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Everything posted by BigGame

  1. BigGame


    I am pretty sure the only way he could get a 6th year of eligibility is with a medical hardship.
  2. BigGame

    Fall Camp

    It doesn't surprise me to much, in the mid 90's one of UND's starting outside LB's was also the starting punter.
  3. BigGame

    Fall Camp

    I see Drew Thomas is now a fullback.
  4. I got the game up and running yesterday, thanks for the info PCM. It seems that the Sioux are a lot slower than most of the other teams, but maybe thats just me or the controller I am using has something wrong with it. How can you tweek of change players for the game?
  5. He was on the Browns roster last season, but he just hasn't seemed to stick. At least he is getting another crack at it. I wonder if Matt Knutson is still getting any looks from NFL teams?
  6. Speak for yourself, I certainly don't want you speaking for me as a member of the Siouxsports message board.
  7. UND always seems to have the spring game during the NFL draft weekend.
  8. D1 football and bowl games suck anyway, at least until the NCAA wises up and puts a playoff system in.
  9. Perspective, well here is my perspective. I don't care about Michigan, so I don't care to go watch Michigan Athletics. I would much rather go watch the Sioux play, not because the players will end up as professionals some day but because of my connection to UND. Comparing a D2 school to one of the largest D1 schools seems very reasonable, this comparison is stupid. I have never been to a bowl game but been to several large division 1 football games. I am a huge football fan but the games actually bored me to a degree because unless you have connections you are a long way from the field and have a terrible view of the game. I would rather watch those type of game on TV (just my opinion) but I am sure I would feel a little different if I attended the large University (Michigan, Nebraska, Texas, or any other). On a side note when my wife was selecting you graduate school, she was flown all over to different Universities that were essentially recruiting her. Of the 10 or 12 visits, Michigan was her least favorite and she said she would never consider attending. Just another perspective that doesn't think Michigan is so great. According to my wife, Michigan was dirty and the horrible students were snobs and not welcoming to her or any other perspective students they were recruiting.
  10. Thats to bad, he was a heckova player for UND. What I remember most about him was his punch, he would get locked into a D linemans chest and it was over for that sucker. Good luck to Tim, I wish him the best and hope he can fully recover from the car accident.
  11. I am pretty sure the high stick that is being refered to happened at center ice. Coming off a face off DU you was pushing into the UND zone and made a pass. As soon as the pass hit the DU players stick Greene toasted him and got a penalty (I think they called high stick). It certainly wasn't a high stick, but I am sure they could have found another penalty to give him anyway. When I watched it happen I remembered thinking to myself that he is will not be back with the Sioux next year. I can't blame him when officials are giving him undeserved penalties for physical play and his reputation. That just can't sit well with him considering how much time he spends in the box for the actual penalties he commits.
  12. Congrat to UND on a great finish to the season. DU may be the better team, but they certainly didn't outplay UND tonight. The game was very even, DU just had a couple things go their way.
  13. This is not really ment to be a flame, but I just had this link sent to me on email and I thought I would share. http://web.nccray.com/tkessler/undumn2.htm
  14. How do you know this is the case, maybe they don't care. This point like many of your others you are making assumptions. You are correct for calling yourself a troll because the situations are completely different. Your similarities and differences are obviously and completely one sided (hmmm, wonder why someone would make a point to do that) I agree that the situation has some a very loose likeness to the situation at UND, but you're messed up if you honestly believe what you put down is an accurate depiction of the situations. The statements in your post are accusatory and need factual backup that you should provide, if you have the ability to do so.
  15. Is the beatdown of office equipment OK?
  16. I guess this is part of the reason I don't understand why you would want to attend UND. You obviously feel the name use is racist as well as most if not all of the University. So why choose to attend a University that you feel is racist toward your ethnicity and culture? Just to let you know I have been egged and spit upon and I am confident it had nothing to do with my race. So what make you so certain these things happening to you was just because of your ethnicity? I am not saying these things don't happen because of some stupid people, but many things like this happen without race being part of the equation. I think this thread has been very interesting and informative but I can't agree with you until I personally see a few things change. This is not likely to happen anytime soon because I now live so far away from UND and North Dakota.
  17. I got a chuckle out of this, and I am not really sure why.
  18. Is the Sioux/Gopher game on ESPN or ESPN2? According to my DVR it is going to be on ESPN.
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