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Everything posted by Cratter

  1. I agree , every city you listed would be an awesome host for the Final Five, and it should be rotated....and that is nothing against MN, more to be fair to AA, Denver, CC, WI, MT, etc.
  2. Cratter

    Go Sioux

    AMEN. GO SIOUX. Did I give you permission to quote Theodore Roosevelt?
  3. Since no one responded, I'll be the first... Cool, cool. I agree the Ipod is overpriced, but credit Apple for the marketing buzz. It is/was a very unique and awesome piece of hardware, but I think in a few years you will see it's market share disappear as Apple is known for not listening to it's customers. For example the new ipod should be able to play VIDEOs as well as pictures. The ipod flash doesn't come with a screen??? Very disappointing. I believe the mp3 market will deteriorate as mp3 as integrated into phones, pda, Playstation Portable, etc. I don't know maybe this isn't legit, and the moderators can censor this if they wish, but I frequent vastlane.org, and they clearly demonstrate that anyone who wishes to view nytimes.com articles can use their account of vastlane;vastlane to get in.
  4. I think HS hockey adds a prespective of this board, but I do not want to see this turn into a UND HS hockey board. There seems to be 4 top topics on HS hockey right now in the community forum, maybe that is just because there is the state tournament going on, but I have seen others sign up just for the HS hockey. Maybe if it was kept to a couple topics it'd be great, and try not to let things get overboard. Just my two cents.
  5. A while ago, I emailed RT to find out and try to stop the speculation of how much UND gets from REA or how much if any rent UND has to pay REA for it's use. I have my doubts both ways. I don't think UND actually does get that much money from REA, and whatnot. A few months ago the New REA announced it's community impact and I pointed out that maybe a few things about REA and maybe it's not making as much money as people think. As sales and price increased so did the Entity of REA. If you look "Game Management" increased dramatically from the old REA. RT in his email to me seemed vague, and sounded like a typical politican.....
  6. If it happens, it's completely stupid. You don't cancel a season, then have it. Noone cares at this point. Is there going to be an "****" next to the winner?
  7. Do you have to log in to even read the posts, because I can't even see anything. On a related topic, I found Siouxtalk.com, which like the WCHA forums is relatively new.
  8. Speaking of waitresses and their opinion of the forecheck as stated in the article, I went to get my haircut today and the lady starts talking about the world juniors and how fun and exciting hockey it was to watch and how fast the skaters were, clean passes, etc and their forecheck.... Ok, I made the forechecking part up, but still
  9. The Dakota Student review http://www.thedakotastudent.com/vnews/disp...3/4202aa583bf9f
  10. And at the same time, other similar cities will be growing, as will the hole country. The Twin Cities will grow exponentially, and so will other cities, such as Sioux Falls, making "200-220,000" the norm. See Sports Illustrated! 'Nuff said.
  11. You better scan back a long ways many moons.
  12. Was President Bush's speech shown live in Bismarck?
  13. You see I would have replied, but I promised myself to quit replying to MORONS. Was I boasting about getting a "call center." Or was I pointing out facts? Unlike you, I don't have the need to bring down others by posting off topic discussions that don't relate. I also think GF is hurt, by Fargo's closeness, in that all the news viewed in GF (except for WDAZ) is produced in Fargo. Same with Saint Cloud, MN and how it doesn't get its own local news station because it's close to MPLS/STP (to my knownledge).
  14. Is Lefty still going to post?
  15. Speaking of Bismarck, in the a recent issue of US News & World Report, Thomas Hayden wrote an article "Ways to Fix Your Life" and one of the topics was move to Bismarck.
  16. Here is what I was specifically talking about how Fargo's growth has helped Grand Forks. http://www.sei-it.com/newsarticle.asp?News_UID=1 They hired 75 professionals and 200 more employees in a couple years. They stated that
  17. Star2City, I assume you have read this: http://www.duluthsuperior.com/mld/duluthsuperior/8867365.htm as it relates to what you have said before. GF was there first option to locate their headquarters, but (I believe) because of GF's business sense it didn't happen, talk about a wasted opportunity. The company says "He said Cirrus is approached weekly with unsolicited offers from communities hoping to lure the company away from Duluth." Hopefully GF is pushing hard to get a Jet division if/when they do expand as Cirrus and UND have already partnered up.
  18. If they close down can I buy a cheap home out there?
  19. Well said. I wrote a simple post and all of a sudden I get ripped on by "Fargo backers" for comparing GF to Fargo. Which is not my point. My point was does having one of the greatest Midwest towns located only 70 miles away help or hurt GF, because everything GF does gets compared to Fargo and/or the competition for people and businesses? Sorry Bison fans for comparing these two ENTIRELY different cities. No common interests whatsoever. Fargo is great, see FargoBisons posts about fargo having "regional shopping center" and a mall, while GF only has a mall, Fargo has 2 hospitals compared to one, GF is a dump and shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence. For all intensive purposes they are alot alike in the perspective of the world (thinking this far may be hard by some bison/fargo people). I guess one cannot compare a 70,000 to a 170,000 towns anymore. I can look up facts that state my point because NATIONAL databases often compared GF, Fargo, Sioux Falls, Bismarck, Billings, St. Cloud, Omaha, but how dare I even mention the two in the same sentence, unlike what some people think when they "think about other towns GF/St.cloud/rapid city does not equal Fargo/Sioux Falls". But it is not worth my time to look up facts. And then I get pointed out by bison fans that Fargo is not a Midsized town, WHO CARES??? It's all subjective. Why the constant nitpicking? I guess it was to much of some to try a higher order thinking. Try for a second to think my intent was NOT a GF vs Fargo thing. DaveK hate is a strong word, I don't "hate," but it gets the point across better. Grand Forks needs to quit being like Fargo? What does this mean? Grand Forks should stop trying to better itself and become big, add more jobs? Stop trying to get businesses to locate there, stop trying to get a waterpark? Bisonator your generalizations are fascinating. I hope some get my point now, there is no arguement, no GF is like Fargo (and get ripped on by The Bisonator) it was if Fargo's growth helped or hurt GF? Oh wait that's what the title topic says. Star2city makes good points. Fargo's growth overall helps Grand Forks etc. A lot of people travel to and from fargo/gf to work. Maybe they should build a high speed monorail linking the cities? It would help increase UND hockey game attendance..
  20. Thank You for making my point for me. One cannot have a normal discussion on this board and other without stupid fargo backers, butting in with no-fact nonsense.
  21. Ok Fgo/Moorehad/west fargo, DO "touch" how far is dilworth from "fargo"? Yes I agree GF, should try being itself, but it's hard when ever you talk about something on a message board you get compared to a nearby city....almost makes it impossible to establish your own identity. Yes believe it or not GF and Fargo are both MIDSIZED towns in the midwest, whether you want to believe it or NOT....
  22. Yo, young chap, settle down and learn reading comprehension. I didn't rip on your hometown, I stated I was born in Fargo, and it's one of the greatest cities in the midwest??? WOW some people, take off the blinders. And yes I have been in both FDome & Alerus, try reading my post again, Both are football stadiums...period. I didn't compare atmosphere, attendance, etc. Fargodome is good for the steep sightlines, but overbuilt at the moment. The Alerus is better for the moment in GF with a better capacity stadium (%wise) hence one of the greatest/hardest places in D2 to play. I personally think JimDahl is right the B.Ball team will benefit more than people think. More scholarhship, fans, etc, especially with the airface, which has fans from all over the world. They want to see National Teams, I personally experienced this durin the UND-Kansas game. UND will also benefit from more basketball schollarships, but another thread...
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