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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. QB2 should be getting these snaps.
  2. Inspirational.
  3. Way to waste second best run of day.
  4. No politics.
  5. Tim Dosch only one showing energy.
  6. You got $750k for a buyout?
  7. Vision.
  8. You forgot the part where we all win the lottery. A whole fantasy or none.
  9. 27-7 but your point stands.
  10. Ask me on December 8.
  11. TV has shown a couple really bad that were let go.
  12. 31 unanswered
  13. Leadership.
  14. UNLV. Air Force. DU. ASU. CC. There's a western core one day.
  15. In other news, USHL Fargo traded for a defenseman yesterday. https://x.com/FargoForce/status/1854611444874002434?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet
  16. OSU's angel is T Boone Pickens usually.
  17. If the bridge was on fire and it'd save the dog, I would.
  18. Right now any W is good W.
  19. More classic AD speak: https://sports.yahoo.com/und-determined-aligned-dakota-schools-003200587.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9mb3J1bS5zaW91eHNwb3J0cy5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAABi0OsSZzoj52ZcvTxiqn1_qk-8JMfNuk7Ua0AShXCMfC9Yf9IESBMRc7xzlw50RGaFmqDoPXwWd4avm5x9lbtZ6OqzmK1XQhxyEVdbOu6KgSkppzNrnFTxcdRXJDEt4kWD4erP6fxjrb1yKMUT5ku69KxPTAPFimcRDpzRrYACu
  20. Classic AD speak:
  21. Armacost is aware of "the picture", as is Chaves. No further comment.
  22. ... unless Fenton moved to overtake the MVFC and rebrand as "Summit Football".
  23. A FB-only might be fiscally viable, but it'd be near doubling the football spend. https://knightnewhousedata.org/reports/ca0de22d Full MWC is a fiscal death sentence (see: UND in BSC).
  24. http://www.bisonville.com/forum/showthread.php?43735-MVFC-football-funding-from-Kolpack
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