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I Ranger

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Posts posted by I Ranger

  1. When I win the lottery I'm going to buy an NHL team and fill it with ex-Sioux players. Here's my team as of today (skaters are from the NHL and AHL):

    Parise - Toews - Stafford

    Blake - Zajac - Oshie

    Bayda - R Johnson - Porter

    L Wilson - B Lundbohm - Bochenski

    Commodore - Greene

    Hale - Lee

    Chorney - Smaby



    How crazy is it to think that all these guys could have been on the same team had Greene and Parise stuck around for all four years? I would have taken my chances against any team with that line-up.

  2. Anybody else notice anything different about Duncan's reaction after scoring the tying goal? He usually scores and hardly even celebrates with maybe a little fist pump or something but how bout his reaction saturday. I think he was relieved he scored not only because it was to tie the game but also because he feels he's got to be the real leader of this team not only in the locker room but on the scoresheet as well. Thought?

  3. if we look at martens/miller together we lose one there, duncan, kozek, watkins graduate, and possibly vv leaves early (don't know, just speculation), that's at least 4, if not five forward spots to fill. now we do have an excess here, with two or three forwards sitting each weekend, so if they step in, then it may be only one or two openings to fill, which i'm guessing they would bring in two or three guys. i'd guess bruneteau and kristo are for sure, then a toss up with cichy and fink. maybe both come in? or possible future blue chip commitments step in there (we can hope :silly: ). what are the ages on fink and cichy? both fairly young yet i thought, so maybe and extra year of juniors for one or both wouldn't be the end of the world.

    Cichy will be here for sure next year. He could have came in this year but he decided another year in the USHL would be better. He is probably one of the top forwards in the USHL this year. The only reason I think Fink would play another year is because he is still young(senior in high school) and didn't play all that much last year so unless he really turns it on this year I would expect him to play another year unless we absolutely need him next year due to numbers.

  4. USHL october 10th

    BRUNETEAU ,2 goals and GLEASON ,2 PIM for Des Moines in 8-5 loss to KRISTO , (1 assist) and omaha

    CICHY ,2 goals in 5-4 win for tri-city over sioux city

    USHL october 11th

    BRUNETEAU ,1 goal, 1 assist, GLEASON no stats in 5-4 loss to sioux falls

    CICHY ,no points in 5-2 loss to KRISTO (1 assist) and Omaha

    FINK , 1 goal in 4-3 loss to cedar rapids

    Great to see Bruneteau off to a good start this year. Also, hopefully Fink is fully healthy and will be able to be a major contributor this year for Waterloo. I envision him playing another year in the USHL.

  5. Centre Ice is a NHL package. They have no college games on them

    The multi-sport pack is great for college hockey

    NESN has east games

    FSN Detroit has CCHA games

    FSN RM has Denver

    plus you get the goofers on FSN N and Bucky on the sports alternate channels

    I know that the Center Ice package is only the NHL but my main question was whether or not I would be able to get those channels that you listed. I have heard of people that order the multi-sport pack and end up getting very few new channels because the end up being blacked out and only get games in their region. Is this the case or do you end up getting the FSN Detroit's and RM all of the time as well as NESN for the east games?

  6. Just a question for anyone with DishNetwork. I am thinking about getting the multi-sport package for the hockey season and I already get the Center Ice package but wanted to see if it's worth it as far as getting more college hockey games. Would I be getting any of the Sioux games possibly out east or when they are playing at the Great Lakes Tourney or does it just get the games in my region that I would normally get. Thanks in advance.

  7. How about Scott Sandelin?

    There's plenty of Gopher tradition on the Range - even when the 'Dogs were good in the '80s it was still a struggle for them to win recruiting battles with UMTC.

    I know of Scotty and Mickey Krampotich because they are from my hometown. But the other two mentioned I don't know.

    Yeah there is definitely Gopher tradition on the Range as it's quite hard to find more than a few fans of the Dogs. Unless you're in Duluth, you're not going to come across a whole lot of Dogs fans.

  8. Anyone heard anything on a possible goalie signing for this upcoming season? I read on Brad's Blog in the comments someone mentioning they heard that there might be a goalie signing and Brad was going to look into it.

  9. We had a few on campus here last week, but other than that I haven't heard of anything. The coaches have been out at the Select Festivals so I would imagine they will bring a few players on campus here this summer.

