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Everything posted by GeauxSioux

  1. The men find a home...... UND joins MPSF in men’s swimming and diving Faison does it again. UND is truly looking west.
  2. The ramblings of an oft banned poster...Big Sky Sends UND a Warning: We Have A Problem I love the post by a UNI fan that UND's record against the other Dakota schools.
  3. One of the things that I posted in the wrong thread..... Floating Tiger breaking news... What happened with Western Michigan??
  4. Oops, I've been posting in Big 10 thread, instead of the new conference thread. The Irish fans seem to be pulling for "Super 6".
  5. Andy Baggot says .... Don’t blame Big Ten for college hockey’s upheaval
  6. Analysis: College hockey's shifting will create opportunities You make your opportunities.
  7. Sorry neighbor, I already gave away my +1 for the day. Your post is dead on.
  8. Looking at this map of the new conference, can one really believe that Miami would have said yes without assurance that Notre Dame and Western Michigan were coming along?
  9. This is part of "what needs to happen"..... N.D. needs Stenehjem’s view I doubt that we will see any decision from Stenehjem prior to the NCAA meeting later this month, but he does need to do his job. It seems everyone, is going with the flow on this, from the legislature, to the governor, to the AG and the SBoHE. I can understand the SBoHE being somewhat reluctant to make too many waves with the legislature, since that is how they are funded, but the legislature is out of line here and needs to be reigned in by the AG and likely, eventually, the Courts. If the legislature and governor can create a law, which is unconstitutional, does the SBoHE have to follow it? The AG needs to speak up. If the legislature is allowed this foray into the SBoHE's business, what is to stop them from further reaches of power.
  10. I don't think any of us know that for sure. That what was said about the Big Sky not too long ago and it turned out they did care about the name/logo.
  11. July 1, 2012 is the date that UND is officially a member of the Big Sky Conference. I am confident that all of the details regarding the nickname/logo can be worked out to make this happen. Less than a year and UND will be in the best FCS conference in the land. And now with the hockey program exploring a new conference, these are exciting times at UND.
  12. Hadn't seen this posted.... Terrier Finds A Home At UND
  13. I wouldn't be surprised if the only meaningful conversations that came out of the meeting with NCAA were regarding REA. REA, while not being owned by UND, is all over the settlement document. The nickname/logo conversations are non-starters.
  14. Not that I'm trying to push Dr. Kelley out the door, but I'll bet this guy is watching what is going on.
  15. From the Jamestown Sun...Drop the ‘Fighting Sioux’ name, logo Back to the topic of "What need to Happen"...
  16. Why was Carlson's FOIA request sent to Kelley and not the SBoHE? Kelley works for the SBoHE. Is this another poke in the eye of SBoHE? Why does he request the correspondence between UND and ANY athletic conference since January 1st? Is he afraid UND is possibly talking to someone else? Another conference that he can submarine UND's chances with? If he meant WCHA, why not just say BIg Sky and WCHA? And what is with the tone of the letter, waive any costs for providing the information and I want it immediately or tell me why I can't have it immediately? This is another Carlson power trip. Edit: He wanted them immediately... Power Trip.
  17. What leverage or negotiating tactic is Al Carlson going to employ in the meeting with the NCAA, that they will suddenly say, "oh, yes, we get it now, we were wrong and you were right. You can keep the name and we'll take you off the list"? The NCAA has a settlement signed by former SBoHE Board President Paulsen and AG Stenehjem that required the state to get Standing Rock and Spirit Lake approval by November 30, 2010. That didn't happen. August 15th UND gets placed back on the H&A list. The NCAA doesn't have to negotiate anything. They won. Al Carlson's "I think they can be moved" statement is BS. And now Carlson goes for the FOIA to acquire documents, so they can be aired publicly. I don't think Al can do much more to screw UND in their attempt to join the Big Sky. Kelley is not an adept politician, but I believe that he is trying to do the best thing for the University as a whole.
  18. UND and the Big Sky: Who said what, when?
  19. UND and the Big Sky: Who said what, when?
  20. There is the possibility that the law can be deemed unconstitutional. The legislature does not have the power constitutionally to make a law forcing a school, which is under the SBoHE domain, to change it's nickname. Additionally, I'm of the mind that the Big Sky, not unlike the NCAA, would rather the name go away than get tribal approval. As long as the name stays there will be issues. One of the biggest is that even with tribal approval now, two years from now, one of the two tribal councils could vote to rescind approval and then UND would have one year to transition away from Fighting Sioux, starting the whole thing over again.
  21. Your post lacks logic. You would destroy all of your teams just to keep the name. Why have a name if you have no teams to use the name? Some times being right doesn't make it the right thing to do and I really don't think God cares if UND is known as the Fighting Sioux.
  22. :lol: My eyes are watering and my stomach hurts from laughing.
  23. UND University Senate backs Kelley call for Sioux nickname law repeal
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