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I Ranger

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Posts posted by I Ranger

  1. So, under the scenario of Hakstol leaving, who'd replace him?

    At this point in time, I'd have to think the front-runners would be Berry, Eades, and ... recently resigned at UNO Steve Johnson. Maybe Bubs (Berry) moves up and Johnson come in as an assistant.

    Hearing of Tim O'Keefe's impending retirement I guess I'm not surprised to hear even remote possibilities of Hakstol moving on. And the recent media articles about Hakstol's NHL potential to me are not coincidence. (Toss in Johnson's sudden resignation and my antennae are up.)

    Eades will not be the guy even if he continues to have great success in the USHL. His departure didn't have much to do with his coaching ability. I think this is a moot point for a while though. I don't see Hak leaving any time soon.

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  2. True. Not a bad problem to have I guess. I've heard Stecher is ready to contribute right now. I would think the reigning BCHL Defensemen of the Year would be fully ready to play college hockey. Only time will tell I guess.

    I was thinking the same. When he committed late winter/early spring, I assumed he was a shoe in to come in this fall and all signs I've heard/read were that he would be able to step right in.

  3. Is it possible Thompson plays another year of junior hockey? He's super young. He didn't receive a ton of ice time at the worlds, at least not compared to ausmus. Just thinking, I'm guessing stecher makes an impact immediately, where Keaton is a tad raw.

    He is only 5 months younger than Ausmus and going to be anywhere from a 1st to 3rd round NHL draft pick so he is coming in. Not to mention Ausmus says that is who he will be living with. Looks like the big question is whether or not Stecher comes in.

  4. Looking at our roster next year, I think at least 7 of the 8 D on will be dressing every night to start the year, whether it be all 7 playing D, or one moving up to forward, whoever is not playing D (Stecher, Mattson etc) will be much too talented to be sitting each night.

    I hope this doesn't happen. Minnesota did this almost the entire year and I think it held them back. Yeah they won a lot of games but I think they would have been even better if they rolled 6 D and 12 forwards a night rather than dressing 8 D and having them shuffle in at forward. I've just never liked the idea of forcing a D to play forward just to get him on the ice.

  5. While I would personally feel much more optimistic about next year's D-core with the additional of a stay-at-home guy like Ausmus; I am also concerned about the possible consequences of UND adding him to the mix would cause. It seems like UND has a stockpile of D-recruits, so asking 1-2 recruits to delay a year (or two) could result in the loss of said recruit. Its a dual-edged sword....pick up a great recruit now, possibly lose one in the next year or two........

    I agree with you here. I wonder how this will affect a guy like Stecher who is a top notch recruit who seems ready for college hockey this year. I wonder how he would feel about playing another year of juniors. I'm sure the coaches have been up front with him and he is aware of the situation. I also think we may never see Crisfield on campus.

  6. I have read about 8 pages today as I had a computer password issue. During this long drive to St. Cloud /MSP for hockey some thoughts occurred to me that I would like to bring to the board. Keep in mind, I am not a great hockey mind, I have only played pick up hockey, but I love the sport and the Fighting Sioux.

    Could the Ralph be detrimental? Does the outrageous fan support that they get become noticeably absent at regionals? Might be a stretch, but I wanted to throw it out there.

    It has been mentioned that the program has become a stopping ground for NHLers. This makes me wonder if the Yale boys knew deep down that this could be their last hurrah? I am sure our players were focused and knew the season was on the line, but deep down did they feel it?

    The game has changed. When I started watching, I heard a lot about them damn east coach refs that wanted "girls" hockey. I heard how tough we are to play against, might have even been called goons. Seem like at all levels of hockey there is a push to make it safer for the players. Could it be that the "east" caught on to this trend before the "west"? Maybe that is why our refs have been so "poor". They are calling the game as they are told, "safer" "girly" or whatever they want to label it, BUT the refs are as old school as the players. They see Mac lay out a player and know the league "powers" or NCAA want it called and go with it?

    Dump & Chase, if I am wrong please correct me, is most effective when played with an edge toward violence and hitting. If your players have to watch their hits, then the edge has been dulled. Now if you take it further, are the recruits being asked to change their style from "edgy" to NCAA compliant?

    Wish we were playing tomorrow, but I will back UND and the head coach until the dirt lands on my face.

    I have no doubt the small crowds played into Yale and Niagra's favor in the regionals. Those two schools are used to playing in front of 1000-3000 people whereas Minnesota and UND play in front of 10,000 people on blizzardy nights in January and February and had just played there last games in front of 17,000-18,000 at the X. I do believe the small regional crowds favor the lesser teams but with that said the more talented team should win the majority of time no matter where the game is played. You should be able to get up for a regional final if it was played in front of zero fans when your season is on the line.

  7. In a sense it was lost over the summer. If we still had Brock this year we have a completely different team. A stable top line with 3 proven scorers, a heck of a second line with whoever and a great 3rd line.

    I certainly agree with this. A few days after the Yale debacle I started thinking what it was this team was missing and I came to the conclusion that this team missed Brock Nelson more than anyone realized.

