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Midwestern Hawk

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Everything posted by Midwestern Hawk

  1. If we get the lead vs JMU I think we likely win.
  2. Nope. Tommy didn’t even attempt the first throw all season. Safety over top, 50 yard throw. Nope.
  3. QB is an absolute stud. IMO he is the difference. Schmid running was difference for SHSU yesterday too.
  4. No. Here are 2 big pass plays vs us. Our present QB can't make those throws. The first one is a bit under thrown.
  5. As UND football fans, going into the fall, expectations and excitement should be at an all time high. It has been a “different” season, but IMO, Bubba and everyone associated with the football program have brought us to the level we have been working towards since taking the plunge to FCS. A share of MVFC championship, a very high national ranking, and a win against a national finalist(likely to be a win vs national champion). We are easily among the top 10 teams this spring and likely top 5. We still need to beat our nemesis to the south but I am confident it will happen very soon.
  6. Epic collapse in third qtr for JMU. Unreal start to 4 th qtr.
  7. SDSU beating up Delaware. We are close gentlemen.
  8. It sucks. Would love to be watching UND take on SHSU today.
  9. That's fantastic. You guys are misinterpreting my posts, but thats ok.
  10. Ketteringham was simply awful in the pocket. Did not have a good feel for pressure and when to move around and when throw it away. Way too many sacks. I think it will be interesting to see how the QB position evolves this summer and fall. Freund has worked overtime figuring out way to move the pocket and come up with "gadget" plays to cover for some shortcomings. I am not sure how Quincy is throwing the ball, but it is obvious that he is much more of a running threat than Tommy has been. Whether its Freund or Tommy or some of both, for UND to take the next steps, we HAVE to get over whatever the fear is and take some shots downfield when that is what the defense is giving us. This is 2nd and 9 throw to Richter, the play right before the INT in 2nd qtr. This should have been picked too. I don't understand the thinking here. Why are we not taking a shot downfield? It's 1 on 1, safety following Skokna in motion. This is one hell off a lot of trouble to attempt to throw the ball to Richter at the LOS. This again is a single read pass play. Richter does a hell of a job shielding the CB from the ball or this is an easy PICK 6.
  11. It's hard to tell for sure from camera angles where safety is when ball is thrown, but safety is not in frame when ball is thrown to Cochrane. The safety is following the motion towards the boundary at the snap. My bigger point on that play is Tommy goes to the receiver the play is designed for or he throws it away. I'm not saying this is bad or necessarily wrong, I'm just saying when you look at the film critically that is what happens on every play. IMO its also why our offense struggled down the stretch(last 3 games) other then 1st qtr vs MSU.
  12. When teams win the QB generally gets too much of the credit and when they lose they are supposed to get too much of the blame. Like I have said before, we are close, so very close. AT JMU we score a td after the muffed punt or score a TD on our first drive of second half we are likely on our way to Huntsville for the semis. I see the game differently than some of you. In today's football, all other things being relatively equal, teams go as far as their QB's will take them. Do we have deficiencies on D? Of course we do. Special teams, yes. But so does every other team.
  13. So you are saying Cochrane is the open receiver or is Cochrane who the play is designed for?
  14. God I hate this, but some of you are watching a different game than I am. Tommy doesn't get sacked much because his throws are designed for one target. If that target is not open, he throws it away. Don't believe me, give me the play in the JMU game where Tommy threw to his secondary receiver. This is 3rd play of the game at JMU, if he doesn't lock on Cochrane and hits Maag in stride this is either a TD or a long, long gain.
  15. Not sure why Danny would direct Tommy not to scramble/run, but maybe.
  16. No doubt that is part of it, I think its lack of arm strength on QB part. One good hitch in the step out wide and Maag would have separation at least for a few yards. UND under Danny loves to run short passes to outside and screens, with tight man coverage, that is largely out the window. You guys were the first team that played our receivers that tight.
  17. I didn't say Tommy can't run, but we now have a 7 game body of work which says he won't run. Takes so much pressure off the defense. Zeb Noland can't run at NDSU, if you go single high safety he will kill you with the deep ball. You want to win a national title or not? It's a QB game now.
  18. Completely agree. Complete a fade route or two on the outside and they have to adjust. RB run and any type of WR screen is a non starter against this.
  19. If you are Danny, where do you attack this defense. Next fall, this is what UND now will see a ton of.
  20. I think we can say that pre-Entz they were geniuses at recruiting QB's.
  21. So you are inferring that Quincy can't throw?
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