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Everything posted by BigGame

  1. I haven't had a chance to watch a game in the AL because it took them to long to build, but I know the Fargodome has good sightlines.
  2. I happen to live in Texas and ND football is not terrible. They pump a lot more time and money into the programs down here but the overall disipline of the players seems to be a lot better in ND. I would take an average ND offensive line over 90% of the offensive lines I see in high schools down here. The biggest difference is speed, Lot's of athletes, and lot's of speed in Texas but I bet Dressler would have had big numbers in Texas High School football if he had grown up here. His numbers likely wouldn't have been as good as they were in ND, but he is obviously a player. I think UND should give him some carries, just to see what he can do. It would be stupid to get him hurt so he can't return punts and kicks, as well as make plays at WR when you already have some very capable RB's that can handle the job.
  3. Yes I don't think you have taken the time to comprehend everything I have written. Private schools recruit kids and Minnesota has open enrollment (so they in theory, can also recruit kids) I will stop with this thread now, but I do agree with Ira on many things he points out but I think it will be very difficult to fix the RR football program in 4 years. Maybe if he gets all the support he needs to run a tight program, but I just don't think that will happen at least not right away.
  4. No, I don't think that at all, because Grand Forks isn't nearly big enough to produce a high school full of kids with parents that make a lot of money. But the average kid tends to be better off than most other schools (or at least many of the parents and kids seem to have that attitude) Many of the kids at RR do care about winning and losing, but those kids tend to either be in the minority or they are not blessed with the ability to make a much of a difference. Hockey is #1 at RR, and I understand that. Most schools RR size can put together good teams in all sports, RR biggest problem in football games is most of the players are soft and that is all attitude and effort. Once again because you apparently can't comprehend very well, It's not all kids but most that grow up in the situation or environment they do. The football program at RRhas many, many problems. More than I could ever get into on a message board, but I pushed 2 of the bigger problems out. Like it or not it is the current situation at RR. The school has enough kids that it shouldn't be hard to find 11 tough and aggressive kids to put on the field. Bottineau HS had a similar problem for years, but it was caused by some similar things and some different things. In Bottineu kids were told by the hockey coach if you are a hockey player, you don't play football. Obviously Bottineau doesn't have the school population to not get some kids out for a sport and still be successful. Good for BHS they are turning the problem around. These problems all have many levels, it isn't only the 2 things I went over, but IMO these are the biggest problems. Remember, it's just an opinion base upon my experiences. I have worked at 4 different schools one high school with average kids being above middle class (at least for the area). Good kids, of the 60 kids that played football, about 15 of they worked hard, but of the 60 only about 10 were physical football players, willing to tackle anyone and go in hard. Another HS I did my student teaching at a long way from ND had the richest of the rich, and the dirt poor all in one school. The football team consisted of all lower class or poverty kids with the exception of two players. That school has a very good football team year in and year out and of the 100 kids they have player football, about 90 of them are hittings and very physical players. The coaches at these schools do things very close to the same. (go figure) I have worked at two middle schools, one was very middle class for the area with a few kids that were a little better off financially. Only 30 kids came out the year I was at the school, but 24 of those kids would hit and be aggressive on the field. I currently work at a middle school and for a high school in a very affluent area. They people are nice, and almost all the kids are very good academically. When it comes to football we had 65 kids out, of those 65 I have 5 kids that are aggressive and will hit in practice. Bottom line is that kids that are brought being given things and are the "have kids" tend to be softer than the "have not" kids. The environment can be changed but it takes a lot of work and time, and no coach could do it on their own. They will need help from school, community, parents, and the A.D. and it has to start when the kids are very young (long before they get to high school). I wish RR good luck, they do have a good coach (as several coaches in the past have been) but it will take far more than X's and O's, physical conditioning, and a pre-game pep talk to turn the program around.
  5. How about you post this in the thread where I made the comments. I realize you probably don't fully understand what I have posted, but please put it in the correct thread.
  6. Because they have to cut down the roster, some times they will cut a player and bring them back later for the practice squad. I kind of doubt that is what will happen considering John didn't get much PT during the first couple of preseason games.
  7. Bowenkamp was waived by the Vikings, I hope they put him resign him to the practice squad later.
  8. I think they are somewhat underrated with nationwide fans of D2 football. I am positive the teams in the NCC know exactly how good Minnesota State is and they will not be taken lightly. Especially after knocking UNO out of the playoffs last year.
  9. Wasn't their a girl thrower and RR around 2000/2001 that went to throw at UCLA? Briana something comes to mind, but I am not certain that is correct on the first name.
  10. Someone who has struck a nerve with you.
  11. BigGame


    I don't know if I would like a guy like that in the locker room!
  12. BigGame


    I know some stud high school players in the Houston area, but I don't think UND will recruit this far south.
  13. My guess is slim, they screwed that up all last year.
  14. I so ready, I am listening to NW Missouri/Mankato while I get some work done.
  15. It will take more than that, to turn that program around! I have never said RR didn't have plenty of talented kids, but you are talking about a lot of hockey players which is a rich kid sport and gets a lot more focus and attention is Grand Forks. Casavan was a talented kid, and was recruited because of his size and speed (potential), many D1 schools recruit based upon potential. Glas happens to be a kicker and was a soccer player in HS (not to mention his dad is a coach). Football just isn't important to most of these kids because life is good and it matters very little when they are so well taken care of.
  16. I have seen it first hand in two different places. Some kids at RR work hard but most do not. It is your choice about thinking my point is valid, but I saw it at RR and where I am currently. It isn't only having money that causes kids to be apathetic, but it is one reason for many who behave that way.
  17. I agree with a lot of what has been said about the reasons for Red Rivers football struggles, and I have seen them first hand. The parents of many players are a lot of the problem. As the team was coming off the field after a loss to Devils Lake I watched a parent basically try to attack Paul Peterson. His son played on the Oline and he felt his son should be starting on defense as well. The guy was lucky his kid played at all considering how bad his son was. I doubt the kid would have started for any other team in the state The other problem is that people with money tend to also have a big ego, and also want power and end up having to much say or influence over the higher ups in relation to athletics. The players are the other major problem because Red River does have some good athletes that choose not to play football because of influence from other coaches (hockey comes to mind first) and to a lesser extent parents. Ryan Potulney started at QB for Red River as a sophmore, only because he wanted to play football, his other coaches outside of football and to my knowledge his father didn't want him playing football and try to convince him not to play. Most of the kids at Red River are not like that, some kids worked hard but most did not. It is very hard for a coach to motivate a player if they really don't care if they win or lose, mommy and daddy are still going to treat these kids the same way win or lose (new car to drive, money to go out, sometimes very little or no supervision). Life is good and a football game or season isn't going to put a dent in that. I see the same thing to a lesser extent in the area where I work now, except here the kids have a lot more maney than anything you see in Grand Forks. Most of the kids don't care because the mansion with the Jag, BMW, and Mercedes is still their win or lose. Sports and hard just are not important to kids like that. There is alway exceptions to the rule, but these tend to be just a few exceptions. To turn around the Red River football program, it will take a lot more than being a good football coach and motivating kids.
  18. Good, because the NCAA is the jerk in this entire situation.
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