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Everything posted by BigGame

  1. BigGame

    Jesus camp

    IMO, it's more than a little scary. I don't for one minute think this is done in an even handed way as the clip said, but it is really extreme and bordering on brainwashing children.
  2. Yes, I would agree run blocking is more fun especially pull and trap or kick out blocks. It's also more difficult to adjust to slanting linemen when you are run blocking.
  3. Pass blocking and Run blocking are completely different in technique. Run blocking requires Offensive linemen to get on a player and drive him in a certain direction, or if that can't be managed maintain the block and pressure on the defensive player so they can't make the tackle or plug up the running lanes. One missed assignment or block typically will cause a run play to fail. IMO run blocking is a lot tougher than pass blocking because who or how you block can change a split second before the play based upon a defense changing the front they line up in. Pass blocking you don't go after the defense as much as you wait for them to sort themselves out before you block. Sometimes the Offensive linemen will be assigned to block a man and sometimes they will each be responsible for a gap. Pass blocking requires stregnth and technique, but not as much power and explosiveness and run blocking. Hand position is critical with both types of blocking, but moreso with pass blocking. This certainly isn't everything related to the types of blocking but it's a general idea of what each require. Some players find run blocking easier while other find pass blocking easier, a lot depends on the player but most will find pass blocking easier because blocking assignments don't change dramatically with pass blocking, and the likelyness of missing a block or getting off balance is slightly less with pass blocking (assuming the player has decent technique)
  4. BigGame

    TV Today

    I don't think Northeastern is really that bad a football team.
  5. This isn't UND or Community related but I thought the story video was worth watching. http://www.filecabi.net/video/can1986.html
  6. I thought K Dog was the Sioux mascot
  7. Yep, the game of cornhole is sweeping the nation. I am pretty sure drinking is required in order to find the game enjoyable.
  8. I thought this quote was pretty funny, it is from the Panther nation message board.
  9. BigGame

    Speed Kills

    Has anyone been able to watch Sioux Sports weekly on the internet? I been on the WDAZ website and clicked the link but I don't get anything to play.
  10. To me it's more of a state pride thing.
  11. I think this statement is very petty, most of the NDSU fans that came on the board yesterday were just here to say good game. They don't really deserve to be abused and belittled over it. The fans you are truely aiming your remarks at aren't the kind of people that would come on the board and admit they were wrong. I guess it's just nice to think we should and would show some class in the situation and graciously accept some compliments that are directed toward the UND football team. I personally like to see NDSU do well at all times except when in direct competition with UND, although I think most Sioux fans probably do not agree with me on this
  12. It was a good win, but we UND fans shouldn't have a big ego over the win. It is a great stand alone win, but UND would have a much tougher time if they were playing a complete schedule of 1aa teams. UND fans always blast NSIC teams that are good because they don't have to play the competition week in and week out like teams in the NCC do. It's the same situation here, it's very difficult to play at a extremely high level every week of the season. Basically being an outstanding D2 program compared to 1aa, is similar to the NSIC stacking up to the NCC. Winona State typically dominates the NSIC, but if they played in a tougher conference they would typically have 2-5 more losses every season.
  13. NDSU defense has to be a lot better than UNI's, but I doubt the SU offense stacks up to what UNI puts on the field. I think it would be a very good game, but we will have to wait a few years.
  14. Isn't the Mankato game just starting?
  15. Really the difference I see between high level D2 teams and D1aa is depth. I think the speed difference is pretty minimal. I think on average the speed difference is evident to some degree, but I think for example Grand Valleys team speed compares very well to the upper level D1aa teams. UND has certainly never been run off the field by GV's team speed.
  16. All kinds of great lineman aren't fast. Speed helps, but it doesn't make you a football player or really even an athlete. Michael Irvin wasn't considered an explosive WR, but he was still a great player. Meshawn Johnson probably runs a 4.6 in the forty but is still a very good NFL WR. Look at all the explosive track athletes that have tried to make it in the NFL only to fail, a few have made rosters and almost none have actually played much. Once again I agree with what you say to a large extent, but there are a lot of exceptions as well.
  17. I was not really making a reference to the game, just to your statement. I have not watched either team this year so I can't judge whether of not UNI will be far more explosive on the football field. I just hope UND has a strong showing and can possible squeek out a win over a team that on paper should whack them.
  18. Speed and Strength = Power, Power does lead to explosiveness, but it doesn't alway translate to the football field. I played football with some very power guys, and some of them showed no sign of it on the football field.
  19. If Mussman wasn't running the offense as Lennon wanted it, he wouldn't still have a job at UND. I don't mind UND being conservative and letting the defense be the dominating force, but they do need to open the offense up enough to keep other defenses honest. I would like to see UND take a shot down the field every other series or so, it would certainly help to open up the running game.
  20. No, but he might be getting a look from another team.
  21. It kind of seems that UND football has it's own little minor league for coaches doesn't it
  22. http://gobulldogs.truman.edu/article.aspx?id=1018 Good luck Josh!
  23. The Street and Smith's poll is off more than Lindy's, but neither are great. East Stroudsburg shouldn't be in the top 15 and North Carolina Central shouldn't be in the top 10 either. With all the player UND lost to graduation after last season I think preseason #7 is a little high. I do think UND can and will be very good this year, but preseason ranking should be based upon how the team was last season and what known talent will be back.
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