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I Ranger

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Posts posted by I Ranger

  1. Via MN Hockey Hub article

    Schools that have shown interest in Connor Hurley: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Notre Dame, Minnesota-Duluth, Michigan State, Ohio State, Denver and Nebraska-Omaha.... no UND?

    UND is one of the schools Shane Gersich has visted but most feel he will end up at Minnesota because he has a lot of family ties to UM. I believe his father played there and he is the nephew of Neal, Aaron and Paul Broten.

    With that said, I certainly won't complain if one or both surprises and picks UND.

    I would guess Gersich is a lock to go to the Gophers and from what I hear Hurley is likely choosing between Notre Dame and the Gophers. I don't think we really have a shot at either. I think Ryan Gropp is a kid we will be (and are) hard after but CHL might come into play with him. I think there are quite a few Shattuck kids we may be after as well.

  2. Poolman is not coming next year. Hes 2014. LaDue, Crisfield and likely Thompson I'd guess. My point was we have 3 eligible to come in and I don't see, as of now, more than Forbort, any other early departures from the blueline. Of course, that could change. We still have Simpson, Mattson, Schmaltz and Panz. Bring in the three mentioned and we are good. JMO.

    I agree numbers wise we are good but I was thinking that with the loss of MacWilliam we lose most of our toughness on the blueline. Next year looks like a blue line full of offensive puck movers which may not be a bad thing just not a prototypical Sioux team.

  3. For the longest time, Ian McCoshen was the biggest uncommited recruit out there, who is it now? I feel we need one more big d-man recruit for next year, because I figure Forbort is as good as gone after this season.

    I agree with you on this. I was really hoping we would land McCoshen as the last D recruit for next year. Even if Thompson accelerates I don't see him being ready to contribute on an every night basis. We lose a lot of toughness with the graduation of MacWilliam and McCoshen would have been a nice replacement. I think Crisfield is in the mold of MacWilliam as far as a tough stay at home D-man but I think we most definitely could use another D recruit for next year.

  4. We need a different look for the PP - we don't need impatient forwards playing the point. We have enough skill at D to man the point for both PP sets.

    Simpson and Mattson were on the points this weekend on the first PP and Forbort and Schmaltz were on the second.

  5. Just reading through this thread for the first time after being in St. Cloud this weekend for the games and like a few others have mentioned the refs didn't cost UND this game. This was easily their worst Saturday night effort of the year. Other than the first 10-12 minutes of the game, the Sioux were outskated and outmuscled consistently. Saunders kept them in the game for long stretches. I actually believe the Sioux got a way with quite a few slashes and trips throughout the game but the Kristo dive was a bad call as was the CFB. The reason I say the CFB was a bad call because anyone watching the game should've noticed that Drew LeBlanc might be the toughtest player in the WCHA to knock off the puck and Schmaltz, although talented, isn't very strong yet and LeBlanc crumbled the moment he felt contact. I think that was the only time all weekend I saw LeBlanc hit the ice. He certainly sold the call.

    My last rant has to do with the second goal. After a great penalty kill of the major penalty, the very next shift St. Cloud scores due to an incredibly lazy play by Kristo standing still and letting a St. Cloud player grab the puck and skate it down into the Sioux zone and they end up scoring. I believe this was the key momentum shift in the game as all the momentum should have swung the Sioux's way after the big kill and they give up a goal 30 seconds later. I think Hak layed into Kristo pretty good on the bench after that shift.

  6. I don't blame Lemieux. You gotta go where you can play. Especially as a 16 year old. You need to develop, and skating 3rd/4th line behind 20 year olds isn't going to cut it.

    I've stated it before on this thread that I believe in many cases going to the USHL at an early age can hinder ones development for the very reason above. It can certainly help if a 16 year old is getting quality minutes every game but when an elite 16 year old is getting 3rd/4th minutes at best and a healthy scratch on occasion a player used to always being "the guy" isn't going to go for that very long and bolt if they have the chance (i.e. Lemieux). I always use Mike Fink as an example of a guy who would have been better served playing his junior year of high school and then moving on to the USHL rather than jumping as a high school junior. Some kids just can't adapt quickly enough and end up not developing the way they were projected.

  7. He is gone. Left his Green Bay Gambler team today.

    That's the risk of a blue-chip 16 year old playing in the USHL. If they don't have success immediately and find themselves fighting for playing time, they head to the CHL where they will get their minutes. I had a bad feeling when I checked a few of Green Bay's boxscores and saw he wasn't playing. Hopefully Schmaltz is enjoying his time there as we need him in a few years along with Wilkie. That was shaping up to be a loaded class if Lemieux had maintained his committment.

  8. Just bought my tickets for the series in St. Cloud in two weeks. A ton of seats available all over the arena. I'm hearing they have been having trouble getting many people to their games since they raised ticket prices and based on what I see it looks to be accurate. Sioux fans should fill up that place with the available tickets.

  9. Yeah IIRC there were 3 different suspensions. The captains, then Gaarder, Pattyn, and Panzarella for something else with the party and then O'Donnell and Kristo for something unrelated to the party. O'Donnell, and the captains will sit Friday, Gaarder , Pattyn, Panzarella, and Kristo will sit Saturday night.

    I thought O'Donnell was out Saturday not Friday?

    Edit: Just looked it up and it is Friday.

  10. All I can say is please please drop the puck so we can put this crap behind us. I for one am definitely sick of reading about it. It's certainly not the ideal way to start a season but hopefully once the puck drops people will finally start forgetting about as there will be hockey to talk about.

    • Upvote 1
  11. It was never announced why he left UAA. A mystery. I'm guessing he'll transfer somewhere else after this year. He's too old, or pretty close to, for major junior eligibility.

    Looks like he is headed to Western Michigan. I'm guessing we will hear something in the next day or two on Murphy.

  12. I know most people think that we will see Gleason back at D this year, but TBH, I think he might be more valuable as a checking line forward. He is extremely gritty, tenacious, and fast, along with having solid skill. I think Panzarella is more than good enough to be a 3rd pairing defensive defenseman in this league, now the question is how to get the most talent on the ice at once. The answer, which you alluded to, is moving Gleason up to forward once again. If Hakstol doesn't stack the first line (Grimaldi-Knight-Kristo) whoever is playing LW on that line is going to be extremely lucky, it wouldn't be bad to put a freshman with them, help accelerate their transition a bit.

    I disagree. I think Gleason is much more valuable as a puck moving defenseman and at times a one-man breakout. He, like Genoway, is much better suited at creating offense from the back-end than upfront. His skating is a bigger weapon on D and I for one am looking forward to a full year of Gleason in his natural position.

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  13. I would really like to know where Conner Hurley (Columbia team if you click the link) is going. I watched him in last year's MN state tourney and besides Besse champsionship game, Hurley was the best kid in the Tourney and by "kid", he was only a sophomore last year. Seemed pretty tall and lanky but was so good. He lead Edina's high school team in pts last season. If anyone has heard where he is going or who he is looking at please post. I have to think UND is at least taking a look at him.

    Looks like he has recruiting visitis lined up for Michigan, Miami and Notre Dame and Minnesota is after him pretty hard as well. I would guess he ends up at Minnesota but it looks like a nice recruiting battle heating up just not sure if we are in on it or not.

  14. Defenseman Ian McCoshen has narrowed his college choices from 4 to 3... Wisco is no longer in the mix. He's still considering UND, UMD, and UNO.

    Via Shane Fukushima (Associate Head Coach of Waterloo Blackhawks)

    I think this is where Brad Berry needs to work his magic. His first test back in the recruiting world.

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