do is delay the denial of UND's appeal.
  12. Updated Herald story. Call me cynical, but I'd wait to celebrate until the official vote of the tribal council is taken.
  13. Wow. I knew this was a possibility, but it's still surprising to see it in black and white.
  14. Leaving M-SP by car tonight at 6:30 p.m. Hope to be in a downtown Milwaukee establishment by midnight!
  15. I heard that any fan trying to get into the Bradley Center wearing a Sioux logo will be immediately detained and sent to Guantanamo Bay.
  16. You bet! I'll have stuckinfargo haul it up to Grand Forks this weekend. We'll ask REA if it can go in one of the trophy cases in the main lobby, or better yet, have the SS.com team bring it out on the ice during an intermission ceremony.
  17. I have an eagle eye for political correctness, but I'm not convinced the WCHA has an overall anti-nickname policy. I didn't buy a program, so I'm not sure if the logo and "Fighting Sioux" were banned throughout the program or just on the last page. If just on the last page, it may have just been oversight. If it was missing throughout the program, then obviously it was intentional. I did notice the WCHA had the Sioux logo with all the other logos on the floor of the main entrance and public address announcer said "Fighting Sioux" whenever possible. From what I saw, the WCHA didn't have an anti-nickname policy.
  18. I doubt anyone would object if you tailgated in the Memorial Stadium parking lot and then took the shuttle to the Ralph.
  19. I'd rather the Gophers had won the Final 5, remained fat and happy, and perhaps UND could have caught them overconfident and sleepwalking a little in the regional. Or at the very least, I wish they would have beat Wisconsin on Saturday. The last time the Gophers got kicked around and beaten twice in the same weekend, they rebounded by sweeping UND in Grand Forks.
  20. MN-Holy Cross play at 5:30; UND and Mich play at 8:30.
  21. There were a few team pictures taken of ss.com after the game to celebrate our first victory over team POI, but I'm not sure who took them and whether any will make their way on to this site.
  22. The Denver Pioneers do not have fans. Sorry.
  23. I have the game schedule at 11:00-12:30.
  24. Questions a sniper asks? Oops. Wrong game show.
  25. Be warned, chandler23 is a Gopher fan and he's kind of mean. I'll be using one of his remaining tickets for a couple of of the games, so I'm sure you'll see me there.
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