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I Ranger

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Posts posted by I Ranger

  1. Looks like he has committed. He has some buddies congratulating him on committing to UND. This is a real big pickup.

    I'm guessing this will be one of those battles for the next couple years between UND and the CHL. There will be lots of rumors both ways before he makes his way to campus in a few years. We are due to win one.

  2. I didn't know that. He is only 16. Seems so young.

    In all honesty, it would certainly be nice to land Jones especially after losing two blue-chip recruits to the CHL recently but how much will he help if he is a one and done. I don't think a 17 year-old freshman d-man will be all that great of a benefit even though he is a potential high first round pick. It would certainly be nice to have a high profile guy spurn the CHL for UND but to me it is only worth while if he plays at least 2 years of college. Either way I think it's a moot point since I think he is headed to the CHL.

  3. Number one they need to get healthy. It is obvious how badly this team needs Grimaldi healthy. Hopefully this weekend off helps and they get O'Donnell back. I think I split Knight and Kristo up and try Kristo with Nelson whom he played with quite a bit last year. Another thing and I know its tough to do with all the forward injuries and such little depth but I want to see Gleason back on D. I think he has a chance to create more offense from there than at forward. I may try something like this.








    I hate to say it but I just don't like any option for that last guy on the fourth line. It might have to be Gleason. Maybe suit 7 D and spot the fourth line but have Gleason take a regular shift at D?

  4. I am agreement in that Matteau is definitely going to be tough to get here. I am thinking if he goes in the first round he heads to the Q. As for Schmaltz, I believe if he was going to go to the CHL he would have already done so. It sure would be nice if both hit campus next year though.

  5. Bad news via Schlossman on Twitter:

    Grimaldi will not play this weekend (still listed as week to week)

    O'Donnell is out 3-6 weeks

    Looks like the rough off-season for the Sioux has continued into the season. Hopefully we will catch a break soon.

    Wow well with Grimaldi and O'Donnell hurt and St. Clair not eligible we don't have 12 forwards to suit up. Looks like Gleason will be playing forward for a while. We are going to have to look long and hard about the possibility of bringing in someone second semester.

  6. I hope the boys have a good week of practice and heal up as well. I don't know if many of you know that we had 2-3 players playing pretty banged up already and 2 of which were on the backend which was partly a cause of some of the defensive breakdowns this weekend.

  7. SO excited! I just upgraded my cable package so now I get Fox College Sports... I will be WATCHING all the home games (maybe not always live... but I will watch) :D :D :D

    Anyone know if the game is on Fox College Sports on Saturday? I checked the guide last night and it only showed college football on all 3 of the FCS channels.

  8. Gosh, 5 days till the start of the season and no news/talk of this year's team since the 15th of September! I'm tired of reading about the new hockey conference(s). Doesn't anyone have any info about how things are looking on the ice so far?

    The only things I have heard so far, and this being from Brad during the Herald's live chats, is that it is quite easy to separate the returnees from the freshman. Brad also mentioned that Brock has looked really good so far and this is good to hear as he is going to have to pick up the scoring to make up for all the scoring that was lost. He also said Blood has looked really good. Hopefully he can be dominating force early while the offense catches up.

  9. To be perfectly honest as an academic institution with a large fan following in a mid major metro area with high incomes etc. the inclusion of Alabama Huntsville to the NCHA would be far superior to SCSU and many of the other proposed schools. Huntsville is a tech center, an industrial center and a population boomer. I vote for adding them and Air Force if the F%^&*ing Irish decide not to join!

    Can we get over the Air Force fetish already? They don't want any part of a league that they are going to be a bottom-feeder every year.

  10. Yeah if I were a gambler I would say Fasching to the gophs, but I hope not...

    I would guess without any inside info that he chooses between UND and Minny. I would be willing to bet on Minny but him leaving for Ann Arbor this year may give UND an outside chance.

    Is it just me or is it that we are seeing quite a few recent recruits coming down to UND, Minny and UMD as before it was always Wisconsin instead of UMD? Think a new building and a national championship help out recruiting much?

