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Everything posted by AlphaMikeFoxtrot

  1. Marijuana and decriminalization had a good night. Cheers to that. Also, it looks like cowardly populists calling themselves the silent majority are still a meaningful segment of the population. Lame.
  2. Not sure where to put this, but US-born MJ players are getting burned. Too bad NCAA is so unreasonable about their amateur status, even after moving to full COL scholarships.
  3. Whatever happened to the guy in suburban Minneapolis that burned down his house and blamed antifa?
  4. Only Idaho and Vermont have a higher percentage inflow vs. Outflow compared to Oregon according to September data. Washington not having an income tax helps put in the top ten for net migration inwards as well.
  5. Santa Monica has a really bogus rental law that reserves a large segment of the available units for people below a certain income level (60k a decade ago when a friend got one) to encourage bohemians and artists to live there. In practice it results in people with income they can hide, be it family money or black market. If you make 60k before taxes it's not like you can afford 2k a month in rent.
  6. On that note, sounds like the pod was absolutely the right choice:
  7. There are some inconsistencies between what she has said and the police report. In the original article in the Toledo paper from 2016, she said that the other boy was friends with Isaiah to the point of sleepovers, but then in the police report she said they knew where Miller lived, but not the other boy. Also, the smashing his head against the brick wasn't mentioned in the police report. The whole "he rollerblades past our house to torment him" seemed like a stretch too. She controlled the narrative with skill, I'll give her that. Note: Miller's parents are clearly worse people, they just haven't said anything so there's nothing to scrutinize on their part.
  8. The kid isn't the winner here. The whole world knows that he is mentally disabled and has a psycho dad (charged with assaulting a soccer coach for not giving their other son enough playing time as a pre-teen). A few pages ago I mentioned a childhood friend of Miller’s that defended him on Twitter and got harassed to the point where he protected his account. The biggest revelation of his defense was that they were under the impression he had ADHD, not a mental disability. The only winner is the victim's mom. Isaiah himself only spoke one line the public; she wouldn't stop talking. Seemed like she had the bone to pick, not her son. I feel for Isaiah, and truly hope this doesn't result in any collateral damage for him or his brother, who appears to be on the soccer equivalent of the NTDP.
  9. Everyone playing this year was granted an extra year of eligibility. Curious if we will push anyone out the door that still has eligibility.
  10. I'd take that over fighting hawks. *runs across campus from angry mob*
  11. Watching PCU tonight after this debacle.
  12. Nope. He posted two screen shots of a note he wrote, and people were calling him a liar and what not.
  13. Miller's childhood friend @nateking30 is a goalie in juniors right now, and is also black. He defended Miller on Twitter but has now locked his account after harassment. "How dare you defend a kid for harassing a black kid!" - grown adults harassing a black kid. Yes, this is an oversimplification for dramatic effect, but the outrage mob is a plague.
  14. The outrage mob is hopefully satisfied. As long as the NCAA doesn't step in, (and they shouldn't considering their lack of action when Ben Finkelstein used a racial slur in a game last year and was remorseless when Providence's coach called him out on it) he is now in a position to show remorse and redeem himself. If UND needs to throw a bone to the outrage mob, pull his scholarship a la Frattin. It's not likely he will sign in the NHL as a free agent after all this. Maybe he should major in Norwegian or Russian for his inevitable overseas career.
  15. Smoking DOPE?!?!? What a bunch of thuggish savages. Lock them up and throw away the key
  16. Oh man, what a load of crap. Mister Dobalina has to be mad that he shared airtime with this liar.
  17. There's no way he didn't know. Either the school or the editors at the Gerald told him to omit it from his reporting.
  18. I agree, and was hesitant to share what I saw.
  19. https://www.wtol.com/mobile/article/news/father-arrested-charged-with-assault-at-kids-soccer-tournament/512-1db62ad7-f1d3-464e-a501-4783f6a8ddf4 This is obviously not absolving Miller in the least.
  20. The parents coming out of the shadows and owning up to their role in this is probably the best possible resolution in the short term. Speaking of parents, the victim's dad apparently has some skeletons in his closet too, and doesn't have the defense of his frontal lobe not being fully developed at the time.
  21. Morrow a B and Blake a C on central scouting list. Definitely a down year for us, but with the extra eligibility year granted, hopefully we get some graduate guns for a year a la Michaud over the next few years.
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