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Everything posted by BigGame

  1. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    K Dog has been on the sideline and practice and games for years. This was going on long before Muss was the coach. The sideline discipline is bad and I think we have always had a few that aren't as focused as they need to be. I also doubt many would be complaining if we won the last two games. That being said these athletes should all care more about it, you put that type of time and work in and I can't imagine goofing during a game. I don't know exactly how many guys it is that are a problem but say it's 25. What is the coaches recourse if the players have been addressed and they continue? Do they get booted from the team? Something like that would create a whole world of other problems. Maybe the answer is not dressing guys you are positive as a coach will not touch the field.
  2. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    I doubt Tibesar would be intetested. I could be wrong but it seems like he has a pretty gopd gig.
  3. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    Crazy, that would have required a miracle worker to make this defense good enough for that.
  4. We may be heading that way but we are a long, long way from being Morningside!
  5. On one of the INT's it was just a terrible read/decision he had Miller wide open in the flat with a ton of room to run. It's a very difficult job and these things will happen but the missed throws are a problem. Mollberg seems to either be on or off and not much in between. If he misses one throw you can count on it being at least 3 or 4 in a row. At least it certainly seems that way to me. When Mollberg took off and ran early in the game he got tripped up but in that play I saw what I wanted. He can move and run and run well when he wants, now if only some of that can be built in to the offense or better yet just take off when it's open sometimes. I would much rather him run occasionally instead of throw into coverage. I still like both QB's but for different reasons!
  6. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    They did shoot themselves in the foot though, he was telling the truth but it wouldn't have been enough against that team because they also got their asses handed to them up front. UND best O Lineman got his ass kicked up and down the field, that's not coaching. Now the coaching stuff involves all the stupid penalties and things like that which has been a huge problem the last two games. I think I counted about 7 missed or bad passes to wide open players and that's not counting the INT's. That sort of thing is shooting yourself in the foot IMO.
  7. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    If you actually think RT could coach and undisciplined play out of this team you're crazy.
  8. BigGame


    The only way an inside LB should man up on a guy like that is if he knocks the piss out of him at the LOS and never has much chance to run a route. The defense was bad but I watched it after because I had to be somewhere last night and the game on TV didn't look nearly as bad as the score. The reason I say that is because Montana is very good but UND made a ton of mistakes yesterday and many of those things are fixable this year. Tackling still sucks and I think improvement might require a whole new defensive unit. It sucks to watch a team that has LB's all able to make one on one open field tackles and I don't know if UND has a LB on the roster that can do it with any consistency. I like Edwards but I think at times he might actually hurt the defense pushing upfield to far on run plays and creating a running lane and Hensen seems to have the opposite problem by getting pushed back but at least both of these guys seem to find a way to get to the ball at times. I thought Corruthers looked pretty good during the plays I watched him. As bad as the secondary was I think our LB play is absolutely brutal. Zero ability to sustain good play, they make a good play of two and then give up a long TD, rinse and repeat. I almost feel like they need to recruit about 12-15 LBs next year and hope they hit on a few. My thinking is that move as much of the younger talent into play because it will be good experience and it doesn't seem like they could possibly be any worse. Even as bad as the defense is right now UND can still win games if the offense plays they way it is capable of. The defense certainly wasn't the only problem yesterday but to not manage a stop and give up so many big plays, just terrible!
  9. One thing I am certain about after reading this thread, I am very glad none of you on this board are part of the UND coaching staff.
  10. Hansen would have started all year if not for the injury. IMO last season the situation at QB was more a product of Hendrickson getting a chance and playing off the charts. If he could have maintained that type of play he would have started the rest of the season. But he was inconsistent so Hansen who was very steady got the bulk of the playing time.
  11. This is a very narrow view of the situation!
  12. I certainly don't agree with everything he has done or any other coach I have even been around for that matter, but he clearly has reason for making certain decisions. I still have no clue why he didn't let other RB's have a shot against SDSU but I would bet it would have to do with things like blocking, knowing assignments, and ability to catch out of the backfield. Miller has some big play ability but I would like to see someone else get a shot. I was also frustrated with the timeout situation on Saturday as I am sure the coaching staff was as well. But if a player brain farts and doesn't get on the field or lines up wrong and forces them to call a time out, coaches can't do much about that other than reteach and if the problem continues sit the player out.
  13. Yes, we all know you could do a much better job.
  14. His job as a coach is to what is best for the team and win the game, not entertain people who have zero attention span.
  15. It did get a lot louder toward the end of the game. I just can't understand how people watched UND score a TD and leave right after the following kickoff.
  16. He is also the guy who took a bad angle to tackle Zenner when he scored on the 4th down run.
  17. BigGame

    SDSU at UND

    Maybe he's related to Sumner?
  18. BigGame

    SDSU at UND

    I noticed on the SDSU board some of the fans are getting a little big headed. When I was reading I could only think of NDSU fans and how they now fell like they are above almost all other teams. SDSU made some mistakes in the game but not nearly what UND did. Most of the issues seem pretty easily correctable and I think by the end of the game the defense had already made some improvements. Sumner is pretty good and I think better than he played against UND but he is a long, long way from getting a real sniff at the NFL.
  19. I think he was probably referring to the fact that he threw the ball over 50 yards off his back foot. That isn't a smart pass no matter who the WR is, but some times those plays still work out. Heck Favre made a career out of the stuff.
  20. First off I think Mollberg should start and his ability to buy himself some time really helped at the end of the game. That said the QB's just very different types of players. Bartels doesn't have an overwhelming arm but given time makes great reads and can place the ball very well. (He made a great throw early in the game dropping the ball between some defenders. Mollberg is a great athlete with great arm strength. Struggled with accuracy his first series but calmed down and was good after that point. Joe doesn't currently seem to be able to use touch and drop a ball into a hole in the defense but I think that is something that could come with time. I like both QB's but against a D line like SDSU's Mollberg's mobility makes a huge difference.
  21. I think we talk pretty good about Harden and the other WR's
  22. BigGame

    SDSU at UND

    The tackling was good at times and bad at times but it way better than last year. I thought D. Brown did an outstanding job tackling Zenner for most of the game, even though he isn't the guy you hope would be tackling the RB.
  23. BigGame

    SDSU at UND

    I thought the d line had a good second half.
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