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Csonked Out

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Everything posted by Csonked Out

  1. The only one I am against is leaving it ad North Dakota. We need to move on and as long as we don't have a nickname we won't be
  2. I am impressed with the connections some of these assistants are having. Sounding like they are talking to quality athletes.
  3. I am not as concerned about the talent as I am the depth. If we have an injury to Arrington we are up a big big creek with no paddle.
  4. I don't think the pass defense was as bad as the ranking. Certain teams just gave up running the ball on us so they aired it out in the 2nd pass. I will go top 5 in nation in run. Top 25 in pass and top 5 overall
  5. Boeser isn't a top 10 pick. Should fall between 20 and 35. But yes, 2 years max.
  6. Wayne Gretzky does have one attractive daughter!
  7. This would be a darn impressive hire. How many colleges have multiple coaches with multiple years of NHL coaching experience? He has also done some impressive work over the years on the power play, very good fit.
  8. Ron Rolston seems to fit most of those
  9. At what point do we have enough linebackers?
  10. Right........
  11. I have to imagine we will save on assistants too. Berry and Dane were highly paid assistants I would think
  12. exactly. Baseball isn't a huge expense but it does offset title 9 if we ditched women's hockey. GF is a hockey town though so I don't see it happening. What about swimming and diving for both men and women?
  13. Stayed for at least 8 seasons?
  14. I stand corrected then. My bad
  15. My answer is women's hockey....if that went away we could have a boatload of cash for the other sports. Starts a women's field hockey team for title 9 purposes. Plus if REA is privately owned they don't have to release the books
  16. men's hockey makes a profit so let's make sure we get that clear, UND is getting a return on their investment. From what I hear Basketball and Football are losing money. Do you pull money from a profitable program to improve others? That has to be the debate. We need to improve our other sports bUT at the cost of what? Men's hockey is clearly worth the money.
  17. I go off coaching salaries where we are way behind the competition. Even Bubba should be paid more than 150k. I never heard why we aren't more competitive in pay for Basketball and Football. Would be curious to hear as well
  18. They market better, they fund their sports better, and they have more success. The fact we are having this debate just makes me laugh because they are that much better right now. Even Bubba is getting almost 50% of the salary Kleiman is. I'm not sure about assistants but you get what you pay for and we have been clearance shopping for a long time. If our budget is that tight, than we need to drop a couple of un profitable sports (women's hockey) and properly fund our major sports.
  19. NDSU is where we are aspiring to be. Multiple football championships and multiple March madness tournaments. We can moan all we want about why but they have hired all the right coaches by allotting proper coaching salaries and assistants. Our basketball program is mediocre at best and football has been poor for 5 years. We shot ourselves in the foot by not paying competitive salaries to our coaches and assistants. Here are the 2 goals I have 1) MBB must win the Big Sky or Jones needs to be fired as he has had far to much time. 2) football finishes the season with a winning record. It is a tough schedule and this is only year 2. I hate to agree with NDSU fans on this but they are better than us in every way right now. Results speak for themselves and I am embarrassed by ours lately.
  20. It just shows how much poor coaching and recruiting can set a program back. NDSU had the right coach in place and recruited from the area. How would things look if we had Bubba from day 1 of the transition instead of Mussman? All other reasons aside, this is the reason for our problems and our solution is already in year 2. It didn't break overnight and it won't fix overnight.
  21. Olivera and Smith may not have a choice, i am sure the coaches are losing a bit of sleep over it
  22. I would call Bohl a lot of things but a gentleman has never been one of them.
  23. Didn't Maurice get us Arrington too?
  24. I am more than a bit concerned with RB depth this fall, is Cedric Simmons still around or is it down to Arrington, kyle, and Olivera?
  25. Hopefully all the recruits stay as Berry was in charge of recruiting
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