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sioux rube

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Everything posted by sioux rube

  1. This is great news.I can see the VV,Duncan and Kozek line lighting the lamp often next season.Now about that so called mustache.
  2. That came to mind right away as I was sitting 5 rows up from where it happened.Other than that it will always be every shift he was on the ice because he played like it was the last shift of his life.Damn I'm going to miss watching him play.
  3. Exactly.That is why I just could not get overly excited about the team this past season.They never got on that run where they were destroying teams even though they had a 18 game unbeaten streak.They were squeking by with the help of Lammy.
  4. I basically said the same thing on another web site.I'm going to miss the all out effort on every shift and his will to win no matter what it took.Now I can add the Blues to my list of NHL teams I will keep an eye on during the year next season.
  5. Gerbe wasn't the only one believe me and how many times did Lammy bale them out.I do like what is coming in though and it will be interesting to see how the new guys do next year.
  6. Size won't matter when you can't stop them from going around you,aka Gerbe.
  7. Be a cold day in hell before I buy one of those pukey lookin jerseys.I can't believe people just don't let the whole HC crap just go away but I guess that's just me.I mean it was fun back in it's time but not so much anymore IMO.
  8. Thank the good Lord.I still have nightmares of him.
  9. Thanks.It's only $34,000 out of my price range.
  10. Any idea what it costs to go there for a year?I've heard like $30,000 but that seems a bit to much.
  11. Love that place.They really let ya raise a little hell on the race track.
  12. Paid in full 2 weeks ago.It's nice to get that out of the way before summer spending starts.
  13. Well said and I couldn't agree more.I sent the clip to all my friends on my email list and did not get one negative comment back.
  14. Truthfully after reading that article I don't know who is more excited her or I.
  15. Looking forward to taking my daughter there this June for hockey camp. http://sports.espn.go.com/espnmag/story?id=3361287
  16. I said I lost a little respect for TJ with this incident.BTW I have played the game for the last 40 years and still do and also coach the game.I know I personally would of taken the defeat a little more seriously and not gone to a big party and celebrate it.He is 21 now not 16.This has nothing to do with my respect for the way he plays the game because nobody plays with more grit and heart than he does.Believe me I am going to miss watching him.
  17. Nice to see that they didn't dwell on getting their asses kicked to long.Let's celebrate with a loud party and who knows what else.I have lost some respect for TJ this time around.
  18. No funny stuff.Thanks for the laugh.
  19. That play right there I knew we had a great player.Lets hope he can add to that 5 game winning goals total.
  20. Thanks for the pics.Todays game will be happier pics.
  21. SIOUX look terrible right now.Lucky to be only 1-0.
  22. They are getting outworked and it's hard to watch.
  23. I will be there and you can bet your bottom dollar they will here from me.GO SIOUX!!!!!!!!
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