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Everything posted by Cratter

  1. I was able to view it, and it's a good article.
  2. My biggest complaint is it's going to be run by Carmike.
  3. watch it online for free from GVSU (apparently they're are going to show it).
  4. I'd guess 215 (or lower part of that section)? Since the band is usually in 213? So does GVSU get non General Admission tickets in the student sections? Cause I can see UND students coming to the game and sitting in those seats and then suddenly having to move.
  5. My thoughts exactly. St. Cloud didn't follow the rules then. There was no visiting team section between the thirty yard lines. (although it may be different because they have no visiting side seats directly behind the visiting team). So I guess UND broke the NCAA rules the last two years.
  6. What changed from last year to this year?
  7. Let's compromise...how about they announce it'll be on tv at about 12:00 pm on Saturday.
  8. There is a reason for everything. How hard to you think it is to get an internet broadcast working for hockey? Basketball worked fine and the other teams internet audio broadcast work fine. I seem to remember Mark Rudolph addresssing the issue......
  9. It's official. http://www.fightingsioux.com/sports/footba...RELEASE_ID=3382
  10. At lot of people have been complaining how bad the quality is this year compared to last years (satellite) broadcast.
  11. Cratter


    I predicted (or at least said that they should go for) the fake field goal. It was a replay of the playoffs a couple years ago when they faked it at the Alerus. It was a perfect situation 4th and 3(?) Glas was having a bad day, and it was to close to punt.
  12. Cratter

    Greene giant

    Good to see the players have found the board.
  13. Gotta agree Wisconsin fans are some good fans overall, if the shoe were on the other foot, I'd probably cheer "racist mascot" to just get under the other teams skin...most probably don't care about the mascot, just using it to get at the other team.
  14. Each team wins and this game is at the Alerus Center. One would think it'd almost be aguaranteed sellout, and who would have thought the Sioux would host a playoff game this year. I hope I'm not getting ahead of myself...(players disregard this thread), but I can't help myself. Even more incentive to beat Tech. I also gotta say the criticism to Belmore is undeserved, he didn't play great but he played pretty dang good considering the conditions. My only criticism was on a couple of plays he should have pump faked and ran the ball, and in the fourth quarter either have two plays already called or should have saved the Timeout by spiking the ball, ( I was at the game). Go GVSU!!
  15. Hey thanks, I didn't realize, that is pretty cool, and I also didn't know Gino still lived in GF. Thanks, I just got the message....haha I must have skipped over it reading it earlier, didn't realize until now searching for my own previous posts. As for the Undertones its getting the whole story, which NY Times does a good job of. If you left out the fact that the benefactor left out that he was an avid supporter of the name and wrote a letter to Kupchella stating he'll "take (his) lumps and walk away", you'd be missing a huge part, along with the "Nazi Parties." The average reader should know that and it adds a lot of the understanding of the situation.
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