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Everything posted by AlphaMikeFoxtrot

  1. If you live in Boise, Colorado Springs, Tuscon, I'll give you that you live somewhere better. Maybe a few others, none of which are likely to include wherever you're at. Portland's best years are behind it, having "arrived" as a destination. But the only people affected by the protests/riots are literally ivory tower liberals living in high rises in the Pearl or South waterfront.
  2. Even though the mods shot down your "theory", you still believe it to be true, no matter how preposterous it sounds. A good reminder of how there are so many of your fellow QAnon freakshows.
  3. Glad to have you aboard, although the taxing to recoup previous enforcement costs is stupid and will not happen. First off, there is no God. Second, a brief psychoanalysis of our posts would show between the two of us, one is high risk for abusing women. Hint: I am not the high risk. For you to go from using degrading language about a woman to accusing others of "oppression" would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
  4. As has happened probably a dozen times now, you refuse to answer a question from me. If you want to hammer Kamala (not sexually of course, you wouldnt know what to do) on her marijuana convictions, and are supportive of legalization, criticize away. Otherwise, you're just a lonely incel projecting your frustrations with an entire gender upon her in your psychotic rants.
  5. Unless you are unequivocally in full support of the federal legalization of marijuana, as well as expunging all records relating to it, you are the one lacking in footing. I sure as hell want to see that, so I have the right to criticize her record. Do you?
  6. Sorry, but you've disqualified yourself from opining on her. Got nobody to blame but yourself. Where you go one you go all
  7. So you're saying that she would be the "law and order" candidate?
  8. Didnt realize I was on the clock. Some people have actual things to do with their lives.
  9. I have no qualms with them being locked up. Pulling back from the militarization of police will subject us to lousy people feeling empowered, and I cannot emphasize this enough, on both sides. The kidnapping plot was anti-cop right wingers feeling precisely that.
  10. Being a vet doesn't excuse anything for anyone involved in the protests. Play with fire, get burned.
  11. Hmmm. Sure enough. Didn't hear about that or notice it when I scouted out downtown a few months ago. EDIT: right after riots started in April/May I went to my office to grab stuff and noticed the statue was TP'd, which is harmless. It's right by the police station that's ground zero so not a surprise it's been vandalized. Disappointing though. There's a herd of elk that live near my beach house and I walk by them with my surfboard all the time. Beautiful creatures.
  12. This is a hockey forum! Get that ish outta here
  13. Yeah. It's right by my office; the statue is on a ~8 ft platform in the middle of the road and the lanes part around it.
  14. Trump trash toppled and stole an iconic statue downtown too. Sad.
  15. Ask the Portuguese how full on legalization of all drugs is going. Hint: far better than anyone expected.
  16. Boogaloo boys I believe, which are anti-cop/govt right wingers and similar to the Bundy crew from Eastern Oregon.
  17. WaPo recorded their failed sting and made a fool of O'Keefe's employee. Want me to find the link? Also, look up their recent failed sting in the Carolinas with a guy named "James Fortune". They once again left with their tails between their legs.
  18. Literally the most important takeaway from Boys in the Hood. For someone who dislikes identity politics you're focusing on the race and not the action.
  19. He has an intangible value for the fan base being a local guy who chose to sign there as a coveted free agent. Letting him even think about walking is mistake.
  20. Pence is a better debater, and he won in the sense that he performed better. Kamala didn't tank, and that's all she had to do. Can't imagine this moved the needle for anyone. It was at least watchable.
  21. So what did he say this evening about what will be done to protect pre existing conditions?
  22. The question was what will he do to protect them. He never answered that, instead reaching back to the previous topic.
  23. Pence dodging the pre-existing condition question made the packing the court question a wash to any objective observer. He did a better job hiding it, though, and most people are stupid and/or blindly partisan.
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