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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Goodness. Someone who wants to talk "football" and not just fan bluster. Can we allow this here? Will it get the both of us banned? I agree with your take. Your thoughts on these observations?
  2. Don't help them. Just put in your own entry.
  3. Interesting information on the unique position Paul LaDue is in. http://undhockey.areavoices.com/?p=100483 Because of his age ... That is a rather unique option to have.
  4. Someone said something in a different thread that got me thinking: What if the unthinkable happened -- JSchmaltz, LaDue, and Stetcher all leave early. That leaves Ausmus, Thompson, and Poolman. In the "predict the roster" thread I figured a "worst case" (lose two defensemen early) of Chartrand, Wolanin, Shaw, and Evers coming in. In a nightmare of needing five defensemen to come in, would it be those four and Gabe Bast?
  5. Boeser will be more "Nick Schmaltz" than "Jack Eichel" based on the current hype.
  6. If it's listed in the game box as two penalties, it's two penalties. http://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/en/boxscore?id=2014030111 08:23 MTL P.K. Subban Slashing (maj) against Mark Stone 08:23 MTL P.K. Subban Game misconduct
  7. Nothing really firms up until the draft gets much closer. And even then things can change quickly before the season starts (see: JT Miller).
  8. Let's face reality: A year ago we all expected Jordan Schmaltz would never play a senior season at North Dakota. My biggest fear is losing LaDue and Stetcher as well (even moreso than losing Caggiula). That would put it to three returning defensemen (Ausmus, Thompson, Poolman) and one of those played most of last season at forward.
  9. Surely the UMTC will disavow Michael Reilly as he left early for the pros and to represent the US at the current worlds.
  10. That's just PK being PK.
  11. Yeah, and you wouldn't be using the internet or cell phones without UND alumnus Harry Nyquist and his contributions to electrical engineering and communications theory. Your point is?
  12. Brock had a nice two goal game but the better guy last night? the defenseman Subban --> 2 assists, 2 penalties.
  13. http://www.inforum.com/news/education/3722735-different-takes-getting-basics-nd-minn-hope-reduce-remedial-classes-college
  14. Was that your explanation or your beverage selection?
  15. DaveK is a shoo-in! :D
  16. Cleveland reveals new uniforms. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000485371/article/cleveland-browns-unveil-new-uniforms < TV news anchor guy voice > Now we cut to our uniform critic MafiaMan. Mafia, what's your take on the new Cleveland costumes?
  17. I thought today was the day circled on Goodell's calendar: Has Adrian Peterson been officially reinstated by the NFL, so MIN can trade him to DAL, yet?
  18. Oh no, ... they'll be comparing contracts ...
  19. When you're doing terribly you'll have more help than you want.
  20. At last report (heard Faison say it in the last week) UND remains on pace to take possession of this facility on August 1, 2015.
  21. I figure jimdahl to late-entry an all-Caps team except for Fleury as his goalie.
  22. Replace "Detroit" with "Vancouver" in that first line of thinking. Replace Price with Hamburgler in the second thought process.
  23. Forum Rules Thread hijacking or killing? Troll posts? Misspelling? It's there ...
  24. I thought about him but worried he'd give up more goals in four games to NYR than others will in six or seven games of a first-round-and-done series. That, or that he'd only get three starts.
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