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I Ranger

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Posts posted by I Ranger

  1. Exiled, it looks like Jutting is making a run at him too (should be the first article on home page, "Rookie Ronsberg taking Manitoba League by Storm"): http://www.wildcatsjrhockey.com/

    He's a July 91 Birthdate making him 18. I would guess the only way he comes here would be as a 2012 recruit since it seems like we are quite full for 2010 (Mattson, Rodwell, Fink?, St. Clair?) and 2011 (Fink?, St. Clair?, Parks, O'Donnel, Nelson). I think he would have to play two more years of juniors if he wants to play here.

  2. isnt it van voorhis thats on the sioux radar? cant remember if thats the one though

    Yeah that's the one. I believe the Exiled One mentioned he thinks he will end up here. I think he is originally from North Dakota but moved to Edina and played there until obviously moving on to the Development Team.

  3. I think you see them (VV and Malone) together to start the season as Hak will be looking to develop line chemistry.

    I wouldn't be at all surprised to see something like:

    VV, Malone and Kristo (I think he is too dynamic not to play right away)

    Toews, Gregoire and Trupp

    Zajac, Cichy and Hextall

    Lamoureaux, Rowney and Knight

    D pairings

    Genoway and Blood

    Marto and Fienhage

    Lapoint and MacWilliam

    I kind of like the look of those but I would switch Cichy with Rowney or Bruneteau to have kind of a grinder/shut-down line of Hextall-Zajac-Rowney or Bruneteau with Lammy, Cichy and Knight as another line. Lammy could fit very nicely on that shut-down line as well but may need to center the fourth line instead.

    Also I am wondering if Hextall and Gregoire stay on a line together as they played the last half of the year together with Duncan and played quite well.

  4. With the loss of Frattin now, how do you guys see the line combos playing out? Does Frattin's dismissal mean VandeVelde and Malone will both center lines now rather than Malone playing on Vande's wing with Frattin? I kind of like Malone on wing rather than center but he may be needed to play center.

  5. I was informed that we're interested in Blake Thompson, who played for Sioux Falls in the USHL last year. I'm not sure as to the degree of interest though.

    Any clue if there is interest in Nolan Zajac? Just wondering since the obvious connections and I figure if we're looking at D he would be one. Although it seems like we are quite full for D until 2011 with Mattson and Forbort more than likely coming in next year.

  6. Anybody know if there is anything going on with Matt White? I see he isn't listed on Heisenberg's recruiting site under USHL or listed on North Dakota recruits. Did something happen or is this a mistake?

    Just saw on Brad's twitter account that he won't be playing for Lincoln this year and he is contemplating hanging up the skates. It's looking like with the addition of Knight this year and White possibly quitting that we now have some availability to add a couple forwards to next years class.

  7. Extremely disappointing if you ask me. Frattin was poised to have a big season, and I was looking forward to seeing him skate with Malone and VV. But I guess you can't fix stupid. It does make me wonder if Corban Knight is getting a phone call though.

    It's going to be quite difficult to get someone to campus now with school beginning next week. I sure hope so though since 13 forwards is rather low.

  8. I've got two more names for you guys...

    -1992 born forward Sahir Gill of the Chicago Steel (by way of the Vernon Vipers of the BCHL) is deciding between you guys, the goofers, and BU.

    TEO do you know if he is being offered for 2010 or 2011? Just wondering as it seems like we are quite full with forwards for 2010 and even 2011 unless there are quite a few early departures.

  9. It's been confirmed that Lee is coming in this season. SCSU fans thus assume that Weslosky or Dunn may leave. Weslosky might leave because he doesn't care for school, Dunn might leave if Weslosky doesn't. It's difficult to imagine that SCSU would carry three scholarship goalies.

    Funny thing is, Lee is such a modest kid that he was 100% willing to stay in the USHL another season, even after being named junior goaltender of the year!

    He should compete for playing time as a freshman, though Weslosky really isn't at all bad. Lee would have to put up Bachman's freshman numbers to bump Weslosky, and that's asking a lot.

    It's interesting that from what I heard he choose SCSU over UND due to the opportunity to play right away when SCSU goalie situation is much more crammed (assumed to be crammed) now than UND's is/would have been had Lee committed here as then Dell wouldn't have been in the equation. It would have only been Lee and Eidsness whereas at SCSU he has to compete with Dunn and Weslosky assuming they are both there when he gets there this fall. I think he would have split time at either place anyway.

  10. One thing that was brought up is that, of the AJHL commits we have, Rowney is the oldest. He might even be the second oldest commit we have next to Fink and perhaps Bruneteau.

    Fink isn't an old recruit. He graduated from high school this year and this upcoming season would be the first year he would be able to come in. He played his junior and senior high school years in the USHL and maybe that is why you assume he's an older recruit. He could still play two more seasons in the USHL if he or the coaches wanted him to. He is a few months older than Mattson and Knight and a day older than Rodwell.

  11. This is what Hockey News had to say about Dylan Olsen after the NHL combine. Anyone have any info on if this is true or if it's just a reporter with bad information?

    THE ONLY JR. A player to make the grade for Canada

  12. This is the bulge class.

    2008-09 roster (25 players):

    8 seniors

    3 juniors

    6 sophomores

    8 freshmen (<-- I don't expect to have to replace all 8 at once, I expect some early departures from this number)

    -- or looking at it another way --

    3 goalies

    7 defensemen

    14 forwards

    and Brad Miller ("The Brad Miller I know plays forward," says Ryan Duncan.)

    I'm torn on your statement:

    I'd like to see a 15F, 8D, 3G (26 player) roster shape (ala the Blais years) to help cover injuries.

    Bringing in another player in fall 2009 would take the total to 26; however, ...

    - that makes the bulge worse

    - the shortness is more at defense than forward

    - the team has more forwards waiting in the wings (no pun intended) than defensemen

    If you're looking to level the bulge, you replace the seniors this fall and bring the "26th" player in next season to try to flatten out that "gap". However, I don't expect we'll be losing just 3 (Genoway, Vande Velde, Zajac) a year from now.

    I understand what you're saying here but say we replace the forwards like this:






    Martens-Knight, Mattson or Rowney

    That leaves


    Vandevelde-Knight, Mattson or Rowney

    Zajac-Knight, Mattson, or Rowney

    Plus Fink, Rodwell and White are suppose to be coming in. I know there is a chance for an early departure or two but I don't foresee more than one at this point.

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