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I Ranger

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Posts posted by I Ranger

  1. I also think they were a little premature in anointing him as the Rookie of the year.

    I totally agree with this assessment. I specifically watched him on Saturday night given on TV but I didn't see anything special and I wouldn't have even noticed him if I wasn't looking for him.

  2. Thanks for the info.

    Budish would be a great addition to the Sioux or Gopher class for 2009. Hopefully he goes with the Sioux. :D

    That would be two amazing classes in a row with our 08 class being stacked and our 09 class not far behind already.

    I agree the addition of Budish would be two great classes of FORWARDS in a row but we could really use some D. I really hope we can get some top notch d-men shortly before they all start heading elsewhere.

  3. I really do hope he will find a way to be back. Maybe next year he can come back in. With Lammy gone after this season we are going to need quality goaltending. I think Walski will be gone as well? That means we will have 3 slots with Eidness taking one. Lets hope Greico can fix whatever needs to be fixed and come back next season!

    If OHL is true he won't be coming back becuase he will have lost his college eligibility due to playing major junior.

  4. Some would say that top notch defensemen for '09 and '10 are already becoming scarce, so I expect Motzko may "open the vault" for Schmidt. Hopefully, it will be an amount the Sioux just can't match. The goofers are already going to be quite full at D for '09 & '10 (add that to the fact that Schmidt considers the goofers to be his favorite team's arch enemy) and I think that Minnesota is out of the running. Actually, Schmidt's decision could be affected strongly by the next two "big name" commitments who are deciding between you guys and the goofers (one could take his roster spot, the other is a good friend of his). Also, I expect that some "futher away" WCHA teams may try to push for Schmidt. I just hope he ultimately shows loyalty to his hometown. We need him more... period.

    Exiled One I am assuming the next two "big name" commitments who are deciding between UND and the Goofs are Mattson and Budish. Am I safe to say that is right? For some reason, I have a bad feeling that both these guys are going to be Goofs. No inside info just from rumors and other things i've heard and read.

  5. Forney, Oshie, and Duncan?? anyone

    For some reason I was thinking the same thing. Hak always said last year that he wanted Forney to be a top 2 line guy and not a 3rd or 4th line grinder. But who knows maybe he'll throw him with those two to give him some confidence but I wouldn't bet on it.

  6. Anyone know anything on Damon Kipp who is also on that team? Just wondering because I think we need to be looking to add some d-men for next year and he is rated pretty highly so I was wondering if we have had any contact with him. Also, any word on Corbin McPherson? I read somewhere that the Sioux were in his top three and he is another d-man that could come in next year.

  7. Anybody else surprised that Trupp got the only other rookie of the year vote that didn't go to Turris? I would guess that Eaves gave him the vote since I believe you can't vote for a player on your own team. Also, I would assume Hak was the vote for Okposo.

  8. I count 19 forwards eligible for 2008. It is very possible that 1 or 2 more forwards could have break out years and leave, BUT, that is alot of forwards. Count me in the camp that thinks that Duncan will graduate here. I bolded players that I absolutely think would have to be in the lineup. But that leaves alot of talent sitting. I have to assume Mario is coming as a walk on.

    TJ Oshie (95% gone)

    Ryan Duncan (50% gone)

    Andrew Kozek

    Ryan Martens

    Brad Miller

    Matt Watkins

    Chris VandeVelde

    Darcy Zajac

    Michael Forney

    Brad Malone

    Evan Trupp

    Matt Frattin

    Brent Davidson

    David Toews

    Brett Bruneteau

    Mike Cichy

    Brett Hextall

    Jason Gregoire

    Mario Lamoureux

    That looks like one tough forward line-up to crack even if Duncs leaves. Brad said on his blog that Lamoureux will be on scholarship next year so you're free to guess how much. I would guess that we got him for quite the discount compared to what we offered last year.

  9. Fienhage could come next year if Finley leaves early.

    Yeah that could happen and seems likely if they don't sign a few D for next year. As of right now, Blood is the only D coming for sure next year and we will very likely lose Chorney and Finley and the graduation of Bina & Radke. I would guess that Hak would prefer for Gleason and Fienhage to play a year of juniors first and stick to being 09's so does anyone know of any D we are looking at specifically for next year. I heard we had an offer for Leddy but he's an 09.

  10. per brads blog, good tidbits


    Yesterday, we discussed all of the Minneapolis metro players that have been choosing UND lately. Here is a stat that might be interesting to you, though.

