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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. http://www.bisonville.com/forum/showthread.php?43735-MVFC-football-funding-from-Kolpack
  2. Personally, nothing.
  3. Per InForum.com: ... South Dakota State spends $8.8 million a year on football. North Dakota State is next at $6.41 million and the rest of the league goes as follows in millions: North Dakota $6.02, Missouri State $5.24, Southern Illinois $5.21, Illinois State $4.8, Youngstown State $4.71, South Dakota $4.45, Murray State $4.03 and Northern Iowa $3.8. Note: SDSU's number includes debt service on stadium improvements.
  4. https://forum.siouxsports.com/topic/37909-2024-und-football/page/153/#comment-1386313 A wise man who used to haunt here would quote Napoleon: "The morale is to the physical as three is to one." That image, if real, doesn't help morale.
  5. Devil's Advocate: If that's a real problem Danny would not be insubordinate in going to Chaves. Danny didn't deal with it. He left.
  6. And walk away from $750k buyout? You might be able to, but we mere mortals ...
  7. Full buyout + hire process > $1M, easily.
  8. If date is 1/1/25 it's Following 24 mos: 265 + 275 25-36 mos after date (75% of owed): 213.75 or just over $750k.
  9. @nodak651 had the buyout language. Figure at least $500k. Found it: https://forum.siouxsports.com/topic/37909-2024-und-football/page/152/#comment-1385890
  10. Massey 15 Sagarin 9 Sagarin top 5? SDSU NDSU MtSU USD Montana
  11. Why would a TwiX called @hawkeyedonny have those images? Hawkeye ... Iowa?
  12. Not claiming real or not, but is it plausible? Plausibility is part of the problem.
  13. Generational shift …
  14. On my third machine. Godsend.
  15. Bubba looks like he needs a CPAP so he sleeps at night.
  16. Yeah but who becomes interim? Dosch? ST coach?
  17. Are naps covered under contract?
  18. What happened to the guy they didn’t hire when they hired Bubba?
  19. Need Wilkie back with Swanson to restore some line chemistry. Check.
  20. … it is time …
  21. With a $20 bill in a $2 whore house?
  22. UND traditionally runs 15F/8D/3G = 26. Yawn.
  23. Quit being rational @iramurphy.
  24. It's All Saints Day; let me prove I'm not one ... DIRECT DENVER!?!?! Mountain West here we come bay-bee!!!!
  25. Competition should help on price.
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