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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Folks do realize that Hajdu's primary responsibility is men's hockey, right? There are other assistant SIDs (responsible to Hajdu) and their jobs are to focus on those other sports.
  2. I believe Mr. Wentz knew exactly what he did, why he did it, and what the ramifications* would be. I think he was fine with all of that because he is a mature and confident young man who knows in that situation it's better to poke fun at one's self than to have the NY or Philly tabloids pick up on it and run with it in a much worse way. *One of the ramifications he had to have know was that folks in an internet age would make light of the situation. Again, he is mature and confident enough to handle that. If only all were.
  3. The best answer I can give is to look at the decision process used by NMSU. They put their numbers out there for viewing. Do I completely agree with their numbers? No. But they can back them up and made a decision from them.
  4. Oshie during the Olympics? But I thought we were talking salary money.
  5. Financial boon is probably strong given that only maybe the top 10 or so FBS schools are profitable. Personally, I'd just hope for "bleeding far less" because quite honestly, that's all the rest can hope for.
  6. Have you looked at Best Buy's market cap recently? http://www.wikinvest.com/stock/Best_Buy_(BBY)/Data/Market_Capitalization
  7. I wondered what SV was talking about. Earlier today from UND SID's Twitter (@UNDSID): By Hajdu's standards that's an epic tease. He normally doesn't float stuff like that. The new logo is clearly one (Schafer teased it already). I'm guessing Nick Schmaltz's decision (go to NHL or stay for junior season) is in there somewhere. The way Hajdu wrote that there's probably room for at least one more because "several" over "few weeks" doesn't sound like two.
  8. Headline: Number two locked in bathroom Thanks to icehawk for the inspiration.
  9. I made a mistake (not air). Corrected above.
  10. Just like Fetch's avatar.
  11. So was this poor confused soul just trying to do homework but was at the wrong spot at the mall?
  12. C'mon man, with your skills you could negotiate some sort of agreement.
  13. The passcard is only good for land or air travel and to just a few places. If you know all you'll ever do for international travel is drive to Canada, sure passcard. Otherwise, get the passport. (Actually, I have both. I carry the passcard as another form of photo ID and TSA at a lot of airports has never seen and ND DL so you get fewer funny looks.) https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/passports/information/card/Difference-Between-Passport-Book-and-Card.html
  14. Are you sure you're not talking to yourself?
  15. Oh be nice to FauxHawk. He's jocularity challenged.
  16. And a cheery same to you as well.
  17. "Have we got a college? Have we got a football team?....Well we can't afford both. Tomorrow we start tearing down the college." -- Groucho Marx in Horse Feathers
  18. And now we cut live to Mike McFeely's web cam ...
  19. NDSU to offer early retirement buyouts to fight budget woes
  20. The list? Nope. However, in releasing this at eight incoming (not nine) I read it as a positive regarding Schmaltz returning.
  21. The comments are spectacular. "Stalled in his development." http://deadspin.com/carson-wentz-owned-by-mighty-bathroom-lock-1782067687 I'm surprised someone hasn't gone to the old stand-by: "He's from ND so he's not used to indoor plumbing."
  22. The west needs two teams to make a 16/16 balance. That's why Vegas. But what's next? SEA? Another CA franchise? I just think now with ASU hockey PHX survives, but moves to a more sensible arena - closer to the snowbirds in Mesa in the SE PHX metro. My guess is CAR moves (to Quebec City or a second Toronto franchise) before FLA.
  23. Scott, why didn't you submit the nickname "martini swillin' boners" with your avatar as a logo?
  24. Not going to disagree with what you say; I'll only point out that now CHI has about $5 million to play with. They seem to make good decisions with money (as well as picks), save for the Bickell thing.
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