    Thanks for the update USA Hockey. Anything new on the player who was close to committing a while back or atleast a hint or two as to who it is?

  10. I think in order for Duncan to get NHL offers he needs to have a season like last year if not better. He had an decent freshman year, scoring 36pts (16G, 20A), considering the youthful team back then. His Soph. year was his highlight year with 57pts (31G, 26A) and then last year with 40pts (18G, 22A). That gives him 132 pts in 133 games, which is a ppg at .99. I think next year will be his "prove it" year because he came in with very little fanfare, thanks to Oshie and Lee. Not hating on them but they were the ones with expectations to meet and Duncan just slid in. Duncan was part of the great DOT line, well then it turned into the DO line with Toews leaving, and now he has neither Oshie or Toews. So I think this season will speak alot to how good Duncan is.

    I have to agree with what was said earlier about hanging the "C" on him. I still believe that he was the benifactor of playing with Oshie and Toews, to go with what was said earlier who's going to create for him cause he can't create for himself

    First off, scoring 16G and 20A in your freshman year is a hell of a lot better than a decent year. Secondly, I think Toews came in with a lot more fanfare than either Lee or Oshie.

    Lastly, your point of Duncan playing on the DOT line and then with Oshie this year being the reason for his numbers I can agree with but what are the coaches suppose to do only put 4 guys on the ice when Oshie and Toews are out there. No they need to find someone who can gel with them and put the puck in the net and Duncan was the ideal fit for the situation. Case in point, should we take away the NHL Hall-of-Fame or diminish any of Jari Kurri's accomplishments just because he was able to play with Gretzky the majority of his career?

  11. Yes. Apparently UND offered the same package they offered Jonny Toews. Most here in Winnipeg are/were a little shocked by St. Croix's decision but apparently one of the coaches in Edmonton played with Chris St. Croix, Michael's older brother, and they felt fairly comfortable with that organization and the situation that they presented to Michael.

    I'm also going to guess that Edmonton sweetened the pot just a little in order to make sure they got St. Croix by guaranteeing him a scholarship package equal to if not greater than what UND could offer over a 4 year period.

    Many scouting organizations had him as the top pick in the WHL draft this year despite the fact that he eventually went 4th overall. Part of the reason why he may have gone 4th and not 1st was because of the college factor and because the father probably let some of the people out in BC know that he wouldn't be going out that far to play hockey if he had UND as an option. Why would he?

    And yes, Brad Berry did have a significant influence on the St. Croix's apparently. They were very very very very close to choosing UND over Edmonton.

    So, in a nutshell, St. Croix is gone. That doesn't mean that UND should stop trying to recruit these outstanding talents coming out of Manitoba because I still think they will bag more of them than they lose.

    And I was the one who mentioned Dylan Olsen first on these boards. Base on what I saw he will be an outstanding D-man if he decides on the college route. Great offensive skills and shut down defensive skills. Can play both sides of the rink equally well.

    Well that sucks tha St. Croix was very close to choosing UND but decided otherwise. He might have been our first one and doner.

    Vegas do you know if Olsen is leaning towards the college route and if so does UND have a shot at him? By him playing another year in the AJHL it looks like he is going the college route but that is just a guess.

  12. Anybody know anything on Dylan Olsen who was/is MacWilliams teammate this year? I know I read a while back that someone was saying he was better than MacWilliam and that we should be going after him rather than MacWilliam. So does anyone know if the coaches were looking at him for 09 and/or have had any contact with him as far as committing here?

  13. A while back, someone stated that there would be one more signing, someone who could be considered a "blue chipper"......this may have been a month ago....I tried going back, but I can't seem to find it. Is this still going to happen, or are we done till next November when the early signings can begin? Anyone?

    I believe USA Hockey was the one who made the comment. Maybe he can shed some light on the subject like perhaps if said player has committed anywhere else or if there is still a possibility of him committing to UND?

  14. Mike will be a good player for UND whether he is drafted or not, but coming from some good sources he has some flaws in his game which he needs to work on. Although I think he will be a very good foward in the long run, I don't think he is going to come in here next year and "skate circles" like some fans on here may think.

    Do we even know if he is coming next year for sure yet? I haven't heard Hak mention his name as one who is coming in next year even though he is listed as a 2008 recruit. Maybe he plays another year in the USHL and gets stronger and works on his weaknesses even though I would expect he wouldn't want to do that considering the Q has been after him for a while now and that might make him head in that direction.

