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Everything posted by BarnWinterSportsEngelstad

  1. What would be appropriate, say in about an hour, would be for the refs to KICK LUCIA'S A$$ out of the rink!
  2. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but now during the season after UND and Midco made their deal, isn't this all Midco? and then whatever other broadcasting company they may choose or may not choose to deal with? This is out of U of MN controll.
  3. We were fortunate to have him when we did, Thx Blaiser!
  4. Ticket sales are stagnant this week. Who would of taught that? Hoping for a good walk on. If the 3 student sections fill, could be respectable.
  5. I've mentioned this in years past, "The trailer park on Univeristy Aveunue (west) is ripe for the plucking." BUT, now having Ray Richards Golf Course available as a potential site for a FB stadium and other future buildings/needs has more potential --- academic buildings, dorms, close to steam plant, plant services buildings, and etc. #1, UND already owns the land. #2, this land is adjacent to UND's main campus to the south, except for a narrow strip which includes Demers Ave and RR tracks. I always cringe when someone talks about selling that golf course land. UND will need this land years down the road, a sale here would be a big long term mistake. Usually a bad practice to sell off your stuff when times aren't so good. There could be a walk way built over the tracks and Demers Ave, like going south of Wilkerson Hall complexes.
  6. REA --> UND after 30 years, which started just after start of this century. UND owns land, REA the improvement thereon. Thanks Ralph Engelstad and family.
  7. Or the Riverqueen, McGuires, Up Town, Bronze Booth, Dacotah Motor Hotel - Red Garter Cocktail Lounge, Frontier, Club 81, Matts, Red Barn, Ryan Hotel, Oasis, Office, High Lander, Skipper Kellys, Loft, Frenchys, El Roco, VFW, Belmont Liquors, KCs, Elks, Westward Ho, Johnnys by ball park, Daimond, Legion, Crown Colony, Charlie Browns, Big Daddys, Dennys, Bun Lounge, McMenamy's Tavern, Hub Bar, Peanut Bar, Down and Under, Columbia Liquires, Right Spot, Chets, and of coarse Judys. Have to take a breather before I jump to the east side.
  8. I think this is an excellent move for UND with Faison being 67. Get a new dynamic AD in place for the transitioning into the 2 new leagues. Maybe even an AD without front teeth that would know how to get us in the future Premiere Hockey League, just kidding on last sentence, can't have 2 ND's in same conference, NCAA won't allow it!!!
  9. Most that charge a little will give you a drink. I have a parking pass but take the bus occasionally. They are well worth the convenience. You get dropped off, with a very short walk to the door and after the game you walk back to the bus.
  10. Sorry, with the press jumping into open records laws so much now a days, not happening. What will happen more is this oral meeting without text, emailing, notes, minutes, videos, and so on. Actually, these oral meetings might be a good thing, some of the stuff is just better said than put in Tom Miller's article.
  11. Again, he is 67. Perfect timing. New AD by Jan 1st.
  12. How many more years do you think he should of stayed on as AD? With the nickname changed, conference moves agreed to, certain sports cut, newer buildings, the timing is perfect. UND will move forward. Next man up.
  13. There are a lot of bars that have buses, ride a couple every year. I tried to find a conclusive list, no such luck.
  14. Like you??? Brian retired, (and your blabbing and trolling about get rid of somebody), he probably even stayed longer (he's 67) than someone normally would have to help with a better transition for the new AD.
  15. The timing is really perfect, Faison is 67 and retiring, good speeches by AD and Pres. No arrows shot, kinda like at a funeral, only nice things said. With all the drama in last decade, we turn the page, move on, hire a great AD, kick some A$$ in sports.
  16. Appreciate your post, hope your son plays for UND some day!
  17. I have gone to the goof games in the Barn (which was Winter Sports Building, 1st 2 years of college), in the Winter Sports Center (which years after I graduated was renamed to Ralph Engelstad Arena), and in the palace the Ralph Engelstad Arena. There was never another team that matched the Minnesota Gophers rivalry with UND. This crowd this weekend will transform those few in doubt, into believers.
  18. I would also like to play those 3 every year in conference. Let's say for sake of argument these three equal these next 3 NCHC teams. MN Wisc Mich say equal Duluth Denver StCloud Then the last four teams comparison: Notre Dame vs Omaha Penn St vs Miami Ohio St vs CC Mich St vs W Mich I would rather play the team in the left column over the team in the right column every year.
  19. I've been thinking from the start that the B1G will be the place to be, sure they had a very rough start. They already took most of the bumps out of that. The B1G led all conferences with the average season per game home attendance the last two years. This season they also have Notre Dame. The B1Ghockey will have 8 teams down the road, and will continue to lead in average season per game home attendance. UND leads to country in average season per game home attendance. Take UND out of the NCHC and you paint a different picture for the NCHC.
  20. Now we will be getting back some visitor tickets on Friday as we usually do. Realistically the student section can be expected to be sold out (given out). Attendance might be respectable on Sat. considering everything that's happened this season.
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