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Everything posted by BigGame

  1. Is it possible to see a replay of this game anywhere? I didn't even know about it until reading this post.
  2. After watching the game I am surprised this thread fired up like it did. UND could have easily beat Montana with even a little passing game, but when your QB's are terribly inaccurate and the WR's drop the rare pass that is thrown well your a pretty much going to suck. The boys were in position to be successful many times offensively and they failed. That is really all a coach can do, he doesn't throw, catch, block, or tackle. The players have to do that and the offense isn't very good at QB or WR right now. I really hope they find a quality transfer QB next season or give the ball to one of the freshman and let them learn on the fly because it would be a waste to start either Goska or Hendrickson next season. This is why I really miss a QB like Freund, he could scramble and was an accurate passer even though he didn't have a cannon arm. After watching Goska and Hendrickson over the last few games I think the coaching staff might need some help with evaluating QB talent because I would think being able to throw with consistency and accuracy should be a top priority.
  3. That was my first thought as well.
  4. I personally feel watching the games that UND has been a very mistake prone team and that is really the biggest reason for the poor record. It certainly hasn't just been a problem at QB it's all over the field but the QB position is the most obvious place that this is noticed. In spite of the fact that I think UND hasn't really played well for a lot of the season they have been in most games this year which is very positive. If they come back next season a little more consistent in QB play, OL play, and secondary play they will be winning a lot more games and we aren't even discussing the UND coaching jobs. I think Muss deserves at least another year and if they are as inconsistent and mistake prone next season he has to go, but I really don't think that will be the case. I do think some position coaching changes are needed for next season but I really doubt that is going to happen (just a guess though).
  5. I agree, he looks like a good athlete that throws better than Goska but is still very inaccurate.
  6. I agree to some extent but I don't think the OL talent is great right now UND has had a lot of issues with recruiting the OL over the last several years.
  7. BigGame

    SUU @ UND

    Yes, sorry I know but I just didn't make myself clear. I do actually know JK and MM somewhat from years past and I am amazed that MM has remained over JK in the coaching ranks this long.
  8. BigGame

    SUU @ UND

    I agree they need to do something and Mussman is a very good OC. The problem on defense have been going on for a while but I personally don't have any confidence in either of the co-d coordinators. I also think UND has some personnel issues that likely will not be corrected until next season, but things need to change. I am not at practice but maybe Mussman needs to change the way he is dealing with the players. Some guys respond better to a hard ass coach while other do better for a more relaxed approach.
  9. My thoughts are the defense didn't have a great game, and the only reason I say this is because they let USD covert a sick percentage of 3rd downs. The defense was on the field a way to long and it showed because in the first have the USD qb scrambled for some yard but the USD rbs didn't do anything. later in the game the rbs for USD had more success running the ball. Very little pass rush most of the day and when they got some the QB made plays like most people would have expected. They just needed to be a lot better on third down and I think some of that problem can sit on the defensive coaching staffs shoulders but certainly not all of the blame (players still have to make plays) Offensively I thought the play calling wasn't great (to much of the same stuff. I don't know how many times UND ran the fly sweep but it is a play that is typically only going to be good on the college level a couple times a game and UND ran it at least 5 times if not more. It worked for positive yards the first couple of times and then USD shut it down. I really like Josh Murry as a RB but I don't think he had a great game today. He seemed a half step slow and it cost him a bunch of yards and a couple first downs could sustained drives on third down plays if he just hits the hole a little faster. I still think he is a hell of a rb, but it wasn't a great day for him. Now on to Landry, sometimes he looks very good but he is just not consistent. His numbers looked really good last week because of all the big plays but his passing percentage wasn't that great last week consider how good the rest of the numbers were. The fumble was terrible, he should not be running the ball on designed runs (completely on the coaches), the first pick was just a little short but the WR needs to help out and not let the db catch the ball, and the last pick was bad because he had a guy wide open he just has to get the ball over the LB. I think Landry holds the ball to long, but in the hurry up leading to the last INT I thought he looked really good. The yote players must have some stick um on the gloves they wear because they catch anything that is near them, which isn't the case for the sioux. It pretty much sucks when a qb is playing well and the wr have trouble catching and vice versa.
  10. Dear Coach Mussman Please stop calling QB run plays when Landry is in the game! It is painful to watch him attempt to run the ball.
  11. They are moving the ball just not finishing and of course the pick in the end zone doesn't help. The biggest problem has been the defense not be able to get off the field, I would like the see what percentage USD is on 3rd down conversions.
  12. Does anyone know if the game can be watched outside of the region either on TV or the internet?
  13. Off subject somewhat but he actually played QB at Minot State
  14. That would be the correct answer, the quality of opponent can definitely change how well a team can execute.
  15. UND - 31 Northeastern St. - 13 I haven't seen anything offensively that makes me think UND will score 40 or more points.
  16. I didn't watch the first half but I thought the Offensive line looked decent in pass protection most of the time, but the run blocking needs to come together because it wasn't very good. I know this seems harsh but on several occasions if Landry steps up in the pocket instead of trying to run outside the pocket he would have been more effective. I really didn't like some of the coaching decisions even though most of them seemed to work out OK. Hardin looked good and it is unfortunate he had the drop on the second to last play of the game but at least UND seems to have a WR that can make some plays. On the last play Landry appeared to panic just because NIU brought 5 guys on the pass rush, I think he more time to look for a WR on the play if he would have stepped up in the pocket because it appear the O line actually handled the 5 man rush. I could be wrong on the last play because I haven't actually watched a reply though.
  17. I hope I am wrong but after last week I doubt it. NIU - 37 UND - 13
  18. BigGame

    Spring Game

    I think your correct but my statement was related to what I saw on video which doesn't always give a good view of what is really going on because I can't see the entire picture of what is happening. It looked to me like a lot of the time the QB's were tracking one guy from the start of the play and tried to force the ball in to that specific player most of the time.
  19. BigGame

    Spring Game

    I agree, the WR may need some work but the QB play was poor from what I could see on the video.
  20. That's funny because Taylor implied earlier that the coaches didn't really know the a lot of the athletes that well because they were just guys who walked on to the program.
  21. I actually learned this exact concept in a multicultural education class at UND.
  22. That is a bad injury, I ruptured my achilles about 5 years ago and it's a very slow recovery.
  23. I really wonder about the mental acuity of these fans that want Hak fired.
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