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Everything posted by BigGame

  1. BigGame

    UND @ SFA

    I am driving up from Houston on Saturday.
  2. BigGame

    UND vs NSU

    I was lucky enough to be able to watch the entire game on local cable in Houston and disagree with some of what you say. Run offense needs a lot of work, none of the backs seem to be able to break a tackle or at least they didn't yesterday (several did push the pile a little at times though). Sutton is fast, he just doesn't get to full speed extremely quickly and NSU had a lot of team speed. The Oline has a lot of work to do! Landry may have been great against Tech but he was fairly erratic at times yesterday. Even some of the catches were bad throws that WR had to adjust to catch and then could possibly get any yards after the catch. Landry also did make some nice throws though. Bamba kept falling or slipping every time he got the ball until the long TD anyway. I think if they can figure out what to do with Davis in the passing game he could make some big plays, he looks like a very nice athlete. Pass defense was OK most of the time, I think the bigger issue is getting a pass rush. UND was chasing down the QB a lot but couldn't get to him fast enough to make much difference most of the time. Needs work, but it was very clear that NSU had a pretty healthy speed advantage. I think the big pass play in the 2nd must have a mental screw up, on TV it really looked like he thought a safety was behind him but the camera work didn't show the play that closely. I thought the run D played well especially considering the amount of jersey pulling the NSU offense was getting away with. On the first drive I was very surprised NSU didn't get several holding penalties. The big standout for me was that the Sioux need to tackle better (wrap up) a few big hits with no wrap up led to first downs for NSU. Special teams was very good overall, but the punts made me a little nervous because a few times they out kicked coverage and big returns could have been had if the NSU punt returner wasn't having so much trouble. He fair caught the ball when I don't think he would or should have but I am sure he was thinking about his mishandling of the ball earlier. The offense needs to get better to win next week. SFA will be a good team and they will not be nearly as mistake prone as NSU (they were terrible). I get to go watch the this next game in person, which will give me a much better perspective about how good the sioux are and can be.
  3. Well I go to a lot of HS games in the Houston area and most don't draw the huge crowds. Typically 2-4 K per game with a few exceptions, usually specific schools like Katy draw big though.
  4. Outside of a few High Schools in the Houston area, the crowds usually aren't that big. Quite a few people just show up to watch marching bands at half time (crazy)
  5. Klancher had a lot of strong points but man did he almost always have all day to stand in the pocket and throw.
  6. I was thinking about a lot of the UND football players I have watched over the last twenty years (about as far as I can stretch the memory) and wanted other peoples thoughts. Who are the best players to play football at UND over the last twenty years? Give positions and names and please feel free to give reasons for your choices if you would like to do so.
  7. BigGame

    Brad Kelley

    I am not hurt, nor do I resent my parents. When I got the belt, I completely deserved it and didn't repeat the offense. I guess I don't fit into the nice little box you have built for all the children of the world.
  8. I think it's to bad people can't move past the past mistakes from the adminstration at pick your school (I put the blame mostly on UND, but opinions differ). UND and NDSU should be playing each other in football every year like it was in the past, it would be nice if we could just move on and do the right thing.
  9. I think they are clearly better than they have been the past several seasons, but I don't know how much of that is them and how much is a result of playing all the weak NSIC teams. I haven't seen them play this year so I don't know but I don't doubt they could have beat UND, USD, or UNO this year. I think Central Washington is likely better this year than all 3 teams I just mentioned. I hope they move on through the playoff and pound GV, but I don't think it likely they can get a win with that head to head matchup. RD17 - Does ACU have a good shot at winning the D2 title this year?
  10. UMD ends up 11-0, I wonder what that record would look like if the NCC hadn't fallen apart?
  11. BigGame

    WWU vs UND

    NDSU isn't a very good offensive team.
  12. BigGame

    WWU vs UND

    I really think the talent is down both at LB and of the DL.
  13. Greg was a volunteer and not official on staff, and Mussman is a very good Offensive Line coach. I don't think it was an intended to be a slight but I do think credit should be spread around. All a coach can do is get the most out of the talent he has to work with and put his players in the right positions. So if the talent wasn't in place the O-line would not have been good no matter who the coach is. Spread the love around to coaches and players.
  14. I work with parents and kids every day and this seems to be the case. Every year I notice less actual parenting with the average kid and more blame being placed on schools, government, and society by these dead beat parents. Why is it that every Mormon student I have is highly responsible and has a strong work ethic? It's not a religion thing; it's a family values thing that happens to be part of the Mormon faith. This isn't intended to drag religion into the conversation, just make a point about it's relation to parenting, values, and eventual success of the kids.
  15. Most people in the US seem to have lost any sense of personal responsibility. When my wife and I were approved to buy our first house about 5 years ago it was well above what we could afford and we did a little research. We actually bought a house about half the value we were approved for because we didn't just jump in blindly. People shouldn't have been approved for the loans they got but just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. It's frustrating for me because once again the government looks to bail out the idiots, while responsible people suffer.
  16. I do agree with what you are saying (or typing) but injuries that happen throughout the course of a season do have an effect on any expectations. It isn't an excuse, but with a healthy secondary this game could have had a much different result. I don't think UND has been as good on the defensive side of the football the last 3 years or so and that needs to change.
  17. Trenbeath has 13 catches for 201 yards right now, that's a great game and he may not be done yet.
  18. You are probably right, but I feel NDSU has a more hardcore fans in relation to football. UND has those fans as well, but most of them seem to focus on Hockey.
  19. Most fans in general are clueless and UND has more than it's share. I actually think the bison have a lot of fans that are good natured and realistic. We just hear to much from the minority of Bison fans that are nuts (I can think of a couple of them) and it twists our perspective of them. I would say at least in relation to football, UND has more fair weather fans than NDSU. NDSU does have better overall fan support for football even if they struggle. I wonder what the UND stands would look like if Sioux football had a couple down years in a row?
  20. When I stopped playing I was willing to stick it out for 1 or 2 years of PT, but after I got hurt I couldn't justify any more damage to my body so I walked away. It was a very difficult decision, but I still feel it was the correct one. Most of the guys that quite while I was at UND were just not good enough to ever become an everyday starter whether they were on scholarship or not.
  21. Most of the guys who choose to leave, do so because they were not going to play or contribute much.
  22. BigGame

    UW-L vs UND

    That he or she is a tool, the username says enough about what type of person they are.
  23. BigGame

    UW-L vs UND

    Maybe someone should hand out fliers "Stand up and Cheer"
  24. BigGame

    UW-L vs UND

    This is a terrible statement, shows why UND doesn't draw as well as they should. UND football has a bunch of fair weather fans that make the good fans look bad. Half the people wouldn't know the difference between Cal Poly and UW Lacrosse so why should that keep them from a game?
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