  11. I don't think anybody wants to punish Native Americans that support the nickname. I just wish there was a way to show the PC crowd that actions have consequences... and Standing Rock took actions years ago that led us to go down the road of having Sioux as a nickname by giving permission and having a tribal ceremony. Now, having to change a nickname and the symbol which the University has become synonymous with, will create marketing problems as well as numerous others with alumni and friends who are upset by the whole thing because of the pride factor that will be lost. If I take a job and the commensurate salary with the responsibilities of that job, then decide to take on a less stressful job with less responsibilities, I wouldn't expect to keep the same salary. There are so many Native American programs at UND because the name is Fighting Sioux, plain and simple. Frankly, I think the University of North Dakota is hostile and abusive to Norwegians! Where are the Norwegian programs? :lol:

    That is the point I was trying to make. Show that actions have consequences and those consequences could be losing native american programs and grants at the university. No more free education could get some people changing their ways.

  12. It's this kind of stuff that makes me want to bang my head repeatedly against a brick wall.

    I know it will never happen but I wish that when the University retires the logo that it retires faculty like Lucy Ganje as well. They can also get rid of the Native American centers and areas of study as well. Since the school isn't supposed to be associated with Native American imagery, why not get rid of all the areas of study as well. I know this certainly won't happen but it would make a point to all the non-native americans pushing for the elimination of "Fighting Sioux" to realize they have cost the natives something as well along with the free education they receive.

  13. Hey I am not unhappy about it at all, I think it's awesome, I heard it from a Hockey dad that was sitting at the table and heard the comment from said parent. So things change. I had also heard the same thing from other people around town. It's a great pick up for UND.

    I'm with you Goon. I'm certainly happy to be wrong. I never heard it first hand just read it and heard it in more than one spot.

    Let's keep the good recruits coming in. Anyone hear anything on Gabe Guertler? Sounds like he was the most dynmaic forward at the U17's this past weekend. Apparently Michigan and Minnesota are in heavy persuit.

  14. The roster shows:

    1 senior (Lamoureux)

    3 juniors (Rowney, Kristo, Knight)

    3 sophomores (Rodwell, Nelson, Dickin)

    7 freshmen (Parks, O'Donnell, MacMillan, St. Clair, Grimaldi, Pattyn, Gaarder)

    Pipeline: Matteau, Koules, DiPuma?, Rowe

    I'm not greatly concerned about forwards at this time.

    I guess I see it losing Lammy and Kristo next year with the possibility of Knight? Grimaldi? although both are Panthers draft picks and the Panthers have a pretty solid prospect pool ahead of these guys so I see both staying. Rowe is 2013 and I think Koules with wind up as one as well and we only have 14 forwards on the roster this year with at least one (Gaarder) being a walk-on. I think we will need to find two forwards to come in with Matteau next year. I know it's not a lot but we could certainly use two good ones.

  15. I know that he probably has a million offers, but does anyone know if UND has an offer out to Seth Jones from the USNDTP? Does anyone know where he is leaning....or if he will even go the NCAA route?? He had an impressive camp, so I'm sure the MJs are going to be pushing hard to get him. Who owns his rights? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

    More importantly does anyone have any idea on forwards the coaches are targeting for next year's class? With only Matteau and Koules committed for next year, we are going to need to line up some more forwards especially considering Koules may end up getting pushed back to play another year of juniors. Any names rumored out there?

  16. I have said for a while now that we are either "The University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux" or we are "The University of North Dakota". If the NCAA doesn't like it and tells us to choose a new nickname, just simply say we had one but you took it from us. Like others have mentioned earlier, there isn't a nickname out there that could ever replace "Fighting Sioux" and whatever may be chosen I won't like anyway. And if the school believes that a new nickname and logo will increase apparel revenue they're illusional. Just walk into the Siouxshop before a game or during an intermission and tell me that some new name and logo is going to outsell "the greatest logo of all-time".

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