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Everything posted by Cratter

  1. Not to nitpick but no one is "serving" alcohol in the public parks (at least not the gathering in the park). Then I would agree lets have them get permits like a bar. Every "major" city in ND besides GF already has this proposed ordinance. Like I said, I don't want to tell my grandpa he has to put away that beer because he's breaking the law when we have our family reunion in the park. Wait maybe they should just called it the UND Springfest permit: I wish someone the the media would ask specifically how making people poses permits to allow them to poses alcohol is going to help "control" springfest and give the police a greater presence, besides there being fewer people "drinking" because they didn't get a permit. Maybe the media could print the proposed ordinance, although it appears they are rewriting it or maybe someone can look up the ordinances already in place in other cities (not just ND).
  2. The person/group who destroy public and/or private property during Springfest would be liable for any and all damages regardless if they had a permit. Besides the permit is not about destroying property, it is about having one in order to drink on city parks.
  3. Its a sad day when the City Council is going to make a 35 year old man enjoying a BBQ in Riverside park get a permit to drink that Miller High Life (and now even pay??), because one day out of the year UND students get together at University Park to enjoy the end of school, listen to music, drink, and hang out with their friends before they go home for the summer. Is it another way to tax the folks? I don't believe permits are generally free?
  4. Here's the revised edition: http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/12874883.htm
  5. Exceeded its allocated data transfer.
  6. Then the next year Brian Gionta cried tears of joy after BC won against the Sioux in the NCAA title Game while Jeff Panzer was the one crying.
  7. I do believe there is music going on, and I have seen a few people dancing to that music the last few years in the park. Therefore in a way it can't go "back" to its tradition. But yes in a way, the Herald got it wrong. The official "Springfest," per se, is actually about music sponsored by the University Programming Council in which they pay bands to come to UND to perform for UND students for (generally) free....the Violent Femmes in the lawn by Twamley, Sugar Ray in the Ralph, or Guster in the Alerus Center.
  8. Where does this shortfall money come from?
  9. http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/12828914.htm I guess they want to send a message.
  10. Channel 23 in Grand Forks right now on the Fighting Sioux Sports Network at 5:30 the ads of (each about 10 seconds long) with a midcontinent logo in the bottom right hand corner and www.fighting sioux.com in the bottom left with REA siouxshop in the upper left: we have something for everyone! (pictures of kids wearing sioux gear) 2008 World Mens Curling Championships North Dakota Fighting Sioux Backpack Fighting Sioux Rocks T shirt Personalized UND apparel from the siouxshop Sioux Shop Hours: (etc) Rent the Betty call Insiders sign up today latest news concerts Tour the ralph 777.6636 Single events suites avaiolable call 777.4920 Gus Macker 3-3 Basketball tournament Wild vs panthers friday sept 23 Mardi gras rally for relief alerus center Fighting sioux football tickets on sale now Mens womens hockey tickets avail sept 13 Oh yeah I almost forgot there is some music in the background playing...not to bad either I might ad.
  11. Thanks for posting.
  12. Do you not see the never ending circle? He makes good points...you make good points. One side wants answers to questions....the other side wants answers to questions. Kracker could ask you question like "show me how the name is honoring me." When I am a NA and and I see this every day. I guess the horse isn't dead yet. Its obvious GK is getting under your skin.
  13. The NCAA could care less about signs at a hockey game directed at them.
  14. Student tickets are sold out.
  15. The Fargo media seems absolutely desperate to get into the Big Sky. They probably call Doug Fullerton every other week: Kolpack: "You going to talk expansion at this meeting." Fullterton: "Yeah we do every year....but
  16. Here's the correct link to the "Hendrickson is Gone" story.
  17. On a side note: Only people who don't live in Grand Forks called it "the forks." duh.
  18. Reminds me of the Michael Moore film, Bowling for Columbine. Moore was astonished that Canadians would leave their doors unlocked during the daytime. He went to Toronto and just opened peoples doors... Meanwhile I was astonished he was astonished.
  19. The University of North Dakota failed their proposal was turned down. http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/n...al/12550602.htm
  20. Try not to bitch about it then like some people... and try not to outlaw it like some people... aka smoking ban..... don't like don't go..... cause many people will go and enjoy themselves.
  21. Uptown Downtown is my new favorite bar.
  22. Cratter

    Sioux vs Winona

    Exactly. Wear down the other teams defense. Sioux football = pound the ball in. You have a higher success rate when you gain 3-4 yards (or 2 bubble screens) a play compared to shooting for 20 yards every few downs.
  23. Nice try. Rule of 1. NEVER and I mean NEVER pick the "TEAMFAN" as a name on a message board. It's a dead giveaway. You'll want to use something neutral like Dalmations or Sesame. 2. All three of your posts should try and not "diss" your "favorite team" while praising that of their rival. It's a another dead giveaway. 3. Try not to "rejoin" the same day as your other name is banned. It's another dead giveaway (Siouxfootballfield) I know you can do better....NDSU fans just need to try a little harder, nothing wrong with that.
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