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sioux rube

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Everything posted by sioux rube

  1. Does it really matter?It's November,although I thought the rodents would be #1 and all my rodent fans could get all giddy and think they just won the national championship.
  2. I know they aren't asking me I am giving my opinion that's what we do here.I say bring in Bemidji St. and send Alaska Anchorage packing.
  3. I hear ya.So he just made a blind pass towards his net thinking someone was there? BTW congrats on your 1000th post.
  4. Any video on VV wrong net goal?I didn't watch the game and I am curious on how exactly that happened.Poor guy will probably never live that one down.
  5. Look at Duncans goal a few posts up from here.It happened right after he scored by the net.
  6. I finally saw the play and I agree.I'm not one to whine about the officiating because it usually evens out over a course of a game but that one was beyond horrid.UNBELIEVABLE.
  7. More teams means even fewer times the SIOUX would play their hated rivals during the year.I say no to that proposal.
  8. Wow what a great period by the SIOUX.This is what I've been waiting for. Hextal with a major penalty.
  9. Damn near 20 shots on Bachman already.The boys are flyin tonite.
  10. Sounds like Eidsness was tested pretty good right off the bat.
  11. Rodents up 2-0 on NH in the first.Hate to say it but the goofs are looking good.Peaking to early again though.
  12. That is great news.Lets hope they can keep it going and possibly knock off one of the big schools like oh I don't know the RODENTS maybe.
  13. We had to leave the game early to get back to Jamestown.Looks like we missed an exciting ending.The girls are really fun to watch this year.The Weibe girl has a set of hands on her and she can make opponents look foolish.Here is to continued success to the program.
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