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Everything posted by BarnWinterSportsEngelstad

  1. I wish it was that good. Let me pull my inner SiouxVolley theory out of nowhere so bare with me. So Rob Port (Click Bait expert with UND & NDSU rants) energized KEM"s late winter dislike for P Kennedy and now will not contribute the $4M promised towards to The Ralph scoreboard.
  2. Slow, so we can expect you to be laughing like let's say tomorrow?
  3. Of coarse this all comes from what Junior told BB Mama. So let's all believe you, once a Bison forever fans no matter what, and all the cover up staff members.
  4. Too many returns at the end of your post. Yes, Augie has yet some tough choices to make, but Sanford is helping.
  5. Are you a brother to Slowhand, and that is very old news? This is very concerning when you have a NDSU Hall of Fame - All American BB Mama accusing a FB staff member of giving supplements to players that eventually got Junior banned by the NCAA.
  6. It's MARCH. Yesterday morning -14, today -16, still -11(-35 windchill) in GF. Pairwise were're at 20. Anybody have anything positive to say? Could be worse? Lake Ontario Beach House Encase in 4' of Ice. A house in Pulaski, New York, is completely encased in ice after strong winds and waves sprayed the beach-front home.
  7. "Holy Hole in a Doughnut Blackheart! That's only two walls. LOOK, Holy Ice Picks!"
  8. Bigger question, can we afford to buy 4 years of a contract out which peaks at $450G in last year.
  9. Just win this next period and deal with tomorrow tomorrow.
  10. There could be 5 goals in this next period. Quality of shots from both teams is improving. Let stay out of the box, keep playing defense, and score some goals.
  11. 0-0 7:15 in the 2nd. Game is getting more exciting on both ends as game moves on.
  12. This is the weekend last year when it all started (USCHO Poll) as the #8 nationally ranked Gophs/Lucia, and they were already talking about the NCAA's. They would go on to lose 4 straight to Penn St, 2 this & 2 next weekend and never see the ice in the last 2 weekends of the B1G tourney. Then there was silence on GopherHole the last evening of tourney finals. For the slide, every team (most underdogs) that had to win, did, with Sandelin firing the .0001 heart shot - dead gopher.
  13. In short, what was donated here by Ralph & Betty Engelstad at the start of the century is a future interest in The Ralph with a 30 year lease and then in the fall of 2030 the land consumes all of the improvements upon it and the lease expires along with all the other strings. In the mean time money taking into The Ralph stays here in The Ralph with some forwarded to the AD. Sure, there are bills along with improvements paid for that go out the door. In short, Pretty Sweet, what a gift! Keep in mind next year (14 years ago there was a major change to the rental agreement for building The Betty) The Betty is paid for, with these remaining payments being made by The Ralph. We must remember these donations that KEM brings up or other posters bring up are not proceeds or $ in anyway from The Ralph but from the Engelstad Foundation that is in Nevada. After The Ralph was built and operating, in 2002 the Engelstad Foundation (somewhat short of $1B) was formed, again in Nevada, completely separate from this jewel in GF. This foundation since it's conception has given: $20M to the UND Foundation Nearly $4M to Ralph Engelstad Arena (nicknamed The Ralph) $8.5M towards Scheels Arena in Fargo (swallow that one) $5M EGF Sacred Heart .5M GF Parks and more - http://engelstadfoundation.com/esf/past-donations/. Take note the new scoreboard going into The Ralph: The Ralph contributes $2M to the cost of it's own $6M scoreboard. Engelstad Foundation gives $4M. I ask seriously as a supporter of UND, how can you resort to your statements and not see the good here? Why would we want to try and stop a family giver of this magnitude? People need to understand the whole picture, way too much confusion. The positives way out way the negatives. There is a future here for more good to come, how can P. Kennedy not see this as well. We need KEM on good graces for this next move. What is happening with P. Kennedy is causing problems with our HPC Phase II plan. Anyone interested in getting this Phase II done soon, continue reading, this is a fast track plan: Need an administrator that knows how to fund raise and rebuild some relationships. Fund raise. Get KEM back on board. After above is accomplished with fund raising slowed down (which by the way will be after The Betty will be paid for) and where a reasonable amount of funds still might be needed to finish Phase II; KEM with The Ralph (including UND's direction) do a similar 15 year loan as was done with The Betty.
  14. Theze ink copps get to workd up over speling and gramar, posterz understand the gest off you're post. Your do n fine, after all its a mesage baord?
  15. Need to understand that the Engelstad Foundation in Nevada is separate from The Ralph (which includes 3 non-profits, LLC and UND land) in GF. KEM is involved in both. http://engelstadfoundation.com/esf/ http://www.theralph.com/about-the-arena/promoter-info
  16. I have a nephew in track, HPC is a very nice facility. Just really need to finish Phase II to make it a complete facility.
  17. It wouldn't matter much which team we beat (Denver or W Mich), what's most important is that the teams immediately above us in the Pairwise lose as we win, so we can move above them.
  18. The time has come starting with CC for UND MH to get in the habit of sweeping weekends. Our chances at playing first round at home is very slim with Denver having a two game lead over us and we both have 4 games to go. Denver plays Omaha and CC. We are at 18th in Pairwise, so we need to win and the teams just about us need to lose so we can slowly ratchet up. Then there's always the chance of earning the auto bid.
  19. SD beats NDSU 75-65 Oral Roberts wins 84-80 over Omaha
  20. We have one more win than SD (which is playing right now, could be tie) and we play them in our last game so I would think we have to beat them no matter what?
  21. ORU loss is good for us, get that. Now, I don't know how to say this, but do we want USD to lose?
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