  8. Unless we have some unforeseen departures, I wouldn't be surprised to see someone decommit. Rowe or Voltin probably being the best chances.

    I was thinking those two may not make it to campus as well. Especially Rowe since Olson seems to be a similiar style of player.

  9. It was clarified later that he's a 2014 recruit.

    It's looking like our 2014 class could be interesting considering we have quite a few who could come in but very few seniors on the roster. I don't see a whole lot of early departure potential either. As I see it, we only lose one forward (Rodwell) and I would imagine Olson, Schmaltz and Wilkie are locks to come then you still have Poganski, Rowe and Voltin that could as well. Could make for some interesting decisions.

  10. I can't see Forbort leaving, but I suppose it's always a possibility. I'm including him until a final decision is made. I also think Tambellini will play center, at least to start anyway.

    1st Line: Ma. MacMillan-Grimaldi-Parks

    2nd Line: Mi. MacMillan-Tambellini-Caggiula

    3rd Line: St. Clair-Johnson-O'Donnell

    4th Line: Gaarder-Pattyn-Rodwell

    Extra: Chyzyk, Senkbeil, Sanderson, Murphy

    D1: Forbort-Schmaltz

    D2: Simpson-LaDue

    D3: Poolman-Mattson

    Extra: Panzarella

    Goalies: Gothberg, Saunders

    Murphy will be an everyday player. He is probably our best incoming forward although the other two will probably get drafted higher.

  11. On Lucia's radio show tonight he said that for those three "the decision is up to them." And then he mentioned the Budish thing. Haula is probably the most gone actually. The Wild want to sign him and if they don't they lose his rights. After their last home game when the team went to the locker room Haula came back out and saluted the crowd that was still there and started signing autographs and stuff for kids too. Schmidt will more than likely get a maximum contract offer from someone since he's an undrafted free agent. Florida sucks again, so I'm sure they'll want Bjugstad more now.

    I'll be more surprised if any of them stay than if they leave.

    The Wild only lose Haula's rights if he withdraws from school and waits until July 1 to become a free agent. If he stays in school, the Wild retain his rights just like Montreal with Kristo this year.

  12. Just seemed disinterested to me. Guess its time to make himself some money in the pros.

    I agree. He is easily the most talented player in the country when he wants to be but I saw two maybe three shifts the whole game where he looked interested. If he played with Rau's intensity, he would be scary good. Just hate player's that waste their talent. If you would have told me at the beginning of the season that Bjugstad wouldn't even make the top 10 Hobey candidates I would have said you were crazy.

  13. Dirty play......in the pros there would have been a fight after that one. I've never seen Knight that completely ready to kill somebody.....wow.

    Odd man out in the lineup now is Drake. Going with the seasons on the line lineup got the team the lead and just gave Niagara no hope for the rest of the game. At the end they put Mark up with Knight and Kristo and rode them to the end. The mix matching continues....

    My lines tomorrow:



    Gaarder-Pattyn-St. Clair

    Fill in fourth unit forwards....Chyzyk, Drake, OD.

    I think your first two are correct but the third will be Caggulia-Pattyn-St. Clair. I'd like to see Mitch Mac-Gaarder-Rodwell fourth line and spot them a shift or two per period. Let's not wait until we are down to roll these lines.

  14. Jim, based on your calculations it looks like Niagra is basically a lock. Looks like there will be a ton of interest in the Atlantic hockey tourney this weekend and a whole lot of Niagra fans except for Quinnipiac as they would most likely get the autobid if Niagra doesn't win.

  15. The real problem is BSU showed how to shut down the Knight-Kristo-Grimaldi lineup. They played Grimaldi very physical and essentially made it a Knight-Kristo line. By moving Grimaldi away from Knight and Kristo they lessen the potential for another team to load up to shut down the top line. I think that could be the cause of the coaches concern with Grimaldi on the top line. OD gives a more physical presence on the top line and Rocco has upgraded Rowney and Parks.

    I think you hit the nail on the head here. Bemidji shut down that line and Hak realized he needed to get more scoring throughout the lineup which is why Rocco was switched. I've said all year this team goes as far as the Rowney line can take them. That line, whoever is on it, needs to provide secondary if not primary scoring throughout the playoffs and I think it starts with Rowney elevating his game (Parks as well). Moving Rocco there obviously increases the chances.

  16. You scared me with that combo referee. Certainly don't want any two of them in the same body.But I don't think this pair will overlook obvious holding (like shep jr and anderson).

    May be practice this week, but I'd bet they want the extra beef on the blue line playing a big extra physical team.

    I'm guessing he is dinged up a bit. I don't think they would make a change like that without it being an injury. Panzarella hasn't played in a while.

  17. I believe the Nebraska AD recently mentioned there are no plans to start hockey anytime soon.

    After being in Omaha, I don't think there is any chance Nebraska would or should start a program. Most of the people I ran into had no idea there was hockey going on that weekend and everyone of them said we only care about Nebraska football here. Just don't think there would be enough fan support. They need to have only one program in that state in which they currently have.

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