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Everything posted by BigGame

  1. So I have been trying to get the signal without the motor on the unit, but am having no luck. The receiver I have just jumps from reading 0% to 6% no matter where the dish is pointed. I think part of the problem is the elevation on the dish isn't clear. The markings are fine, but I don't have anything to line up with the degree marking to let me know the dish is actually at the correct elevation. The bracket the hold the dish at elevation is about the size of my pinky and covers the degree markings meaning I could be off by as much as 10 degree's easily. I really want to watch the games this weekend, but things aren't looking to good right now. What is more sensitive Elevation or Azimuth?
  2. Nightline has always been horrible news. I watched a story about the war in Iraq a few nights ago and realized that nightline is horribly one sided and would not watch it ever again. The media in general controlling information or misinformation really ticks me off. It is getting harder and harder to figure out what is the truth behind the news stories.
  3. It appears I am back to square one, I can't get any type of signal on 3C.
  4. The game wasn't even as close as the score appears, ESU was way overmatched.
  5. Well apparently I had the dish elevation correct, so maybe it will not be as diffecult as I thought. I am even a little apprehensive about how I should run the cable into my house without doing to much damage to the house, or myself.
  6. According to the chart in the instruction manual my Elevation should be 41.5 degree's, is that wrong?
  7. The factory didn't send the motor at the zero position, it came to me right around 10 degree's.
  8. The motor came in the back at 10 degree's. I am not sure but I think I have to hook it up to the receiver in order to zero it. The problem is that my instruction book tells me different than what I have seen online. I have the elevation thing figured out, well I guess we will see when I get the dist up which isn't going to happen at least until Saturday.
  9. Does the motor arm need to be set at 0 degrees when the Satellite is being installed? The motor arm on the dish is at something like 10 degrees and I am not sure how to move it back to zero or 1.15 according to the instruction books calculations.
  10. Zip is 77583 Sat Motor is SM3D12 (Sadoun is the company I bought the equipment from) Receiver is Fortec Star Lifetime Classic NA LNB is Fortec Star FSKU-V Thankds for the help!
  11. Cool, I got my Satellite last night, I just hope I can get it installed in time for the weekend. It doesn't seem all that difficult, but I am bound to screw it up and have trouble figuring out where I went wrong.
  12. I wonder if he would even want an extra year?
  13. BigGame


    How big is he? Speed is somewhat difficult to really judge considering a 200M time doesn't necessarily translate to explosive speed on the football field, although it obviously shows he's a great athlete. More importantly is how quick is he relative to his size?
  14. BigGame


    A lot of times coaches second guess themselves (like all people), they just aren't going to say it in public.
  15. BigGame


    Once again the fumbled exchanged happen to often to put all the blame on the other guy as well. The INT's are typically on the QB responsibility, except in the instance when a WR has the ball essentially caught and then taken away by a DB. I hope Belmore does well and gets back into early season form, but if he struggles I would like to see the coaches make a move and give Manke an opportunity. It is a tough call, because you don't really know how a team will respond to replacing a starting QB, a lot of good or bad could come from it. I do think it's a little footish to pretend Belmore is playing fine and he doesn't have some responsibility in the mistakes he has made over the past couple of game. It doesn't really do any good to bury your head in the sand and pretend everything is OK. If the coaching staff did that, the mistakes wouldn't get corrected and UND would be in a lot of trouble this week. I don't think anyone here wants Belmore to fail or do poorly, people here just want to see UND succeed. People are just voicing opinions about what they UND could or should do with the little knowledge we actually have about whats going on. We can see the games and highlights, but I don't think anyone here can claim that attend every practice and sit in on the meetings.
  16. BigGame


    That is where you are wrong, football is the ultimate team sport and requires everyone to do thier job in order to be successful. If someone screws up, believe me the coaches let them know about it and then move on trying to correct the problem. Why do you think they have individual assignment grades each game for the players? The team lost as a result of individual screw ups by several people, but some mistakes certainly caused more damage than others. If the big turnovers in the 4th quarter don't happen, UND wins the game. Maybe in ugly fashion, but the result would have been different.
  17. BigGame


    He lost 1 fumble last game, but was involved in 2 others (not that all the blame should fall on him) One was a fumbled exchange between QB/C and the other was a fumbled handoff between QB/RB.
  18. BigGame


    Turnovers are why UND lost to UNO. Conserative play calling with a 19 point lead didn't lose the game. It didn't help, but it certainly didn't cost UND the game.
  19. BigGame

    pat behrns

    Coaching is a lot of pressure and stress, I wouldn't blame any coach for getting out after putting in a lot of tough years of work. The long hours they put in really have to take a toll on a person.
  20. BigGame


    I agree, Belmore is the guy but needs to be on a short leash. Even if he struggles a little throwing the ball UND could be fine as long their isn't turnovers, especially turnovers giving USD a short field.
  21. I don't think he should just lose his QB job, but I would have liked to see Manke get a shot and given a chance to really earn the starting job from Belmore. I don't know that he would be able to do it, but competition is good.
  22. Everyone has a different opinion about talent and who the better players is and coach Lennon has always seemed to put the best players on the field. In this case, I am not so sure he has. Because the 2 QB's are so similar I do wonder why Manke has never really been given an appropriate amount of game time to win the job. Belmore has had a good year, but this was a horrible game for him. I don't care who the QB is, if they are playing poorly and making foolish mistakes they need to be taken out of the game. Any other position on the field making those type of mistakes would not have been left in the game. I understand QB confidence is a big deal, but Belmore appears to have lost it and the team needs to come first. I remember when I was at UND, it wasn't always the most talented or hardest working guys that got on the field. I think that has been fixed with coach Lennon, but IMO he needs to give Manke a crack at earning the starting QB job.
  23. Belmore had 3 picks, from the description the radio guys gave one of them was in grossman hands and got pulled away. He also had 3 fumbles, one on QB center exchange, another trying hand the ball off, and the last fumble gave UNO the ball in great field position to score and take the lead. I don't know what is wrong, but he needs to get is confidence back for next week.
  24. UNO's entire offense is throwing it up to Denny
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