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Everything posted by Cratter

  1. Great coaching move to switch the line up. Sioux were playing TERRIBLE hockey until that point. Carpe Diem.
  2. stupid dataflix. 2 shots wow in 3rd?
  3. It's sad when Lundbohm would have dove there he would have drawn the penalty.
  4. Bina got an assist on Genoways goal.
  5. Duluth is playing good in front of the nets, clearing pucks etc
  6. Wow Parise was an animal that shift.
  7. I was just thinking how good the Sioux are playing. Then Fuher scores. Let's play with the lead.
  8. I wonder if dataflix will pick up the duluth feed like they did for the Denver series on Fox Sports Net.
  9. Fridays or Saturdays game?
  10. Comparing anything SDSU to UND is laughable.
  11. What no talk about your "goal" being to win only one game?
  12. So much for moving up to play greater competition and increase your "image" 4 of the 7 (that I know of) schools were D2 3-4 years ago.
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