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Everything posted by The Sicatoka
Under my watch nothing will change. I am never changing anything ever. Same statement from the speaker. And avoid fast food. It's bad for you.
So it is written; so it is done. https://www.capfriendly.com/players/logan-cooley Ashes and sack cloth are the new fashion trend in Dinkytown.
Nah ... how to read a thermometer ... and not spill a dewar full of LN2 on my foot. Great read on physics requiring no more than grade eight math is by Asimov. Seriously. Yes, the sci-fi writer is also a physicist that can bring the level down. Wish I'd read it before taking any college physics classes.
I helped a buddy TA a "Physics for Poets" lab at UND. I felt safer in motors/machines lab in engineering!
Music of the Renaissance 675 conflicted with Art Appreciation.
The first statement infers exactly what you claimed it did not. nothing will change == never changing anything ever
Emery lists "Compton, CA" as a home town, but grew up in Surrey, BC. Bringing in QV, also Canadian, was a strong play by Bubs: "Don't believe me, talk to this guy who's living it the last few years. I'll be down the hall when you guys are ready to go to lunch."
Please expound on what you find disagreeable or in error.
Icing? Maybe that's another "mandatory hours" slice: In air over 90F; in air under -10F. If nothing else for the machinery effects. Funny was watching new neighbors from CA wondering why wiper fluid didn't work on their car in December. They'd only ever used water. I taught them about "the blue stuff" as they called it. If you don't know you don't know.
I've got a bushel basket full of balls and enough hair on my arse to weave a blanket and they call me "boy"? <- stolen quote from one of my dad's friends
Dear GPL lurkers, The Yotes send a note: LL COOLS ...
Every indication says this, but I find no official NHL transaction nor a contract on CapFriendly.
@Hammersmith, you're confusing me. "1500" is too much, yet an experienced pilot with a not-so experienced is what you point out to start. You even say "at least one experienced pilot on every flight." But the only way to get experience is time. I'm not big on "rectally extracted" made-up numbers either, like 1500, but you need some standard. Maybe the number could be smaller with mandatory "diverse experiences" requirements (no more than 200 hours checking insulators on poles, no more than 200 pulling banners). There should be a minimum "stick time" so you don't take off, rack three hours on auto, then land. In the Navy nuke program you had to stand "hours" on watch as part of quals but it had to be during diverse plant operations (start ups, shut downs, plant realignments, electrical load switches). That made sense to me as much as the raw "time in the box" (watch officer standing watch) to feel acclimated just being in command. That said, 1500 doesn't sound crazy, yes expensive, not crazy. It is 8000 hours to become a journeyman electrician/lineman. It is another 2000 (to make 10,000) before you can write a master electrician license exam. In closing, the riff from my favorite private pilot: There are old pilots and bold pilots, but no old, bold pilots.
I’m staying with my 4-4-2 final outcome prediction.
No Fantilli for Ann. No Cooley for Minnie. Who's the favorite in the B1G now?
Like I said: hide the sharps.
"We're fine ... " - Denial "I don't think Faber, Knies, Lacombe, Cooley, R Johnson for Rinzel and O Moore is a great trade." - Anger "Can you find me a better roster in college hockey?" - Bargaining Three of the five Kubler-Ross stages in an hour. That's a record. They'll be through Depression and Acceptance by morning at this rate. Unless they wake up with only 12 forwards. ... Oh. Wait. New Kubler-Ross cycle starts tomorrow!
Me: Geez brian, kick a guy when he's down. Brianvf: Can ya think of a better time?
Dog days of summer. Validates.
Cooley officially gone from UMn. I hope this gives UND some more thought by Mooney.
I'd call this Oh-fish-all. Wonder how much of the Dinkytown NIL he takes with him. ... Ouch. ... Too soon?
No, by "check" I mean locked away all their sharp objects.
It's even more fundamental. I refer you to 1 Timothy 6, verse 10.
Don't taunt me bro ... not even I know the reach of my powers. I think the St. Louis Blues could REALLY use one of these ...
Should Cooley officially sign, the Gophers are down to 12 forwards. Has anyone checked on GopherPuckLive?