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Everything posted by UNDMOORHEAD

  1. Gardner, JJ, Adams, and Bast out tonight. Only Adams isn't injured.
  2. I hope you're right, but we only used to talk about next year after losing in the frozen four.
  3. I'm happy to see GFC rolling, but I thought it would be a hard fought close game.
  4. Maybe Berry was good cop to Haks bad cop. Now we have no one to play bad cop anymore.
  5. Blew a 3 goal lead against Miami, wtf. Two years removed from a national championship and this is where we are.
  6. If you have to ask you'll never know. At least that's what I've been told.
  7. We'll be able to see the smoke from the states.
  8. Yeah, maybe I read that tweet wrong because they were talking about remaining eligibility.
  9. Noah Grover commits, freshmen juco QB
  10. Now the grammar police have gone rouge.
  11. Based on how they've called it, I can't agree with that.
  12. Should be a delay of game when teams pull that bs.
  13. That's a penalty in men's hockey.
  14. A mix of four year guys and high end youngsters is the key as I see it. I don't want to end up on the Wisconsin plan of giant freshmen classes that struggle for two years, compete in the third year, and have a chance at a natty in the fourth. Character guys are important, but so are the blue chippers.
  15. They also don't make the tourney every year.
  16. So you're telling me they're due.
  17. A sweep followed by a split would make me happy.
  18. Did Ladue lose his spot now that the kings got Phaneuf?
  19. If they win you'll have to continue the gameday threads in this way.
  20. We've had teams that didn't have the best players make the frozen four. We've also had teams that I felt had the best players not win the natty. This team may not have the best players, but I guess I expected more.
  21. Just saying, if they were to play a perfect game tomorrow it wouldn't be enough to fill me with hope.
  22. If they were to win 23-0 tomorrow I would still be cautiously optimistic at best.
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