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I Ranger

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Posts posted by I Ranger

  1. Heard some of the rumors, but who knows what is actually the truth. The reason he wanted to take both of those jobs mentioned is because he wanted to be back in the Fighting Sioux camp because of the great experiences he had with the Sioux when he was in college. How do you deny your own flesh and blood those same experiences because you feel slighted. If Luke feels like that on his own, then so be it, but if Steve steered him away from UND because of that, then that to me would be kind of selfish. Again, that might not be the case at all, because bits and pieces of information can sometimes get blown out of proportion, and sometimes people think that a person should feel that way, and they actually might not.

    I agree it would be selfish but the rumors (whether true or not) that I've heard have been that it's a longshot he goes to UND. Like I stated before, I hope they're inaccurate and he chooses the Sioux but I could see him going to UNO and playing for Blais.

  2. Yes, I believe this is true. He applied to coach the women I believe a couple years back. Not sure if he has ever applied to be an assistant with the men. Someone with knowledge of the situation want to spread some light?

    From everything I've read and/or heard, Steve Johnson has applied for the Women's job and the assistant men's job and obviously hasn't gotten any of them and is quite bitter about it. Therefore everything I've seen points to his son Luke going elsewhere. Hopefully the info is incorrect and maybe his son wants to play for the Sioux but I don't know if dad will be the one pushing him towards UND. It sounds like it is going to be a tough sell.

  3. Per Schlossman's twitter Keaton Thompson has committed to UND and Gage Ausmus to Denver. Nice pickup for the Sioux. Anyone hearing any other recruiting rumors? Its seems to be pretty slow but it usually picks up after the US 16 and 17 camps and the tourney that I can't think of at the moment (Ivan Hlinka?) but I'm not if they have already happened or not?

  4. I'm still not all that concerned with our offense. Hak's system has been proven to work... we just need it to happen at the right time in the playoffs and we're in like Flynn.

    Anyways, my main concern is offense from the point, especially 5 on 5. I know I'm being redundant but...

    Genoway and Marto are gone. LaPoint is gone as well.

    What I feel we are missing is offensive defensemen. Sure, Forbort has the skill set. Gleason does too. But really... is Gleason going to play D or Forward this year?

    I see that defensively, we're going to be just fine. MacWilliam, Blood, and all will lead the way in that department and I hear Mattson is no slouch in his own end either.

    This leaves Forbort. So, I see a lot resting on him this year.

    Every season surprises me on something... like how much offense we've been able to generate short handed, as an example. So I expect to be surprised somewhere along the line. Hopefully it will be in this category and in a positive manner.

    I don't think you will see much of Gleason at forward unless we have a bunch of injuries and he needs to step in. I see him as being a steady d-man in the line-up on a nightly basis.

  5. This is certainly a set-back especially so late. I think this puts some pressure on Hak and the boys to find some blue-chip forwards for next year with this spot opening up and only two forwards committed for next year with both being young guys who could be pushed back to juniors. I'm not sure who is out there for forwards but they are sure going to have to find a few. Probably a d-men or two as well with only Schmaltz committed for next year. Hard to believe it wasn't that long ago where we were having discussions on this board about who would possibly be the forward held back to play another year of juniors and now we don't have enough forwards coming in.

  6. AFA would not fair well in this league and they want to play ARMY 2-4X a year...

    I agree and from everything they have said they want nothing to do with leaving their current conference. I never understand why Air Force always gets brought up on this board as this great hockey team that should be invited into power conferences. I don't see any reason why they would ever want to join a conference where finishing anywhere but last would be a good season for them. They have had a few decent seasons recently but would be Michigan Tech like in a normal conference. I guess I've never really understood the love fest for them on this board. Maybe I'm missing something.

  7. Now that is verrry interesting. Tough for Princeton to lose a guy like that, if he decides to go elsewhere.

    I'm thinking we may have some scholarship money opened up now with Bruno and Cichy transferring. We certainly need to bring in another forward to hit the magic number of 15.

  8. At risk of repeating myself:

    The rumors were true (not surprisingly).

    And there are just 14 forwards on the roster today (assuming six incoming freshman forwards).

    So ... the previous question stands, and even more importantly now.

    I agree with you here that we need to bring in another forward (assuming/hoping Gregoire stays) and I don't think it will be Matteau or Koules early. I'm thinking it will be someone ala Davidson or Dickey. It sure would be nice to have Cichy around for depth but obviously he didn't want that role. Here is how I see things now:




    St. Clair-Lammy-Rodwell

    Parks or Dickey could be slot in on the third or fourth lines as well.

  9. I believe yesterday was the beginning of the 2011-2012 season according to Hak per his last press conference with the start of off-seaon workouts. Sounds like Brock skated today and feels good which is huge since he needs to put in a full summer of lifting to put on some much needed strength and some beef. Hopefully Gregoire is there with them as well.

  10. The good thing about the SiouxSports Forum is that it is free (in more ways than one) ha!

    I feel compelled to throw out some of my observations before show time. Probably just to help the anxiety as a fan during this time before the big show starts.

    Does anyone else have some burning thoughts on where the team is or what they are doing or not doing at this point?

    I have a few observations that I just cannot hold back from throwing out there. Here is my biggest concern to get this topic fired up..


    First of all, I probably should qualify what I am about to say with my overall view of Genoway.

    -Genoway is the best skater with the puck on the team (Kristo would be second) and probably the best in the WCHA as well.

    -Genoway is a master at advancing the puck out of the Sioux zone and through neutral ice as well.