    This season's UND squad will have more North Dakota-born players (four) than Minnesota-born players (three). The North Dakotans are Robbie Bina, Jake Marto, Phil Lamoureux and Aaron Walski. The Minnesotans are Joe Finley, Michael Forney and Chris VandeVelde.

    T.J. Oshie's hometown is listed as Warroad and Taylor Chorney's as Hastings, but Oshie was born in Washington and Chorney in Thunder Bay, Ont.

    The last time this happened, I believe, was the 2004-05 national runner-up team, which featured six North Dakota-born players and five Minnesota-born players.

    In 04-05 I have 7 Minnesotans (Parise, Stafford, Marvin, Brandt, Smaby, Foyt, Fabian)and 6 North Dakotans (Scheinder, Fuher, Fylling, Lamoureux, Bina, Massen). I am guessing that a couple of the Minnesotans weren't born there. Come to think of it I think Stafford was born in Wisconsin and my other guess would be that Jordy was born outside of Minnesota.

  11. It sure would be nice if the Sioux could land one of Budish, Landman or Hanowski as well as I think that would leave the Gophs some slim pickins when it comes to the Minnesota boys. I have heard that Landman would come here in a heartbeat if he was offered but don't know for sure.

  12. Did anyone else order the wind jacket, or anything else, and then get an email saying it was out of stock? Weird thing is that my order shipped on Friday and then yesterday I got an email about it. :blush:

    I ordered the sweatshirt and the wind jacket last wednesday afternoon and they were at my house the next day.

  13. Sorry, but putting VV on the wing would be a tremendous waste. VV was the 2nd or 3rd most reliable faceoff guy (only Toews and perhaps Oshie were more reliable) last season.

    I have no problem with Oshie centering the first line, but surely VV would then center the 2nd line.

    I dunno....





    Who knows what the combos will be. I don't know who will center the 4th line at all. Trupp may end up on the first line, but I'd rather team up speed with size. VV provides size to that line like Forney does to the first line.

    I think if we have two lines with two fast and small players like Trupp and Duncan, we'd be more dangerous than if we put both Trupp and Duncan on the same line.

    I'd also expect Kozek to flirt with a scoring line next season at some point. I think the guy can play offensively.

    I like those combos other than I think Miller will be a regular in this lineup and I'm not big on Radke at all. I think there are a few nice things he brings to the table such as energy, toughness and experience but I would much rather have Miller, Frattin be in there.

  14. Vandy should be the other wing. He wins a lot of draws too. He's also is a physical presence, good in the corners on the forecheck and has good hands. He one of those guys that needs to have a big year for the Sioux to do well.

    I agree I've been saying all along that Oshie should center the first line with Duncs and someone else (maybe Forney gets a shot to start since Hak said he wants him to be a top two line guy) and then have VandeVelde soldify the second line by centering it with Watkins on his wing. I just think that with Osh and Vande each centering a line it gives the forward lines that much more depth.

  15. Duluth series for me for sure because it's only a little over an hour drive away and always a good time. Nothing like celebrating a Sioux victory at the Sports Garden with a whole bunch of Sioux fans.

  16. Are they saving # 9 for David Toews next year, or would he choose a different # than his brother like Zach Jones did? I know he is #10 at Shattuck.

    I was a little surprised that Trupp didn't take #9 because I believe that was his number last year. I would assume they wouldn't save a number for someone coming in next year though.

  17. I just don't see Davidson playing much next season. I have never seen him play and I would assume not many have since he just committed but I am guessing he will be a 13th to 14th type forward who gets a chance when someone gets hurt but not before guys like Radke, Miller and Martens get there shot. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Frattin got a shot on the top line with Duncan and Oshie but the way that it sounds coming from the Blues Development camp is that Kariya is fitting in quite well with them and Trupp would remind me the most of the young Kariya.

  18. A very reliable source just said that KO is coming back for another year. Carmen is out a year for academics.

    I take this to mean that KO didn't get an offer he liked from the Islanders so he went back to UM. I still think he wanted to sign but the Islanders didn't want him to so didn't offer what he is worth or finally talked him into going back for one more year of development which they said he needed all along.

  19. Thanks. That makes sense. I think some are being a little hard on Jones. I could care less if he plays a day after he graduates. I love his snaps and the way he plays the game.

    I agree with you Goon. It's a tough crowd around here first you don't like a guy because he isn't a physical defenseman but is good offensively then there's a defenseman who is a physical defensive defenseman but hasn't shown much offensive ability yet and he isn't good enough either. I guess we will just have to start breeding Bobby Orr and Scott Stevens to get some decent defenseman around here.

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