Folks, we've already been given clearance from a mouth piece of the opponents.
Remember this?
That was published in the GF Herald Wednesday, November 28, 2007.
I see your concept, but the guys in Pierre say the bunnies have to bring their stray, mangy dog with them wherever they go. That'd make twelve (your eleven plus USD).
The Power 5 conferences will get this because of the sabre-rattling being done by the SEC:
Allow me to translate the bold portion:
"Give us what we want or we're bolting from the NCAA to form our own new organization and we're taking all the money with us."
Here it is in all its glory:
I'll try to start digesting it.
I had to clean some profanity out of this thread (I'm looking at you nodak651).
And I had to clean a post quoting it (I'm looking at you Johnboy).
Forum guidelines -- No profanity. Thank you.