    -Genoway runs the point on the power play like a pro.

    -It's my opinion that Genoway is one of the classiest Sioux hockey players probably ever.

    -Genoway seems to be a great leader as well, although I am not one to judge that as I have no clue what happens off the game time ice.

    Now having said all of that I feel compelled to make a very strong point about how Genoway is being used down the stretch.

    Basically he is being used in two situations that he should not be IMO.

    Here they are:

    1. Genoway should not be on the ICE when the Pony Express line is on the Ice in a Five-on-five

    situation. Here is why: As I stated above, Genoway is a master at moving the puck up

    the ice. He likes to make his opponents

    look silly with any type of trap or fore-check they employ.

    So here is the problem, one of Frattin's biggest scoring

    plays is when he takes the puck from the Sioux zone and skates hard through the

    neutral zone and usually breaks past the defender of defenders (many times two)

    and gets behind them for the shot. We

    all know what I am talking about; we have seen it many times this year and


    So my point is that when Genoway is on the ice he tends to

    be the one that breaks up the ice, even if it is just out of the Sioux Zone it

    is screwing with Frattin's game. It takes away Fratten's break-a -ways and it

    allows the defense to get up ice and get set before Fratten even touches the

    puck- NOT GOOD!

    2. The one 'weak' part in Genoway's game is defense in the Sioux Zone when the opponent has possession. (Denver plays on this weakness BTW). Once again, I love Genoway, and I see him try to overcome this weakness and I appreciate that, BUT if he is the great man I

    think he is, he needs (and the Coaches need) to be honest with themselves about

    this. Embracing ones weakness leads to self actualization and becoming a more powerful

    person right?

    So here are the solutions I suggest for Genoway's role:

    1. Not on ice when Frattins line is on the ice

    (five-on-five). Put Big Mac out with them. Big Mac is very good at the smart pass to Frattin or Trupp on the outlet. Let Genoway work his magic getting the puck

    out of the zone when Gregs line is on the ice, and better yet when our checking

    line (Lammy's line) is on the ice. Genoway will take the puck out of the zone after our guys break-up the opponent's


    (Did anyone notice how Denver was maintaining possession in

    their zone when the Poney Express line was on the ice?) That was not good; we

    needed to have our big physical guys on the ice with that line, not puck moving


    2. Don't play Genoway on the penalty kill. He just is not adding anything there, I hate

    to say it but he is a liability on the penalty kill.

    That's how I see it...

    Having Mac on the ice with the Frattin line but not wanting Genoway is going to be tough since they are paired together and I don't see that changing this weekend. In my opinion since Genoway has come back from the knee injury he has been terrific and hasn't seemed to be trying to do too much and letting things come to him.

    • Upvote 1
  11. I remembered Miller. One could argue that Miller could be countered with Czarnik, but I limited myself to three forwards because having more than that emerge as solid freshmen contributors is rare.

    Don't forget Parks and St. Clair as well. I think at least one of the six will probably be held back for another year of juniors but have no idea which one that might be. I was actually thinking O'Donnell might be the one but have no inside info behind the guess other than this is his first year playing in the BCHL.

  12. Brian Cooper of the Fargo Force committed to UNO. I think UND was interested but I heard he was deciding between UNO and Minnesota but don't quote me on that. With Blais at UNO, they are starting to be a real competitor on and off the ice.

  13. Agreed. You can't take Cichy out of the lineup, or Davidson for that matter, and how do you keep Lamoureax out of a critical series? I think the logical thing to do is put Marto back there. Some would worry about him transitioning back to D when they are playing on an olympic sheet of ice, but he is a good enough skater to where it shouldn't matter. That and the sioux have the luxury of practicing on the olympic rink all week.

    I think Eidsness might have seen a start this weekend if not for his performance against UNO. Not really sure the next time they can get him in a game is. Maybe at home against Anchorage? (They did get five on him though...)

    I sure hope they put Marto back at D. If you noticed at the end of the game saturday night when the Sioux were up by 1, Marto was playing D with MacWilliam and the other pairing playing was Genoway and Blood. I liked the idea of Marto at forward with the forward injuries but now that we are healthy I think the Marto at forward experiment needs to end. With those two pairings at the end of the game saturday, you are basically saying that we have either our 3rd or 4th D-man playing forward rather than D. I think we need to roll Genoway-Mac, Blood-Forbort and Marto-LaPoint from here on out or at least come playoff time.

  14. Most Underrated: Evan Trupp. He has been rediculous on the PK. Strong forecheck and has been a great help to Fratts in always trying to give a pass option to help set up some of the even strength goals. He just flys every shift.

    I'm with you here. He does many things that the common fan may not notice and like you said is always great on the PK and is a great setup man for Frattin. He is definitely fun to watch.

  15. Don't know if they are or not, but they probably wouldn't have a lot of scholarship money to give. Right now there is the possibility of MacMillan, O'Donnell, St. Clair, Mattson, J.T. Miller and Rocco Grimaldi for next year. Unless they lose 2 players early, they might need to send one or two back to their respective teams. Sometimes older players don't have the upside that younger players would, but then again they might do anything through hard work to earn their way. Be interesting to see which teams have offered.

    Also, Mike Parks for next year at forward. I was thinking that O'Donnel was the most logical one to hold back but it sounds like he has been ripping it up as of late. I sure hope we get a d-man for next year shortly. I'm suprised we haven't heard of anybody on the D side as of yet. Only Mattson for next year so far.

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