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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. The portal is fabulous for an underperforming P5 team: Just scoop up in toto a pre-made lower tier team that humbled the giants and viola!
  2. This has been out on YouTube since November 2021. The tweet in question is cut from it. I suspect they've hit some milestone related to the initiatives. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GX2rJW3e7QU
  3. https://www.donorsearch.net/capital-campaigns-guide/#:~:text=Typically%2C there are two overarching,a larger population of donors. Might they not quite be ready for the public phase quite yet ... Hint: This forum is not the target of the quiet phase.
  4. < angry misssspelted wurds here about lack of blue chippas and too many grindaz >
  5. I'm still concerned about the transitions at forward and adding offense and speed.
  6. Sanford, buys open dirt, along an interstate, in an area ripe for future development, ... I've heard that somewhere before ... Now I bet an interchange between 32nd Ave S and Thompson gets completed.
  7. Good question. Some big announcement Thursday I guess. Search #whatsnext on Twitter to see their tease tweets.
  8. Primeau, from Omaha, to Notre Dame, energize.
  9. Is Kleven better than Sanderson and JBD? If not, ... sing it Wierd Al ...
  10. I move HEA keeps Bucci play-by-play for them and only them forever. All in favor? AYE! Opposed? Motion carried.
  11. Midco would know viewership and demographics for NCHC hockey as well as anyone. I wonder if they would try it on their streaming platform (or if it makes sense for them): https://midcosports.com/streaming/
  12. Should that be the Weather-bye! Rule?
  13. That word ... https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/3e8121e1-5557-461d-9867-20cb81db0952
  14. I'll raise you: Why is the 2020-21 Media Guide still the only one on the Hockey page during the 2021-22 season? https://fightinghawks.com/sports/mens-ice-hockey
  15. This says "2022 Spring" in the drop down, and both Romfos are listed so it has to be relatively new. https://fightinghawks.com/sports/football/roster
  16. You nasty?
  17. Is that what you kids call it these days?
  18. You need a better keyboard operator on your end.
  19. His hometown is ... Denver.
  20. Not sure how well this is being kept up to date: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SnAo5zRTca15P0NtjXplt3_MEviK0h85QbgNmS2vxxI/edit#gid=0
  21. Daily reminder -- An optimal size for a conference is nine that play FB and three more that do not, for twelve total. That makes 8 FB games (plus 3 non-conf) and 22 BB games (and 5-7 non-conf) per season.
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