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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. KVLY: (noun) NDSU's television broadcast chumbolone. OK, what needs defining next.
  2. And now a murder in north Fargo: Man dead of apparent gunshot wound in north Fargo This is not the North Dakota I recall growing up in.
  3. Seems like LAK have the Kopitar problem solved already.
  4. To me it looks like it's time to be a LAK fan. All their guys are locked up at good cap numbers.
  5. And the GF Herald blindly and blithely believed his story without doing any independent research. It's ... always ... all about the Benjamins. Last thought: If it got to the point where the head of EERC had do go, maybe someone with a big office on third deck in Twamley should face some scrutiny as well.
  6. <cough> A-Rod <cough-cough>
  7. You seem to be making a career and living from your time at UND more so than from your time at NDSU. And as you say: Not sayin', jus' sayin'.
  8. Lawyer jokes? Difference between a dead lawyer and a dead skunk on the road? There are skid marks leading up to the skunk. Lawyers swim safely in the ocean. Why? Sharks won't bite them as a professional courtesy. Now, back on topic, the malpractice bowl used to be played at Memorial. Is it still?
  9. Sweet. I was starting into DTs. There's a fix. Anyone predicting any surprises? I'm not. G - Johnson D - Poolman F - Simonson, Olson, Schmaltz, Poganski
  10. Khloe thinks (<-- wait, oxymoron alert there, ) that North Dakota is a mythical place like Narnia or "a real job". But, yes, Dr. Kelley should immediately boot Khloe and anyone in the pictures with her from the University of North Dakota. PS - As a German-American, I'm still pissed about the University of Idaho's moniker.
  11. Two quick items: 1. Is the right to vote *explicitly* in the Constitution? Doesn't it say the several States set the voting criteria? 2. So by your logic, I shouldn't have to show ID to exercise this (voting) right; how about when I exercise a Second Amendment right and purchase (to keep and bear), should I have to show ID then? I'll hang up and listen.
  12. My guess: Senior-Sophomore --> Simpson-Schmaltz Junior-Freshman --> Mattson-Ladue (two from same class) --> Thompson-Stetcher (two scratches) --> Ausmus, Panzarella No. Wait. Wrong year. Let's go with ... Mattson-Ladue Schmaltz-Poolman Thompson-Stecher Ausmus, Panzarella
  13. http://www.undsports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?ATCLID=3744273 http://und.edu/president/bio.cfm I'd say Faison was the AD before Kelley was in office.
  14. The acting during a flop is terrible; what makes it worse is that it's bad acting.
  15. Uh, ROK? His roots? I'd say he's representing his "roots", from "whence he came" stereotypically well. Source
  16. Irony is a harsh mistress.
  17. The family spells it Rhea and they have three girls: Dia, Pya, and Gona.
  18. Soccer reaffirms to me why I want goal scoring to return to hockey.
  19. Thirty-six miles in the Red? You call it "pretty nuts"; I call it "get your tetanus vaccine up to date".
  20. Run this concept: - Sun Belt (SBC) invites a group from the BSC (a group large enough to break away as its own western FBS conference in two years) - that group lives in the SBC for two years (teams reaching full FBS status with SBC helping with the scheduling issues for new FBS teams) - after two years that group leaves for their own pasture During the two year window, yes the "share" for legacy SBC teams might go down, or the agreement might say the newbies get no cut, or maybe the buy-in covers the difference.
  21. Vegas already has the Chicago Blackhawks as the favorites for the 2015 Stanley Cup.
  22. From Brad Schlossman's blog at http://undhockey.areavoices.com/ : Sad about Mantha; not surprised about Voltin; now, still wondering about Rowe.
  23. Direct report staff guy to #1 guy at Iowa -- promotion or lateral move? (Fiscally I'm sure it's more money.)
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