  15. I'll give BC even more credit and say that it would not have mattered who their opponent was last Thursday. You can say the Sioux played poorly, but the fact of the matter is that BC made the Sioux look bad. It's not like the UND players just went out there and stunk up the joint all by themselves. BC has had our number as of late, and I believe it would have been a much different game at the Frozen Four had BC been eliminated in the regionals. I'm not going to disrespect Miami by saying the Sioux definitely would have defeated them, but I will say that our players wouldn't have started thinking "here we go again" and fallen apart if Miami scored the first goal. I believe it would have been a competitive game that could have gone either way.

    I agree. I actually thought we came out and played pretty well for the first 6 to 7 minutes of the game and actually controlled the play and then one poor turnover that lead to a 2 on 1 and its 1-0. I think from that point on it was like here we go again and they never recovered. A different opponent and I don't think they would have responded like that.

  16. I'm really eager to see how this team comes out on saturday. this is what these guys came back for and starting this weekend this will be what some of these guys' legacy will be based upon. do they become legends in Sioux hockey history or do they they become an afterthought when talking about the greatest Sioux teams ever? We start to find out Saturday at 2.

    I agree this is there chance to show everyone why they came back. You can see the increase in play of Oshie and Chorney over the last two weekends that really shows that they want to win bad. I sure hope everyone will follow their lead right to Denver.

  17. Thanks. I should be good to go then. I have Dish Networks multi-sport pack that gives me all the FSN channels across America.

    I have Dish Network as well and had that package before becuase they told me I would get all of the FSN channels but I only get the one in my area and sometimes pickup FSN for the Sconny games which I get now anyway without the package. Do you actually get all the FSN channels all the time or do you only pick up other ones occasionally?

  18. i know this gets talked about often, but im bored and still have a while before i leave for the ralph, so here is what i have for next years team...


    Aaron Walski, Sr

    Brad Eidsness, Fr

    Landon Snider, So ?


    Chay Genoway, Jr (should wear a letter the next two seasons)

    Derrick LaPoint, So

    Jake Marto, So

    Zach Jones, Jr

    Joe Finley, Sr (95% gone)

    Taylor Chorney, Sr (99% gone)

    Ben Blood, Fr

    Andrew MacWilliam, Fr

    Joe Gleason, Fr

    *assuming the two potential seniors leave, do they bring in three frosh defensemen, and have seven to battle for the six spots? no emergency backups like radke anymore to toss in if any injuries, and as shown this weekend, marto and genoway transition up front fairly well, which is why i think there will be 7


    Ryan Duncan, Sr (75% gone if he gets a good offer, but would love to see him with the "c" next year)

    TJ Oshie, Sr (99.9% gone, but we can dream ;) )

    Ryan Martens, Sr

    Andrew Kozek, Sr

    Darcy Zajac, Jr

    Brad Miller, Sr

    Brent Davidson, So

    Michael Forney, redshirt So?? don't know what to think here

    Evan Trupp, So

    Matt Watkins, Sr

    Matt Frattin, So

    Brad Malone, So

    Chris VandeVelde, Jr (20% he goes, but i see him as a force wearing a letter)

    Jason Gregoire, Fr

    Brett Hextall, Fr

    Brett Bruneteau, Fr

    *if we're lucky enough to keep Duncs, that is a ton of senior leadership up front and 15 guys fighting for 12 spots if forney is back healthy and in the mix. In my opinion, it is one too many, but I can't see any of the three frosh deferring, especially considering the 2009 class. Obviously you make exceptions for guys like osh and duncs, but i just don't know.

    any thoughts??

    You can add Toews, Cichy and Lamoureux to your freshman class because I can't see any of these three not coming next year. Also, it sure seems like we should add a D-man or two for next year. I would like Gleason and Fienhage to wait until 09 which would leave us with only 6 on the roster for next year. Maybe a couple recruited walk-ons.

  19. That point hasn't even been seriously challenged in a long time. A small argument perhaps for Warroad when the split first occurred, but no A team has given people much of a reason to debate that for a while. This year is no different.

    Warroad went undefeated in Oshie's final year on their way to the state title with a few ties. I believe they played to a tie in a classic game with Moorehead that year in which Moorehead had a phenomenal team that lost in the AA final. I would think they would have had a chance but I do agree the AA champ is considered the best Minnesota has to offer.

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